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    Episode Comments

    • admin 1 year(s) ago wrote:

      Hi solewrecker, thanks for your comment. Likewise, A.I. intrigues me as well and I like your analogy of how it reinvents the computer as we know it. It's true because instead of relying on programming alone, we are finally letting the computer make its own decisions based on the way we train it from previous experience... much the same way we learn. We look forward to exploring other areas of technology in our future podcasts. If you have any suggestions for a future topic, please let us know! :)
    • solewrecker 1 year(s) ago wrote:

      A.I intrigues me a lot. I often think like it is reinventing the computer. For instance when the first computers were being built they were big and clunky. But ultimately came mainstream and are in our daily lives. I think A.I. is the exact same. It's clunky, some people hate it others like it but eventually will be a part of our daily lives.

  • Podcast Transcript

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    Everybody ! And welcome back to the seventh episode of the polyChromatic Podcast. I'm your co-host, Zach, along with co-host Elaine, Zack's mom, and Oh my gosh, really... Seven. It's looking that way. Actually, it's eight. Well, we've got. We're losing count already. Yeah, it's already eight, twenty four on Sunday. Where'd this week go ? You know what ? I really had planned, as you had as well, to do another podcast mid week. And it just didn't happen. And we're going. Whoa, We gotta really get back into this because we're enjoying it so much in my week. Seems kind of empty without it. Yeah, I'd say so. It's so crazy how time definitely gets away from us. So all right. So anyways, Yeah, today we went to church and we went grocery shopping. So now we've got a full fridge full of food again, so we don't have to go shopping. What for, hopefully three weeks ago. We are doing so well. We tend to plan our menus really well. I'm quite impressed with little waste. And we buy a variety of things and then we have them freeze the meat half and half so we can kind of split it up so we're not eating something. So so much at once. And yet it isn't it awesome, Zach to go over there up in the fridge and is totally full. It's like, oh, we actually can couldn't have have a selection of food here. Yeah, and we've been really heavily into the. Into the BBQ chicken. Oh my gosh, that's a specialty here at this house again. Well, yeah, the way you make it as. Oh goodness, I come home from work. I can't tell you what this is like. And I'm starving because I just have a protein shake. Because my job is non - stop from the time I get there till I leave. And this has happened a couple of times where I walk in and I smelled that barbecue and I'm like, Oh, I love you so much ! It's barbecued chicken night. Yup. Oh, I know how your tail is wagging. Is a wagon when each time I make it. Because first, you know, used to not really be into barbeque chicken, but I think I. I snuck one past you there and got you pretty hooked. Well, I think for me it was mostly that you hear about barbecued beef and. And the BBQ chicken. I guess I never really thought of that much. I. You know, I know what's around now, but it's always always thought that beef was the go to for barbecue sauce. You now and then we found this Austin. Is it Austin's ? Isn't that the time zone ? Austin's one. Oh, you guys, you gotta try it. Man, that stuff has a little zing to it, but it's the flavors. Magnificent. And what Zach does as he puts it in what I call a crock pot. I don't. Not sure that's the term for what he uses, but it's similar to that. And man, he lists it. Cook all day long. So why ? And it's done. Oh my gosh, the chicken is so tender and that the barbecue sauce has had an opportunity to really marinate with a mate. Oh yum, yum yum ! And also we. We took something that we previously enjoyed in and we rarely a one time. Both really heavily into noosa yogurts, but nooses really kind of gone down the drain there. I think there's a lot of water content. I don't know what they've changed with it, but it used to be a lot better. Used to be a lot creamier and so what was funniest. We used to buy them. We used to fight over the yogurts, you know how many have you had, you know, etc. And then finally reached the point where we were not eating them. And we were kind of trying to figure out why why gotten away from eating them some. And I think you had this as well. So we're finding yogurts at the back of the fridge that we're going to waste. And they are expensive. They're like a dollar, seventy nine, two dollars each. Something like that. And so finally, I took the plunge one day and I saw we. Which is French for Yes, by the way, and all I gotta say is we we because the oui yogurt, which is a French yogurt by yo yo play, And oh my gosh, they are these. What are the the dollar seventy nine normal price of two dollars and nineteen cents for the coconut ones. What originally started for me as I saw the coconut ones. And so they were two dollars, nineteen cents like a just, you know, just to try out and see how they were. And then I didn't realize this. But they actually had regular yogurts that were cheaper. And let me just say, reminds me a lot of when I first tried Noosa. You're getting high quality yogurt and I don't know. I guess Noosa was Aussie yogurt, Aussie style yogurt, which I think. I'm not sure if it's two percent or what kind of milk they used, but used to be a lot creamier. This is actually whole milk. And if you know anything about the French with the way that they make cheese and the way that they make dairy, ooh, la la la la la. They. They get really serious. They actually do mix a lot of air into their dairy products that gives it that really fluffy, fluffy texture. And you know, the. The French are very serious about their cheeses, so if that's any kind of testament to their dairy products, I can tell you that in. Again, some people might be listening to this podcast and saying you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Because that's not French yogurt. Well, if that's the case, then I'm all the more impressed because you know, Yoplait has nailed it with this. And. And I think it's different enough that to me, I mean, I think the qualities there between the fruit and the. And the yogurt. I think they really were smart to put this in glass. The glass. You know, no matter what anyone says, I mean, I'm older. We used to have milk delivered in glass bottles. Milk tastes different in glass bottles, and it does cartons, yet. Plastic, and also the. The paper cartons. And I just have to say that this is it comes in the theater. Really cute little glasses that they. That they come in and we were thinking we should do something really cool with these glasses and make them into candles or something because they're really adorable and I dunno. Maybe we'll do that and give some for gifts or something because they're just really cute. And they're nice. They're nice glasses. But anyway, I'm I back sack all the way. And honestly, when I used to eat nooses AK, I felt like I. I. We both love whipping cream. I almost felt like there's a whipping cream, texture and flavor. And it was just like I would just sit there in front of the TV. As in California at the time when Zach discovered them, he told me about them and I went and bought a couple and they went, Oh my gosh, these. I would just take little tiny bites because I want to set. Savor it that much and for hours, or as long as I could. And I. Yeah, it's true what he said we. We were finding that we're buying this isn't gonna really don't want that. And so thanks. Exactly. Found the wheeze and you know, they're not real big, but they're big enough. Yeah, sometimes I'm wanting more than one. But I will say this When I first came across the nooses, I was getting completely cracked out on them. I remember I would buy I don't know, maybe a half a dozen. Here's the thing is, back in the day and you know, my go - to yogurt and you can laugh. Okay, is, I'll get to just standard yoplait ones, not the, you know, sugar free or low color ones, but just the standard yoplait ones in. Back in the day I think they were like maybe forty five cents, fifty cents each. And this is back when I was a poor student and I remember I had a hard time justifying maybe pint spending, you know, no pain for four or five yogurts on a given weekly trip. And when I got the nooses I was pulling, you know, six twelve, eighteen in my cart and you know, usually shotgun in two of them at a time, back to back, sometimes three or four. I think at one point I do not exaggerate. I think eight five in a row. I know that sounds funny. And then you know, with these. And then you know, like I said, the with the nooses, they just didn't like the the the the maintain the quality throughout the pandemic. That's when I start to notice a difference in a lot more watery and independently. My good friend Scott also had noticed this, and you'd notice this as well. So I feel like we weren't crazy, but someone completely outside that. I asked, you know, I think I might have gotten Scotland the nooses as well. Not one hundred percent sure on that, but you know, he. He knows the same thing independently. And so I showed him the Wii yogurt the other day and he's like, dude, this is just exactly like the way the nooses used to be. And you know, several years back. And so anyways, the. The moral of the story is, I need to be watching out how many of those I eat because I'm not mobile anymore, you know, are not as mobile since I'm still doing physical therapy. And suffice to say this a little bit embarrassing, but I've gained fifteen pounds and then slim due to begin with. It's not that big a deal, but I know it bothers you, you know. Yeah, Well, and anyways, the. The bottom line. All I just wanted to say is yes, they're. They're. They're sold in glass and they're amazing. They. They taste amazing. They are high quality, but they do have. They do have about seven grams of fat per per each one. And as far as using the glass, you know, we were originally planning, while at least I was planning on recycling them somehow. You know, using them various ways, not just recycling them is sad to see all that glass, you know, go in. It's very unusual to see things that are, you know, packaged in glass. So, but you know, we have a whole grocery bag, whole big, you know, and paper bags, you know, w. Two or three ply grocery bag just sitting here in our kitchen full of them that were ones, the ones that we've washed. And I would say if they were like another, maybe two or three ounces larger. I think we could use them as cups, but they're just kind of small for for the purpose of repurpose. Name as as drinking glasses. Well, you know what ? We're just going to be creative because I think we'll find more than one way to to use them. But I think that Noosa needs to step up, step it up and I'm wondering overall, but we'll have to check this out just on our own and see if their sales have gone down. Because really, it's not the same. And we used it just like Zach said they would. Mouth watering. So yeah, we're with the Wii's and buy buy new says so anyway, Yeah, what you think. And before we did our podcast. This evening we were watching Netflix and there was this some documentary we came across about the Murdoch murders and then South Carolina and it's a big scandal in two thousand and nineteen. NB became kind of hook and mashed with awe watching this similar going way. We got a podcast to do, but honest to goodness, I don't know where this is going to go, but we watched about one and a half watched the first episode, Matt, half of another one, we said, Nope, we gotta go do our podcast. But whoa, I was just like taken back by the lack of of care that that Murdoch's very wealthy family who have had centuries as well. Maybe not centuries, but I want to say generations of their male members. I don't know. I don't know that there's any females. That's what I'm saying. Male members have become attorneys and some of the things that they're doing to try to cover up this number one death. Supposedly from the beginning, they said that there's five deaths connected to the Murdoch's. That happened in six years. And so were. We found out what the first death is. So we'll be. We'll keep you posted on that one if you want to, if you. If you like documentaries. And I think this one's actually actually pretty good. So I would. I would recommend it so far. I mean, even after just one and a half episodes, I was pretty into it. I would say the two words I can think of is, it was mesmerizing as a. As much as it was, I was enraptured by what I was seeing and it's like, just like any good book that you would pick up or any really good movie as you can easily get lost and. And be telling yourself only one more episode, only one more episode before long your binge watched the whole thing, so I dunno how many episodes it is, but if it ends up being forty six, is probably easily single sit down or two two times. Sit down. You know it's silly, but my problem, as I've mentioned before in this in our podcast, is that I start watching this stuff and I mean, I can't stop watching it. And that's why I watch movies. I mean, there's a lotta series I know that are. That have been recommended to me and are really good, but I just have a very hard time when to stop you. Now. It is like reading a good book like you don't want to put it down. You want to know where it goes. And that's the way some of these series and this one just seems really intriguing. And also it very upsetting and very disappointing considering I don't want to give anything away. But the whole attitude of the Murdoch family after this first death was just unbelievably sad and disappointing that people really don't care more. And I'm it. It really bothered me. But anyway, what I was going to sue. Another thing is, you know, to me, I think I noticed the other day when I was on your TV, I said, man, that guy looks crazy. So the cover art for this shows, you know, Papa Murdoch. I think it is. I dunno what his name is, but and he's got like black eyes. He like. I mean, I don't mean to judge people because you know, it stuck to judge a person by the cover. But I saw the very intense look on his face. You know, I'm not sure if he's drunk or. But you know the ways he's looking at at the camera and the way that his eyes are kind of. I mean, just the way it's shot. His eyes look like they are blackie. He kind of is given off a bit of an anti Christ kind of vibe. I feel like we have to wash the rest of. It's really kind of develop our own opinions. So I don't mean to judge a person based on their looks alone, but I. The cover art is what really made me interested. While his eyes look like daggers, come exactly that arise, that's putting it. So anyway, that's what we've kind of been up to in a very productive day for me. I got up early this morning. I'm trying to get into being more productive at home. I work a lot of hours at work while I work forty hours. But my days, as I said, they're jam packed so you don't often have a lot of energy. And with things we've been through with Sack losing his leg and then I had some major surgery in November. I'm still recuperating from that. So I'm trying to start getting back into my life and getting things organised a bit around the house and going to start get touching base again with some people I really love. I haven't talked to in a long time and so today was a good day for me. Yeah, I had a good day as well and it's weird how the weeks have been going by really fast, but I'm also involved in physical therapy and things seemed to be going pretty well. With that. I'm able to spend some some time upright himself, emulating, you know, without crutches, but it's. It's kind of limited because I can get exhausted very very easily. You know I. I. I would say it depends. But for me, you know, a walking sustained, you know, like I am PT walking thirty feet. My muscles are just completely tired, but I am seeing progress and it's so cool. He actually is walking now without his hat. His. While not completely while you were today, I know without them. Yeah, and not saying completely like you're doing at all one hundred percent of the time. But you. You are on your lay quite a bit today without them. And oh my god, you're looking good. Sack. I mean, it was really impressive at church because so many people just have big smiles on their face. And one gentleman, it was just so kind, said something similar to. You do not believe how happy it makes us to see you with your lake and that it's. It's a source of inspiration for people to know where I was to, to where I am now. You know where I'm able to spend some time and you know, and again, you know I'm not able to weight bear through the prosthesis. I mean, it causes pain and stuff. But. But there are moments where I'm able to walk without them, you know, for short, very short periods. And yeah, he knows it's nice to see some of this function coming back, cause it's really hard to be constantly presented with that. I mean, there's still a lot of challenging aspects to my life nonetheless, but I do feel blessed to have the prosthesis and also things on the GoFundme front have been going awesome. And you know, Lily, often that family, she donated again, bless her heart, is the third time she's donated. And God, you know, a. I'm very touched by by that entire family and how they invited me in. Almost like a member. You know, like I said, I knew Andrew from work and you know, the entire family they chipped in. I mean, we're talking about thousands of dollars to help, you know, really, really push the GoFundMe, you know, into the. Into the thousands for support. And ultimately we'll see. But I'm either going to use that money to help buffer me through with health insurance, you know, to have my Cobra health insurance until I can get back to work and. Or I've done some research. There's actually a play guy out of Texas and his name's Lane. He too is an amputee right around the same time I had my amputation or not. Amputation started at the same time that we had cancer and around two thousand and five. I think he would have not hundred percent sure, but I think he ended up with an amputation around the time I ended up with my endoprosthesis. Suffice to say, he developed something called the hydro hand clutch and it basically allows you to drive a car that has a clutch and it's actually in a race car of just how you kind of. You know it's his track record is, you know where it's being tested on on the proving ground that's being tested and it's pretty impressive. It means that you can't actually drive a car. A car using a hand clutch rather than a foot clutch. You know, it's so amazing and just beginning to enter the world of prosthetics and the things that are available. It's amazing how creative people of ban and and even just with saks. Pathetic, what an incredible piece of equipment it is. And it just. And it blows my mind because without going through this experience I would have not no one that. And yeah, I thought that was really cool, Zach, because one of the biggest things that cyclists having problems with is not being able to drive his miata. And I totally understand they're such fun little cars and it's kind of like the heart of the family meal. Disarm because we've had them in our family for quite a long time and really ought to find that out. Sack that gate. That really inspired him because he thought, Oh, if I can get this done, man, this is so cool. Cause I can still drive the Miata, so it provides hope. Because that's one under yet another sacrifice. And you know that was one way even back when an unmanned or prosthesis. The fact that I could still operate a clutch, you know, it made me feel less limited and to not be able to drive that and go back to driving an automatic. Which is an automatic that also has damage. And now I have to figure out its emissions situation. It just. It makes me feel more hopeful around. So I'd say all around good vibes is just taking time to get there. And then the last thing is, you know, I did spend, you know, some limited time at work and I also ended up going to a lab meeting as well. So it was just good for my headspace to. To test out the waters. I can tell you I'm not physically there yet to be able to consider going back to work on new at this point, even part time, but I can picture, you know, a month or two from now or you know, some time down the road in the next several months. Considering the possibility of actually going back to work and you know, part time at. And I'll have to assess what that means, whether or not that means, you know, physically, a job that, you know balances physicality with sitting. Or if I need to rely on something. That's more, you know, cause I. I just don't know what a full week's looking like at this point, since you know, one day, not even one day, but you know, a very limited partners portion of one day. And you know, I'm just not there with endurance. And to think that I'd have to rinse lather, repeat that, you know, not even necessarily for five days in a row, but a couple of days in a row. Ticket the off a couple days in a row at this point is just too overwhelming, too challenging for me to think about. But just as far as me going back to work, you know, doing some jaw genotyping, gel electrophoresis and to be able to get the results on those. I was really cool and it's just on a volunteer basis. And. And I'm glad that you know, I've got my short term disability, cause I'm just not. I'm just not there yet, you know, and are serious long - term disability at this point, but and not last but not least. You know, my boss, you know, Jerry. He. He's really. You know, come through in a lot of ways. I don't really go into too much detail about it, but suffice to say, he's been like a father and he's. Really. Watch out, you know, for me, with everything that's been going on. And I think that's a rare thing in today's world. Most. Most. You know situations nowadays, you're treated like a number. And I think if it was any other job, I feel like I would have been let go a long time ago and you know, would have been fired and probably wouldn't be able to collect on this and this disability benefit, which to which I was rightfully entitled. I worked my butt off for that job and I'm glad that I did. I don't really necessarily have regret, but I will say that I do have a work ethic that's like your work ethic, which is. You and I both kind of take things to far off extremes and I know that in the future I will work hard. But I do need to balance my. You do need to balance the work life balance in a way where I'm, you know, taking things easier. Absolutely. And I just have to. Sam, super super proud of you and your git with your determination and as always not giving up but saying you know what I'm going to make this work. And really an inspiration to me. I mean, you are my son, but it truly is an inspiration. I just want to tell you you're the best. Thanks Mom. You're the best. I. You know, I could have done it without you and I. You know I. I think that in life when we're presented with these challenges is no unique challenges. And we each inner life have our own unique challenges. But especially when it's something so adverse. Like you know, losing a limb. You have to realize even with all that grief and all of that pain and agony and sorrow and both physical and mental, and that you have to make a choice because otherwise you're making the choice for. Unit. Unwittingly. Way that you decide to give up when you don't know that just holding on that knowing things will get better. But maybe they were even better than they were when they started. Cause of chronic health issues really tied into this. And and you know, in some ways I'm still not there. But I do see myself energy wise. I think you'd agree my energy has been a lot better than it's been in the past seven years. So that's that's promising and things seem to be getting slowly better with my leg again. I. I can't imagine you know, actually been on it and it being, you know, pain free and all these different kinds of things. But I've made huge progress. You have to really take every win and I'm glad that my body's back to, you know, virgin vanilla, no metal body. And I'm excited about that because I think that's something that's been keeping me sick, you know, just briefly. And when you talk about your energy, it is so much better. I remember when you'd come to visit me in California and I'd be wanting to do things with you. And I know that your heart was into wanting to do things. But physically you were just so tired and I. And this is before we really figured out what was all going on with you. After all, there are several specialists that you went to and no one could figure it out. But I think backing up now and looking back in time. As we've mentioned before, I think you had this infection for a very long time and it was just so frustrating that this couldn't be detected. But now it's interesting because sacked people that even haven't seen you in awhile. They're like going, Whoa ! You look so good and you know what ? It's true because you know you don't have that darkness under your eyes where you look, just like you're tired and anarchy. And you just are so much more energetic. And so I. I. It's. It's nice to have you back. Sack. And not that you know you weren't playful and fun when this was going on, but you know, just to see that that playful spirit come back within you. And even when you're learning to maneuver this new piece of AI machinery on your leg and you're doing amazing in. Am I just dumb ? It's. It's really great to watch because it's. I know that going through this whole thing has been really hard for both Zack and I, just because of what it is. And I think other people that maybe have had gone through the loss of a limb would understand. But it's a very hard, hard process to go through in in its own way for the person. And if you really love someone watching them go through it. So anyway, it's it. It's all getting better. And these podcasts are helping because we're reaching out. We feel like we are connecting and that's pretty exciting. So yeah, all in all, I mean, I. I love our positivity and I. I vote we keep that up sac next palm and I appreciate everything you said and I definitely feel that way. I just wanted to say one last thing, people will get to the topic at hand here, but I just wanted to say that and for comparison sake. Part of me still very scared when it comes to life or just about things. But the real difference is back then when I had my unexplained health issues and they weren't really being treated one hundred per cent. Seriously. I mean, I had some angels in my life like my oncologist and stuff that was helping treat the symptoms and stuff. So I wasn't completely, you know, out to dry but hung out to dry. But the thing is, this is now compared to back then back then, to be feeling the way that I felt and to have that fear and just feeling like things at a moment's notice. We're just going to breakdown and then of course we get to the next day next week, next month and saw that they weren't. But I still wasn't feeling well. It's such a huge far off departure compared to where I am now. Which is, you know, I think my fears are more naturally understandable. Not that back then they weren't. You know, again, I think I feel vindicated given all the fact of everything that we found out that there's. There. There's definitely a strong connection, but not all of it as a big contributor of it. And let's just say this is that, you know, with where I'm at now, I do have. You know, I'm uncertain about things and you know, there's a new. This is a whole new chapter in my life. A whole nother, you know, big detour. But and even with that fear and stuff, the other differences. You're. You're. You're out here. I mean, we spent thirteen years apart. And to have you here, you know, to have a place to come back home that feels like home. You know, we cook dinner, we have dinner together. And that was some other aspect that was missing too. Because you know, I was living here alone. You are living alone out there. I would come home and I would just force myself to eat. Not because I really, you know, even want to put the effort into, you know, to cooking for myself. So I'm very grateful for that. I feel like I'm in a lot better place. Well, I do. Toothache and it's such a joy to be. Have someone to eat food to eat a meal with. And we've been making some really great great meals. Ice. Zach is probably cooking a lot more of the major meals than I am because he is. He's home in the day. So it's like, you know, I've. I've been working ten hour days and I. You know, I do a lot about the things. But he's. He's a fantastic cook and. And I don't know if he really knew that before now. But just to have someone to eat with. Same thing for me, Zach, when I was in California, Man, I would just eat like I'd. I'd eat a ton of salads because it was easy. And it was just like I would just make myself a salad and sit down and watch TV and eat my salad and just go. You just need to eat because you need to eat. But it wasn't enjoyable. I wasn't. Now it's just enjoyable to have you accompany. And the food's amazing and it's just. It's wonderful. It really it. We are really taking full advantage of this time while we have it. And yeah, so in that sense, it's truly a blessing. All right. So I'm sure anyone that's viewing this on their mobile phone or on the website or however else you find our podcast out there already know what the topic is, right, because we've already labeled as Sorry on the website. But here comes drumroll. Let's see, Alon, I'm supposed to be ready for this. Oops, that's Roman. Think that drama a. What happened at the drumroll ? Don't have a drummer. All we have is is why. So let's let's do a little drunk together. You know what I'm thinking we need to do. We need to get more sound effects. You know, to make this really fun, we're gonna work on sound effects. We need a intro and outro to intro and outro. Yeah, you know what ? I want some music, but that's another topic. We're going to it. And if you're musically inclined, you know and you think that you could make something unique for us. I personally like a. You know, eighties music and stuff. My mom probably more into classic rock. But if you. If if you're ever so motivated and you want to contribute in that way, just let us know. Because we're looking for some good music. Suggestion for our sound effects to add the roll to the. To the list. Hey, I'm thinking about all kinds of Saada sound effects. We just need to make a list and get him to gather. But know anyone that would love to contribute. Hey, we would love to eat for you to contact us and we would do we would love any help we can get. Because you know again, we want to make this is as entertaining as we can as well as connecting with all of you. Yep, Alright. So I'm gonna do this old cliche saying Without further ado, let's just look at the silver saddle the internet rate comment. Subscribe, Without further ado, smash that like button. Oh god, First was hit the lipid. Now smash the like button. Of course, change it. I don't know. Whoever the hell decide to switch to smash bedrooms like on the smash back. Perhaps bash men, whack and smash. Sounds so cool. It gets irritating a sec. I think I just think that's groovy is what I have already. There we go. I like that groove the light bucket group the like button. Does that sound appropriate ? All right, Here we go. So the topic for today is artificial intelligence. So I. Wow. You know, this is a topic that probably I'll be doing a little more the breakdown abouts just I'm not an expert. First off, let me just preface by saying I'm not an expert. Okay, I did. I grew up around technology. Yes, I am. I, You know, generally speaking, may be a more technologically minded than your average person. Potentially, but I'm not creating artificial intelligence stuff. I myself do. I understand kind of not the inner workings, but how it works in general. Yes, in any one that's got, you know, basic computer background will least kind of understand that it works basically off of, you know, programming principle, but rather than being written by the programmer to act in one specific manner, like the way that normal programs work. Artificial intelligence and basically works off of a principle of training. And so what it does is you'll create a system and you'll teach the system based on either manually audited data that a human said is good data, or potentially the language MA or not, language, whilst the models themselves can actually be self retraining. So so to put it this way, back in the day, if a programmer wanted to add a feature or add logic to a program, they'd have to manually say if this, then do this else if do this, do this other thing. So if this, then this if that that, then that if that makes sense, you just set up different rules and what they were back in the days they'd be called if statements, right ? Well, when you get into artificial intelligence, you, you go much beyond that. Instead, what you have is you have whatever information you're you're adding into the model, and then you have a specifically a training data. So this is data that you're adding into the system that you're waiting to see whether or not. And this data fits with existing data, but it does so in a very complicated way. I'm not going to go into too much detail. I did take online just for fun. This was before I had my leg reinfected and stuff, as I was considering maybe going back to school, potentially to get a masters in data science. So I'm a little more familiar than your average person. But basically it's a way that mathematically you can look at all of the information and say, is this statistically related ? And if it is statistically related, it allows you to interpolates in a way that was no, that was previously not possible. So let me give an example of artificial intelligence to start off. So do you remember back in the seventies with Pawn or an income or or any or any video game for that matter. So you see, member pon pon was the one was boop while pong, Yeah, p. I thought you said paan pa w n you're talking about pong p o n g Yes, I do remember pong when you said I thought you said pawn and I'm going to be talking about pong, Yes, absolutely. So I don't know if you remember, but you could obviously play against two people as she could play with a friend and that's just like plain, you know, table tennis with your friends. You know whether or not that's playing ping pong or playing tennis, right ? Well, you might have some point or maybe not. You might have decided to turn on that Atari without another person and then you played against what was a computer opponent ? It would say like CPU or computer. Use the computer and the questions, What were you playing against ? Your claim against the computer, right ? Yeah, Just like if you were to want to play chess on your computer, right ? There used to be chess programs both on Mac and PC back in the day, you know in the nineties and eighties and before that with DOS, etc. But I'm just thinking, you know, mainstream operating systems that had this default came built into it and you could play chess against the computer. Okay, so this is my view of things and I don't think it's far off. You might ask that the people that are fish not as experts in AI and they would say no A I came way before thus. Okay, but in my view, the first versions of AI existed in a console and computer games, right ? So you need to make a game that single player and you want to make it fun. You want to make these opponents challenging, challenging, not predictable. So so to give you an example. This is just some analogy, ochre or or simile kind of. So you can think of it this way if you can know at all what that was like. You know playing against those that those you know opponents, those computer opponents. You would say that there are some that are better than others, right ? There are some that you configure out all the meta of how they play, right ? You could say, Well, when I send the disc up to the top right corner and I do it at the speed is always going to catch it vs. If it's predictable, it's what you're saying and there are certain set number of predictable responses to the weight acts. That would be an example of a programmer going in to the IT software. Their software in writing out certain conditions may be. There are ten different flavors of responses the computer could do to, you know, align the disc with it, and also there's a certain random chance that it will just miss. You know, they'll do something that's senseless just because you want to make it fair. While that's the example of very basic procedural artificial intelligence. And you wouldn't wanna really wanna call it artificial intelligence, right ? But it is a form of ardent artificial intelligence, since most elementary form. Now can I ask you something real quick, Sack so that could that also be looked at as a programming thing too ? Like, yeah, I'm wondering. Okay, cause I'm trying to learn about this because I know so little. And so I'm going to be asking a lot of questions. So it's like before in my head, I look at as like a person programming this game. Yes, so that if you hat would need the computer to play with it's pre program. So that, like you were saying, maybe there's ten different places that ball could hit or whatever. Ten different responses, or ten different responses. The computer. Okay, and so it wouldn't be consistently one way. Of course, that would be kind of ridiculous. So I'm following you so far, so, but I think of that as like a a programming. So could I say that artificial intelligence is programmed yes, in and to a degree. But, but it's actually step beyond that. If we're talking about where artificial intelligence is in the modern day. Okay, so we're getting there. So yes, you're. You're thinking correctly. So what I'm talking about is in it's most rudimentary form. It's most basic form. That's what programmers used to do back in the day. Okay, they'd say, Okay, you know, let's make a random number generator and say there are ten different options. So they do a random number between one and ten, just like pulling numbers out of a hat day and so to you know, adds an element of surprise with the way this computers responding. Cause if you have a perfect computer plane pawn against you, you can never win against it, right ? So that's not gonna be interesting. So maybe chooses a number between one and ten where one would be playing aggressively and it's going on offense to his playing conservatively, going on defense. Three is it lets the puck completely go past it for its. And you know, doing something on the left side of the field for the right side of the hill for five, six seven in. There can be triggers based on what the actual opponents doing to make it more intelligent. But you would agree that there are certain number and what they say in the. In the computer world, you know, sub routines or you know or if statements to determine how it will respond. And you can see that those simple games. Certain people pymble to crack exactly the way the computer respond as under certain specific things that they can beat the system right soon. Those most rudimentary forms of. If want to call artificial intelligence or programmers logic. You know that they've designed the computer to respond certain ways. Those are ten set ways that it can respond. OK, Now let's take a step beyond that. So, yes, it starts there. That's the way that we saw artificial intelligence way back in the day. Okay, now we're at a point where instead of the. This course could kind of crazy. Instead of the programming programmer programming and all the possibilities, Imagine if you ran a simulation, you'd be like, what's a simulation called ? I'll tell. I'll be one hundred per cent clear. I promise. We're using a fancy word for our basic concept. So say, for instance, instead of programming in those ten different options and randomly and and the programmers writing it and finessing it, get to, you know, work in the way that. Still basic, but more believable that it's a person on the other end. Imagine, instead that you let the computer play against a bunch of humans through trial and error, exactly the way that you and me as humans learn. Okay, so first, when you're playing this computer, it's not even moving his paddle to try to defend. Okay, through trial and error, it plays against, let's say plays five hundred hours against them. Are either the same opponent, different opponents. Gradually through the course of trial and error, just like we learn as children, it will learn when you move the paddle to the left and you block, remove the paddle to the right and you block. The longer this computer can stay in the game like the scissors, a timeless cutting down. The longer can stand the game, the more rewarded. Right ? So it's goal is to try to stay alive as long as possible. Right to not loose and so will. All of a sudden. After you trained this AI. In this case, it's learning from experience through trial and error. Eventually it becomes so good that it cannot be beat. And then from there they could dial down the difficulty right ? They could. They could, you know, say it evolution number five hundred five hundred games or something. Or it's. It's even a longer one. Let let me give you another example and hopefully this is not a too far too far of a stretch. So a couple of years back there was this. I do remember sperm are brothers. Say that again. You remember Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario. Yes, okay. Do you remember playing that game ? It's a side scroller. I loved that game. Yes, you. You jump up and hit the question mark the item as my favorite yet still is because it was one of the first ones I ever played. I. I love that game while. Check out on youtube and. And. And I don't know if it if not for you the time to watch it. But people that listing and check out what's called Mar Dot. I saw Mar I owe. So it's M a r I slash. Oh, so it's Mario, but more slush I'll. Ios ios. A computer term for like, is it internal operations ? I can't remember what it is, but something like that. So what they did is they threw Evolution through trial and error. They trained a computer to play Mario Brothers. Okay, and you'd be like, Okay, Well, what determines whether or not you advance ? Mario Brothers were first off the game. Progressing forward in the game always means moving right right, cause you don't move left. Rice always move right. So the flagpoles at the end, which is also your goal. You have all of these obstacles along the way. You've got all these enemies, you've got all these power - ups. Okay, so a mansion and. And this is the case with Super Mario Brothers that every enemy starts at a given specific spot. It's not random, okay, but everything works out the same. So technically, if you were to memorize the exact button combinations, a human could do this. A computer could do this, that they could beat the level and the fastest way possible. We're the best way possible of interest. That'd be possible just through trial and error. Okay, so that's what I'm trying to say. His background in Super Original Super Mario Brothers. Everything was loaded on the screen in the same way so that if I were to play the level long enough, I could blind my blindfold myself and just remember the timing of the buttons. And I could beat all the levels blindfold. And people have done this. So the reason why I'm trying to say that you just make clear to you that these are the circumstances in which you play the level. So what they did is they took a computer, hooked it up to an emulator. And if you don't know what emulator is is basically just a way to play Super Nintendo games on the computer. They then hooked up a controller into the computer and let the control the computer just randomly press buttons and across, I can't remember, is five hundred or a thousand evolutions. It he. It had evolved to beating the level by itself. Okay, and it had mapped what buttons to press at what time to get to the end of level. I know that seems insane, but that's what happened. So that is an example of artificial intelligence. So what you're doing is you're letting the computer figure things out through trial and error until it writes a paper until it produces a piece of artwork until it's in. And the questions were, How does the computer know it's results are accurate or what you're wanting. That's through training data. So imagine for a moment if if we, as humans, talbot, all of the correct answers. Give it a bunch of data. Like not just not say fifty images or one hundred images or a thousand images or ten thousand images, but feed this model this system and is more to it because it. You know there is programming involved, but the way that assimilates us information provided a big enough swash of starting data and let it. Number crunch to find out what is desirable and say a picture or what's desirable in. Say, text, you know, like in the English language, what sounds good. And if the more information you feed it and the better the the data that you. That that's been entered into it has been audited by a human. To say that is what that is the correct answer, the better it becomes. And then what you can do beyond that. This is a step beyond that is. You can then take the stuff that is starting to generate on a song completely on it's own. Cars become so efficient and so accurate. You can then take the output of the computer and feed it back into itself. So it is starting to learn from itself. So it's putting out work. But then you're feeding that work back in it's actually training the model to become even stronger and then you just have to, you know here and there. Said that's wrong and this is good and just continue training. But if it ever becomes so self sufficient, you could actually just feed its output back into the input and just keep a circle going in and become better and better and better. So edits basis. That's what artificial intelligences. And so you believe it or not. I don't mean to be mean or have I say this ? But if if you don't know what artificial intelligences, I don't mean to be mean why say this but you're kind of living under a rock and it's. It's. Doesn't mean that that I don't mean that is addictive. What I mean to say is, do you remember the NAP what Napster was back in the day ? It was that file sharing site on there and the late nineties. Most people heard a Napster is what caused the record sociales from America to come after people that were sharing music files online. Do you remember how Brown groundbreaking AI is like the Napster of this time ? This is what Napster is what made lay people use the internet. That's what got so many people on the internet. And the next thing was probably Facebook actually rallied the iphone really more than anything. Then came Facebook, and now we have. And I'm not saying that that artificial intelligence is going to get people to use the internet. They are using it. But what I'm trying to say is that next evolution, that next era in computers. And therefore, by virtue of that, the world is artificial intelligence. And I've got a bunch of examples to share with you. But let me first stop and let you ask any questions you might have about it. Well, so far. First thing I thought of when you start talking about this, it's like create this, creating what it creates, it's own mass. Yeah, that's a great way of putting it. It's. It's creation is a computer creating thing. It's like a creation and it becomes like a mastermind. Yet. Cause it's like it makes sense because there's so many different ways it can be played out and then you feed that back in. So it just accelerates all those different ways and makes it so many, so many options and how that will take off and just continue to grow. And to actually create it's it's own version of something that I, a human would not have to necessarily program in. It would just be doing it on his own and my following. Okay, so far that's correct. So can you have enough information through enough evolutions ? Have enough training sessions ? Okay, this is using processing power to do this. It'll create these very well trained checkpoint files or these or these and you know, caches of, you know, basically a brain in these large files that develop these algorithms that decide with the largest going to be. So instead, the program are going in and saying, Here's all the logic, and it's all clearly defined in a single way that cannot be changed, right ? And if it's. If it's layered enough, it it it can be convincing. That may be it's. It's another person. If it's. If the programmer spends hours upon hours upon hours, that artificial intelligence can be somewhat believable. It's like a person or it's. Or something that's alive on the screen, right ? Hence, you know why person could get lost into video games cause your plane because these artificial intelligence but the weights becoming. Now it's able to achieve things that are almost indistinguishable between humans and also in the area and want to get too far to myself. But in the area of deep fakes online, that's where some of the deep fake things come from. Where we don't know whether or not someone says something because they were able to make some ones. They were able to take some famous figure and train using that voice. That person's voice over, you know, hunt hundreds, if not thousands of hours of voice clips and then type into a computer what exactly want that person to say and then you can make fake videos as a result. So that's one danger of this, right ? You can use it for. But potentially evil. Well, that's why what I was thinking. Because I was thinking that could this eventually replace jobs for people like I'm. I'm thinking, Well, it's kind of scary to me because it's such. I mean, it's the whole thing. It's a huge concept to me. First off, okay, and how it can affect many different areas of everyday life. Yeah, of everyday living like I am. Why I'm thinking about it. I'm processing it is. I'm talking and just every day life like you know, I'm thinking could eventually write books for people. Could eventually I. I. It. It becomes like such a mastermind that it cut out to any human beings. I. Q, Do you know what I'm saying ? Yes, yes. And let me underline that I coupon because I wanted a couple backgrounds that has. Is that am I like what I'm imagining ? Is that real yes. Okay, it's actually kind of happening. So let me start with us. So first off, one example of how it can be used is there are already in existence. And it really started with an open source program called Stable Diffusion, which you can install on any computer. Okay, that's got a graphics card and it's got a set training file by start. But what you can do is you can feed to Stable Diffusion some of your own images, and you can tell it to create other images based on that other image. And the more popular ones, the more mainstream ones you might have heard about. As it's called Dolly to like Dalai, Dalai Lama, What was the artist ? Dali, Do you remember it ? I forgive the first name. Oh yes, I do. And Dolly, he was just called Dolly Watney, and his name is Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali. Yes, Okay, so it's named after Silva Salt, Salvador Dali, But it actually is an acronym and actually really named after that artist. Well, yeah, but it's an acronym, you know what I mean, So it's not. It's not de da alle I. It's like da l E I think. Let me see. Dolly Two is the latest one. I think. Yeah, it's. It's da El Al Typhon. He too is part of Open AI. If you're not sure what opening I. As it doesn't really matter. I don't know. I'm making a point of this just to other and offer context. I think Elon Musk is kind of annoyingly referred to by everyone is like the next Steve Jobs, you know, everyone talks about. Oh, William Elon Musk did this the London mustard that I really don't think I think he is. Maybe people may be arduous, so may be a smart business person, but I don't think he's the genius that everyone makes them out to be. It's like they worship the sky. But anyways, that's my own personal opinion. You can disagree if you want. But one side project of of Elon Musk's his and his involvement with OpenAI. So let me just start with opening your eyes. Open the eye and as it described, I'm not a thousand percent sure, but I think the reason why it's called open a eyes because it's open source. So open source just means that these are free to download and you'd have the public contributes. That's what open source software in general is. So open a. I. By virtue of the weights named right, Burien to intuitively named open source AI modeling. So what Dolly Two does is you feed it pictures and enough pictures and has already been fed with a ton of them. This one. I'm not sure if it's actually open source how this works, because I don't know what's gonna come of it. But basically imagine this for a moment. You can actually type in what you want in English and it'll make of what you suggest. So like, let's say that you wanted a Nineteen Forties Star Wars. It'll take images from the Nineteen forties and merged with Star Wars and create something that looks realistically believable. Okay, so you wish you have shown me this before we played around with yes, yeah, okay, so this is that when we were messing with specifically his mid journey. But yes, it's a principal at the Dalai. Because the reason why I, you know Salvador Dali is we're talking about as a very well known artists, but we couldn't remember his first name for a few minutes. But he is very well known. So that is the reason why they named this software Dolly, right ? I think so because I am not sure what Salvador Dali's Artistic Sought file was, but if it was realism, then that would make sense that it was really okay. Well, that makes this very intuitively named then. And I don't remember what Dali stands for. And let's see, While it doesn't really matter, suffice to say, there's another one out there that I've been playing around with and you can actually get on. And there's a chat program that a lot of gamers play with. Use. And then there are also other micro communities out there on youtube, etc. That use something called Discord. While Discord is a chat program, it's got chat rooms, has got voice chat, and there are a bunch of micro communities out there for various reasons, like sometimes he knows people supporting the work of someone, or you know, like game servers, etc. There's a. There's a myriad of uses is not just specifically games or youtube videos. You could set up a voice server to chat with people for any reason. We're talking about both text and voice chat over the internet using a program while mid journey piggybacks on a Discord. This app is free to use and what you can do as you can get on the server is currently in open beta. You can type in slash, imagine and state and complete in plain English what you want, so you can take notes. Said a combined two artists styles together, a fusion of the two different artists together. Or you can be very specific. You could say Bugs Bunny and writing in a in a firebird, and that flies in the air and it will generate one hundred percent brand new art. Just using all of the images has been fed and it does a very convincing job at it. So one potential application aside from it eventually may be taking everyone's creative jobs is in marketing. So imagine, instead of hiring people to prototype ideas for marketing, imagine, if used this imagined command and you could rapidly prototype ideas for a movie or ideas for an advertising campaign. And instead of having to hire artists and spent, you know, hundreds if not thousands of hours, but all likelihood hundreds of hours with a small team to develop an advertising campaign, you could have AI prototype it and then once the board said, Hey, this looks good. So at the very least early adopters of this would use it as a. As an early prototyping tool for art in its most advanced form. It may actually replace art as we know it, or expand on human are. I don't think it should replace him in art because I think that. Be sad if that happens, but is it going to influence human are absolutely. I seen some very bizarre images that it's generated before. Aside from it not be able to count fingers and count teeth correctly. Suffice to say the rest of it, it gets pretty accurate and very convincing. So, but I'm saying in art styles or or just composition that I've never seen before. It's very bizarre. It's very other worldly. It feels like we're living either in the future in an alien world, kind of with some of the stuff it's able to produce. It's both. It's if I could describe a word that describes both. It's all both fearfully, but also just in amazement with what it's able to produce. You know, I have a computer for tonight because I'm learning about this and I was just noticing. Have you heard about my heritage is all time machine. I don't know what that is. No, it creates portraits of you through the ages. Accurate outputs, great for profile picture. Oh yeah, and you know what ? Think about this. That's a perfect example. Okay, what's an example of artificial intelligence or or using computer models ? What about the kids that went missing when they're children and they do that ? That's an example of an early example of potentially artificial. They used to have to have actual artists. Yes, but do you remember in the past twenty years they've been having those those generated models ? Yeah, the generated one from the computer that is. So see. Okay, so there is actually a good side to this too, where it can be very helpful. And that's just naming one way that it could be like if, say a child is missing at age five and they're there. They have reason to believe there is twenty years later, and they have reason to believe that that person is still alive. Yeah. So imagine if that AI or art model, okay, analyzed hundreds, millions, if not billions of faces. Okay, But then you fed it one hundred images from your child at various ages, like, let's say from age not zero, but age one to age nine, and they disappeared at the age of ten. Okay, the more images you feed it, the more accurate it'll be. That's really fat. That's really fascinating. You know, I also noticed that it talks about different eras of time. How you would have looked in different eras of time. Do you know what I mean, like going back in history, like eighteen hundreds or something like that ? How you would have looked ? Yeah, it's quite quite amazing. And I was trying to find something. And it says you can use AI time machine to see what you'd look like in different areas throughout history. But it takes about thirty to ninety minutes to get the results. But it's worth it, They said because it's pretty accurate. Yeah, it's. It's crazy. I'm trying to remember. I actually hadn't mentioned on the website. Unable to find it right now, but full - on. You know, I found it really interesting when you showed me and mid journey I thought that it was like Zach said, just named two different things. And I said, what do you mean ? He said, Thank Jesus, be random. And what it came up with was really is fun because you can actually play around with it. It's. It's fun when it comes with up with this farce images yet I'm trying to remember what it's called. And I had it written down because a sexual. Might even be posted on our website. And it's a theory. Basically, I mean, basically, you can think of it two ways is one is the infinite monkey theorem. I'm not sure if you've heard of that before, but basically on the ways described to me as if you put a bunch of monkeys in a room with a typewriter with typewriters. Okay, and they start randomly pressing keys. Eventually they're going to write an actual piece that are. Exists, right ? You would agree through random chance. Yes, that's kind of the way that artificial intelligence works. Except you're able to guide it. You know, by saying this, writing this corrects without a starting basis that accelerates it. But there was another one involves seat count and estimating the number of beans in the jar and both the above estimate of the overestimates and the over estimates and the under estimates. The basically cancel out. And I'm trying to remember what that's called emergent intelligence. That was called the emergent intelligence. So what emergent intelligence is is, believe it or not, as humans when we're counting. So you remember the game were used to go to the store and these, to say, count the number of jellybeans and you could win the whole right pane of jellybeans. Remember them. So as it turns out, if the sample size is large enough, Okay, So let's say you've got two people guessing the total number of beans in that jar. What's the likelihood of them guessing accurately ? Extremely low, right time. But get this emergent intelligence. What actually happens is, let's say you have hundred and fifty people. Guess what's in that jar. Okay, it turns out all the people that over estimate overestimate the amount that's in there, and all the people that underestimate the amount that's in there. Okay, they cancel each other out and the people that guest in the middle. They don't contribute to the. To, you know, in in in the sense of like, even the single outliers are not going to contribute to the average that much you unionist, innocent. What I'm saying. So what was crazy is, if you average that sample size large enough, you will find that it is exactly spot on to the single number. Single count the number. So you can think of artificial intelligence just like we when we combined brain power as humans. How we can solve, you know, things that can get us to the moon and stuff. You can think of the same thing with artificial intelligence. So if you feed it enough images, if you feed it enough sound files, if you feed it, whatever the impetus, the greater likelihood that the results you get out is going to be extremely accurate. It's going to be close to accurate. And so that's the reason why we're getting to be crazy to the way we are with a dolly to mid journey stable diffusion open source once was not trained as well, but that's what's allowing that to happen. That and a bunch of new super genius people that work in an artificial intelligence. But at it's core, the principle behind it is it works. Office statistics, and you know, and the machine learning and algorithms. Basically, I break down everything that's happening in a way that you know it's able to produce reliable jes of the data. Or it'd be able to say just this data fitter, not statistically. It's able to get exceedingly accurate based on the principles. There's so much data they're just like it would for the Emergent intelligence or the Infinite monkey Theorem. So that's just what I want to say about that real quick. It's really fascinating stuff. I mean, it's just it opens up just a whole new. I am going to save unbelievable sort of imagery in my own mind of where we're going with this, of potentially application. Yeah, as with application infinite application. Yeah, that's him. Thank you. The infant infinite applications that could this could provide for like, Okay, I'm thinking it can do with artwork. So then I'm thinking, what about writing ? And I'm thinking about things that people tend to have as a gift. Which artists. I think it's a gift to be a good artist. I think a good rider. Him to be a good writer. I mean, you can sit down and write. But to be a real creative writer, yeah, is a gift and something you really have to work on. Just like art. You know, I mean, some people are talented. More where other people really have to really sit down and really work on it. Where some people get just sit down and get something without thinking much about it. So really, this. This opens up a vast amount of different things. I'm thinking one of the things that came across. Okay, say, for instance, Sack, I want to write a children's book. Okay, but I really am not very good at at illustrations. Yup. So if I were to write the children's book than I could use some of the stuff you're talking about to help with illustrations. And it wouldn't be the reason why I'm asking you this is that I wouldn't be doing anything illegal with copyright or anything like that, right ? Because the computers creating it. So no one hand while and that skinny into interesting aspects. This is such a new frontier that we're not on her percent sure. So like, let's say that we. I said I want something in the style of Dr. Seuss, write K. One argument, and it's not been figured out in the courts yet is whether or not these artificial intelligence models since they're using the original copyrighted work, since that's a derivative work, but it's not a human making it. Number one and number two is one hundred per cent new. It's not like it's recycling elements of the image, it's recycling the essence of those images and creating entirely new pieces. But it is still using those original pieces of work as input into it, whether or not the original artist has a. A steak or you can be paid royalties to do this. And I think this reason why these current models are free because you can imagine how much of a headache it would be if they cost. But eventually the goal is to put paywalls in front of these. Into charge by the number of samples. This. This is a gray area right now. It is really don't know because okay, an example would be like you're talking about Dr. Seuss, which I always loved Dr. Seuss, if he is Dr. Seuss, and you made it up with another illustrator, children's illustrator as well. So a mix of the two. The mix of the two. Something entirely new. So it turns out being entirely new. But you. You actually have both these people who are very well known as illustrators, but in combination it make something new. So it is a new art form. So the question is because you are using part of their art, because you're using them in combination. I guess you could say yeah. So that's the first thing I would think about is like is this going to be infringing on copyright or is it in any way ? I mean, I'm wondering in the future if people are going to be getting sued for for doing this stuff. Well, and this is the interesting part. Okay, this is there are two camps of thought here, camp number one, I would say yes, their app. Absolutely, they need to in some of these these image modeling, you know, artistic, you know, artificial intelligence models. They basically allow an artist to request that all of their images be removed from the model. So there's a link that they can press. Say if you found you know your work, you can have we can remove it so it can't make those kinds of images. Okay, so that's one way that they're addressing at number two. When it comes to court, it's hard to say, but potentially yes. I mean, it'd be very hard to enforce, though it's so fast and so everywhere, but three years really at the core. I guess the argument could be made just like anyone. Okay, let's be honest here. As humans, what is the first question that a musician or an artist is asked, Who are your influences ? Okay, so creativity in general, whether it be machine or human, we are always seen things out in the world that inspire us, and we're emulating that. Okay, now is it plagiarism to come copies of the one for one ? Yes, But is it wrong to be influenced by these five bands ? And then your band is now a fusion of these five bands or your art is a fusion of these five different influential artists know. So that's another thing too. Is we're also reaching a point where so many ideas have been taken. Like I can't tell you I. I could go out on a soapbox about this. I'll try to keep a brief. It's impossible to find a unique username on the internet without whatever you come up with. And then some number. And you could do two seemingly different words. Or you could do a poor man do have two words together that you think. Oh, no one's guessed this before, but they have in worse off. There's bots that literally just signed for Gmail addresses to squat on as many email addresses as possible. And Gmail needs to do something about this. So I'm just saying if you take my first name and my last name, Okay, back in two thousand and seven, two thousand and eight, when I signed up for my Gmail address, it turns out I could not provide my full last name, my first initial, as my username is already taken, so I had to add my middle initial. Okay, now if we were to look at it, you know, twelve, fifteen years later, could I even do my first name, last name ? And so my full first lost my first. Sorry, my full last name, my first initial, my middle initial, would that be take them all Yes, because I told you I registered that a Gmail account. But what if I were to do in the number three three, four, three three four. Well, that's taken two. What about three, four, three, three five also taken it. All of the ideas are being saturated. There's so many people out there creating so much. And if it's not people, it's computer programs just going through all the various permutations of all the potential usernames. And this is the same thing with domainname. So if you want to start a business, Joe Plummer dot com, Joe Palmer Stock had taken. What about Joe the Plumber, Boulder dot com ? Bowen's taken. So it's becoming increasingly difficult in in this ever so saturated world, whether it be actual people, creatives and snatching up all of these or patents, quarters or what's that are just registering all of these free counts. If if Gmail charged a person five dollars to get an email address established, we would not be in the position we are now where you can't even use this like you Normally, people have to sign up with five different usernames, like across the internet. They can't use the same username across websites because they're all taken. So let me ask you something. Okay, say, for instance, this person has a user name that they don't use any more. They used it at one time, but they don't yesterday. More so that permanently you still can't use right. Once chosen, it's done. Yes. So for instance, if say God forbid, someone dies, Okay, and this plays for Facebook or Gmail both since you're not been charged money for it. Especially. This means that people have passed away a decade ago, their email addresses just sitting there and never been logged into, and the accounts are never deleted. So you see, there's a finite amount of space, just like there's a finite amount of real estate in the area where they can built. There's a finite number of characters at Gmail dot com that are available. Eventually all of them will be taken. I mean, it depends on how long the usernames get, but. But you know, I'm talking about the. The easy to remember, easy to to convey ones that don't leave you guessing. Was that a four or three ? Like, why should you have to be adding numbers next to your name ? Okay, if your interest is Game of Thrones, I would not be surprised that. Game of Thrones, One Game of Thrones to Game of Thrones, Three Game of Thrones, Three Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty four is taken. That that there are so many people that are fans of Game of Thrones. But for personal almost that your personal name that are becoming saturated like that. That's insane in mind you. A lot of that's our bots, not humans. But still the point. I'm just trying to make us just like how AI is able to walk through those permutations unit to get to an answer. And there are lots of people and bots out there that are squatting on those ideas. And so it feels like there's a finite amount of creativity out there. The reason why I even brought this up and went on the sidetrack is just to say, in this age of feeling like every idea is been taken, it's hard to be original while especially just given the example of user names when you're talking about, you know, having to come up with five or six different ones for each person. Boy, that really saturates it. I mean, it kind of reminds me of the artificial intelligence. That's how it begins to. To roll into this bigger, bigger, bigger thing. We're pretty soon. Do you see what I'm saying to you is, do you get the correlation with where I'm going with that ? Yup, exactly. That's why I was trying to get us. So I'm glad you picked up on where it was going with it cause it was really kind of a side tangent but was with purpose. So anyways, what I wanted to say is I see. Think about this when I'm trying to. Basically trying to say there are some other examples. One dimension about artificial intelligence. I want to get out there for all of our listeners to just Google and take a look at it as very fascinating. It's equally as fascinating and awe inspiring as it is terrifying. So awesome. As a great word to describe it all, slush awesome write. As much as its. We live in really cool time with technology. I'm also very scared for us to do that. I mean as a culture and the people. Let me let me let me frame it this way. Okay, science fiction becomes science science fact. Let me start with this. So science fiction become science fact. Okay, remember the Jetsons ? Oh gosh, yes, I do. And I still laugh at this because I thought the coolest thing in the world. I remember as a kid I was watching the Jetsons and I thought it would be so cool if you could see the person you're talking to. And I never believed that would ever happen. And this was something that have Kirkman wrong with the jets. Was wasn't on their wall. It wasn't like a portable device. I was actually on the phone like a portable. Okay, near my so's want one. Okay, when did that come out into existence ? I mean, you could say as far as early as in the nineties with with, you know, chatting on the computer with a video video chat. But I would argue with the iphone two thousand and seven, right ? Oh, totally. And you know what the reason why ? When I went to California I wanted to get an iphone but I think I wanted to do facetime with you because I'd moved away and I wanted to talk to you and I went to see her face. Yup. So we both got an iphone four and think of how much that changed things. OK, But also think about how technology is acted like a catalyst even for medicine or science, right ? What if computers done for changing the way that we do medicine ? Well, we now have magnetic resonance imaging that uses a property of physics, the. In a difference in magnetic fields of various atoms and configuration of tissue to draw images inside the body. To be able to look inside the body to see if there's cancer, for instance. Okay, something previously not conceived of as even be impossible. We do that every day. So imagine with artificial intelligence and actually, by the way, one dimension there are actually already it's already radiology, radiological software that will look over the image enable to identify stuff that radiologists themselves cannot see and be able to flag it. So we're we're already there and some area. So one thing is radiology software and does it all make mistakes and can also lead to lazy radiologist that are not looking carefully at at the. Yes, but as it turns out, is becoming so exceedingly accurate that is able to detect things that radiologist think themselves can't see in the original films. And the same thing can be said about medicine. You know, say blood bloodwork and artificial intelligence. Monica looked at that bloodwork over the course of time and detects cancer or some biomarkers and certain configuration certain time over a long enough period and predict if the person's gonna get cancer in the next five years fairly accurately, or if whether or not they have an emerging new emerging disease. So that's another example of how can be used and what I want to jump into. If it's okay, we can go back to whatever previously talking about. But and chachi pt. So the one that most people have heard of is Chachi P too. So Chachi b t basically think of it like this, Do you know how on your phone you're typing ? I'm not sure if you've ever done this before, but if you type one word on your phone. Okay, you'll see that there's an auto complete word for the next word it thinks is coming up. Have you ever seen that before ? Yes ? Or sometimes ? Or auto correct ? Yes, sometimes just start typing. I'm worried it won't be the word you want, but other times it'll totally be the word you want. And you're absolutely right. The next word will come up. Yes. So you you know how ? Out split into three sections. There are three words and you compress what ? Okay, Chachi, Pity is that on steroids ? Basically okay. And you'd be like, well, how the hell is able to do it ? So I'm not. I don't think you've ever put me played around with Chachi PT to see it, but you can ask questions. You could say, Program tic tac toe in Python. It will produce a working working code to create tic tac toe in Python, Python, programming languages, interpretive language and or in C Plus Plus or any programming language you can ask it to write. I dunno if it's original. Coat boots write code for you, so programmers could even potentially do that in units. Interesting as watching a video the other day that said, you know, don't feel bad if you spend a lotta time on Stackoverflow you know, asking questions about, you know or or learning from example, because that's what programmers do nowadays. You know, it's crazy. It is not really plagiarism, it's just the cumulative knowledge of. How do you. How do we learn these things ? We've learned things from one another house. How have we as a civilization and as a race, as a people, as a species rather gone to be passed the, you know, Stone Age into the Iron Age and made all the progress we are. It's all the foreigners before us that says laid the groundwork to get us to our current science, advent, arts, currents and social advance our current right ? Dude, I'm saying so, all of these people that created inventions before you think of just Henry Ford, think of how different things would be without the internal combustion engine, but then reversed that around and say, remember how twenty years ago there were car companies trying to produce an electric vehicle and back then it was just too far ahead of it's time. People didn't see any value in it. Now you see people are oohing and ahhing over electrical vehicles, especially Teslas. Which here's the thing I've heard, It's an experience like they're. They're open window, they're very quiet and. But I imagine running out of juice at the wrong spot. That sucks. That's. You know, it's just not quite there yet. But other people will argue that it is there. Moreover, I would just say that believing that the car can drive itself is. That's crazy making to me because they actually did that one test. I think someone is called. But they did that one test where that car, the Tesla car could drive itself. And I'm thinking, Well, I'm not going to say after they experienced the Jetsons that couldn't possibly be. But that's. That's mind boggling to me to say the least. Do you want to hear something even more messed up is not the one test, Mom, there are people that are letting their Tesla's drive themselves. Came when I said themselves, they have to be behind the wheel and they have to have their eyes on the road. It has like a camera inside the cabin that's making sure that their eyes are on the road and that their hands are around the wheel or near proximity. That will. But yes, Tesla's actually on the road. Some of them are actually self - driving as we speak. And how how does that exactly work ? I mean, cause if you're how. I guess what I'm trying to say in the case that you might be close to being in an accident. What happens ? Well, we already know that they mess things up, but the idea is it uses artificial intelligence modeling in a bunch, an array of sensors onboard to make decisions. And they're not always accurate. We seen there have been fatalities and so we're. We're not there yet, but Tesla keep pushing it and and Elon Musk keeps promising each year that they're going to achieve full, fully, not tended to, but fully self - driving cars. But you can see this is raising a bunch of questions because this is leading to deaths and unnecessary casualties in the process of trying to pursue this. Not only that, why is it that we're trying to find things to do everything for us ? Because then we're not going to like. What's the point ? We're told the technology can do it better than we can. And while that might hold true in certain areas, there's. It's become an obsession, especially with technologists. To try to achieve this. Doesn't matter. No, you know that as humans, we are some of the most sophisticated biological computers on the planet, while we are the most sophisticated biological computers on the planet. But I'm just saying that it's like this, God created us. Okay, and then, or some crazy creator created us. If you believe in that sort of thing okay as humans. If we are creating God's image now man is trying to create machine in man's image, which is kind of a scary. Yeah, it's kind of. We're playing God just like you could set it say, you know I. I worked in genetics. You know what can be said about gene editing. A key. Gene editing could be used to cure, potentially reverse or cure, or help treat genetic disorders like you. Look at Cisco cystic fibrosis that's due to a single nucleotide polymorphism, and that leads to a disruption and a chloride channel in the lung and other various cells. Endothelial cells of the. Either the long or the. And the smooth muscle, you know, digestive tract, and it leads to the water ending up in places. It's not supposed to end up so suit. Extreme congestion, you know, in the lawn because the chlorides and you up in the. The not the pleural lining soft. Trying to think what it's called in in the area of the. You know, the inside the lawn, you know where the areas or it's ending up inside the G I. Tract where it's not supposed to be. Sir, having really bad diarrhea, right ? So I. But here we are are using crisper to edit genes which could rescue someone that has cystic fibrosis help treat it right and to edit, await those mutations. But we could also use it to engineer ourselves to be glow in the dark. We could also use it to, you know, limit or enhance the next version of humans. Version two point, oh, of humans. And it really raises a lot of red flags and a lot of questions. I mean, there was a gentleman in China. This was back, I think in Twain, sixteen, twenty seventeen. And that did crisper editing on these two babies. One of'em did not end up with the gene edits and the other one did. This was when the mother was pregnant, the mother had HIV. What ended up happening is one of the children didn't end up with it. So they ended up with HIV and the other one ended up ha for you. The free key came out in the middle of this massive. He gave a speech in the middle of. Like this huge conference about him doing this. And this raises so many bio ethics concerns. And he's currently in jail. But right after he said at Harvard University came out, all these universe came out said, yes, secret on the side, We've been doing gene editing to EU. You know, we already genetically modify our. Our. You know, plants are our food, genetically modified humans. We are playing with fire. We do not know what these consequences. Two to three generations down the road are. Or what their meeting consequences are. It's like what can be said about. And I'm not saying this is bad because it was necessary and some people might argue differently. But what was necessary with COPD vaccine. Covered vaccine did not go through full clinical trial. But we kind of in the efforts of trying to save as many lives as possible, bypassed a lot of it. Do we know all the consequences of covered. Know, But we do know that affects some women with clotting and it leads to stroke. And we also know that covets more of a cardiovascular effects more the cardiovascular. And I know what I'm saying is hurting people more with the cardiovascular system then as with the lungs and it's underpinnings are in the cardiovascular system. Well, you know, the thing that's interesting to me is you're talking about people that are not perfect at that. People that can make mistakes. Okay, so you're putting all this information into a computer and I understand it multiplies by the more information you put in everything. So basically, I think we're kind of playing with fire because we could begin to depend upon some of these things as being really accurate when they're not. Yeah, so imagine. So here's an example, one that would affect us okay. How is the supply chain of. Say, just food affects our grocery stores ? How are they stocked ? Came the simple answer is they use technology. Okay, how's that work ? They do inventory. But you mean to tell me there are people in the store there are counting how many boxes rice krispies, treats they have left. Know what they're doing is when you go through checkout, those are being subtracted by the. From the inventory, right, right ? And they order more and new ones are being added. Cane. Then they also have to take into account the average theft rate of a given item. Right to know how many are in stock, right ? So imagine for a moment the next evolution of the supply chain is. Instead of people still coming down to deciding how many they need to order. Specific case you have everything handled by the computer. So now you don't have. What are the people that are responsible for that in the grocery store ? Don't remember what they are. Not receiving manager, Maybe it is receiving manager. Dude, I'm saying the people that are responsible for doing the ordering for the store. You cannot replace that job with a computer. Great. Okay, not great, but great. We can understand. But what if that model makes the wrong decision ? That's. I'm trying to say. I mean, I. I understand the pros of this, but also see where it's not going to be perfect. There's no way anything can ever be made perfect. And if we start relying on this for medical needs for people or in a crisis situation, that may not be the best idea. Yeah, and then take into account alive example. Okay, our podcast. While we could sit here after every podcast and love, listen to our voices and listen over and over and over hundred and fifty times each podcast to transcribe it. Are we going to sit there and transcribe every episode word for word ? Or would that be hell ? I mean with. I'm not saying that we hate what we do. We love what we do here. Ripen. Would we want to deal with something so wrote like that ? Well, it would be a hell of a lot of work, let me put it that way. And even if we outsourced it and had to pay someone how much we pay them like twenty, thirty bucks an hour, maybe two ? I dunno. I think minimally, didn't you guess ? Yeah, and it probably would take them on average, probably just safely, if someone experienced five to ten hours to transcribe an episode. That would be generous if someone's very fast at it. Okay, Well, we are. We are employing something called, or I point, something called Vohs K. P. I. It's free it is a language model that takes a sound file, splits out everything we're currently seeing into words. Scores each of those words on how confident is that it's accurate and it transcribes it and it could be totally different than I mean, it could turn out it could be different, but the more the models train, the more accurate is. It actually knows some of the things we're saying, like if I say open AI in all likelihood it'll get it right. It won't think I'm saying some word that's similar in the English language to sounding, but not a noun. That's, you know, a proper noun like that that would know. And then you you rent through something called a re case punk, which is another free library that as punctuation beckon and bam, we have a transcript now. Is it perfect ? No, but I would say it's ninety five percent accurate. It's also can't detects at this point, and it can't detect when I'm talking vs. You're talking to narrate who is talking when, but it does save a lot of time, so really just comes down to punctuation, fixing the occasional word, etc. So and that means that we can actually put our transcripts on the website, both for our search engine optimization and to improve our search engine optimization score and for accessibility for someone that would not be able to listen this podcast, but we will to you know, I have it. Read to them what I'm saying, or they could read it or some variety of that, or Breyer's, etc. And so you know, for accessibility, it's another another plus as well. And is there ever going to be like I'm thinking about more in the medical. For the medical aspect of artificial intelligence. Okay, if you look at it from the medical aspect, is there ever going to be laws or anything to override what a person can do ? Because it's kind of scary. Person or a. I am an AI an artificial intelligence can do and as far as how far we can go with it to sit him saying, Well, it's a good question because what do you think about the Cold War, the Cold War as we were told, we have nukes, Russia, China, they have nukes. Are these other countries they have nukes ? Well, the Cold War and Hideo Kazuma ? He. He's a video game designer. Okay, in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, one plot point about it, and it's a geopolitical and some some of its futuristic game. It talks about that. So imagine, you know what nuclear nuclear deterrence really is is it saying we're not going to launch the nuke cause we launched nuke. They're going to launch a nuke and is called mutually assured destruction, right ? Correct ? But what if we used artificial intelligences. Way. That said, if a nuke somehow made it onto soil US soil in the artificial intelligence so we could all be wiped out. But artificial intelligence is trained to know when that happens. Over for sure for sure. As accurate, as accurate as it can get right that that happens and we're all dead. It instructs all the silos to send all the nukes right now as it currently exists. I think the President has to. And it's a manual process. That's the. You know, there's a big chunk of it says offline for good reason if you do your research into. You know, currently not currently working nuclear souls. I think those are pretty secretive, but the way it was done in the nineteen fifties, you know, oh, before World War Two and after World War Two. The way it's handled in there. A lot of these computers and stuff protect our. Our antiques, but they literally have two people sitting in a nuclear silo waiting for those coats to come through and they live there. You could spend, like, you know, a prolonged period down underground in the silos. And four when the word comes around for the right code words and everything. But imagine if it ever becomes where it is like that, you know, like if the president's dead, if the vice president's dead. If I. I forget what the third person's name of. While obviously it would be the. The. Who's the person in the house ? Who ? Who was Nancy Pelosi ? What was her title called Speaker ? See us. So then it becomes a speaker. And then after the speaker, there was a whole show that was based off of who the fourth person is stopped. The force citizen or something like that. But yeah, that's. There's a whole show this based off of that. That future where entire governments wiped out. But you see, when we're talking about this, where this could just go out of control if there's not limitations, or if there is not rules, or if there is not something in place, yeah, it. It's. It's frightening. I mean, that's really. That's really scary to me. Because you know, we are in the technological age, obviously, right. But we keep pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing. And I see where this could be beneficial. Artificial intelligence could be very beneficial and save a lot of time and energy and doing some work that may be. People don't want it. That person doesn't want to do. But on the other hand, I could see where it also could be very damaging as well. Well, the devil's in the details and the devils in the machine. Potentially, you know, like with what could be opened up and think this is a nice segue. You know, what's interesting is some journalists, some technologists who've had a chance to play around with some. As before, I've asked questions like, What do you think of humans ? If humans were to do this, what would you do cetera ? It's been scary. Some of their answers at some of the answers of some of these a eyes have been scaring, you know if they've said and then. So let me just be clear, okay, before us and help settle something before we go any further. Because some people will immediately go here. And I'm not saying that we're this party at or anything. If you're thinking of Terminator Two, Judgment Day or original Terminator, Terminator Two came where the AI is sentient. Just thinking. I personally believe we're not there yet, or we may never be quite like that. But the question you have to ask yourself and the other thing I haven't mentioned about AI and this is really important to mention this and the reason why we are. Some people are convinced that AI will be the end of us, you know, or that that that artificial intelligence will become sentient and that there will be this emergent intelligence out of it that you know that his life is because some of these artificial intelligence as they're created the model it on the neuron level. What does that mean ? Okay, So in our brain we have a series of neurons. And if you've never taken neurophysiology before, just forgive me at all. I will promise, though I might save some sophisticated words by a promise of break it down very quickly. I'm not called connection, is them ? Okay, So thank you for looking up connection to some came as what's the definition of connections and mine ? As for that is an approach of artificial intelligence that's developed out of the tents. Attempts to understand how the human Spain's works at the neural level in Perfect Healer, how people learn and remember Perfect. Okay, yes, so, sir, thank you for looking that up. That's so great ! This perfect makes us podcast even better. Okay, so this connection isn't so. Think of it like this in our brains. So for anyone that does not take a neurophysiology, it works like this. If and I hope you have the basis of a neuron. But if you don't just bear with me. So neurons are what comprise our nerves and our nervous system in our body. I know it's not ever good to define something to fight, defying another phrase using something that's related. So let's put it this way, Neurons are a type of cell in our body that, believe it or not, a single cell can be. Sometimes I think it's as long as like, maybe a meter. I dunno, like a half meters think that like sometimes, like lava, foot to foot lawn. I'm pretty sure they're there. Yes, they'll be like the longest wins three meters, I can't remember. But anyways, we have a bunch of these lined up in what they are as there are these long, thin, hair like cells. And you know, I say hair like as far as their overall shape, and they're connected end to end, and on one end you've got dendrites, and the other side you've got an axon along with a synapse. In the synapse releases neurotransmitters onto the next neuron. And basically, once you receive enough of these chemical messengers from one neuron, receptors on the other ones. So so the neurotransmitters are what are called lichens, and those lichens will then bind to what are called receptors on the dendrites, which is the. Receiving it and the next neuron. And if it's above a certain threshold that the. The neuron will fire and it will subsequently cause a neuron neuron electrical discharge that propagates along these lines of neurons. But there are both neurons that excite and neurons that inhibit. So what could happen is is it turns out in our brainstem and various other pathways in our brain, you might have certain neurons that activate certain circuits that will further enforce the propagation of information, and other ones that will loop back and inhibit them. So you have inhibitory interneurons and excited Tory interneurons that do that. And it turns out I'm sorry this is going maybe a little bit too deep, but I'll try to do my best. These interneurons are responsible for the reason why we can differentiate. And said this is different than that is due to these kinds of neurons. Otherwise, we just have constant activation, so that inhibition actually helps us. To our brain to even be able to differentiate between deciding that two things are the same or different. There's much more to it than that, but that's kind of the. The simile or the analogy I want to go with. So suffice to say, in the machine world, you know, at the. With artificial intelligence. They are actually modeling neurons in the computer. So when a machine does make a decision. So first off, we're teaching the computer just like we're being taught. But then we're modeling neurons and the computer just like our neurons exist in physical life. The way that their gated gating is awaits. Who refer to how information passes through a system and what the input is and what the output. Subsequently, as you know, it could be a stimulus leading to an action. So the argument that can be made is that even though it's in software at this point, it's not in hardware. I mean, there are some like in our phones. There are some artificial. There's some. Not neural learning was called artificial. I figured what Apple calls it the neural engine. Sorry, they've got neural engines and other things that are part of the processor. You know that die processor that you know are designed to make decisions in these ways than they actually are physically gated lake in a way that would be neurons. But a lot of it's actually done through software and they both can exist. The question is, what makes us conscious, you know, as I'm doing a little research as you're talking and and you know, Terry Turing, the Turing Test. Turing, Yeah, was the founder, father var det artificial intelligence and of modern cognitive science. And he was a leading early component of. Hypothesis that the human brain is enlarged, heart is enlarged a part digital computing machine. He theorized that that cortex at birth. Isn't it organized ? Oh no, Oregon, Yap, organized and organized machine that through training becomes organized into universal machine or something like that. So it was a Turing test as a criterion for whether an artificial computer is thinking. This was in nineteen fifty and then in the late twenty. Well, just last year, twenty twenty two, the advent of chat. GB T resonated. I'm a conversation about the likelihood that the components of the Turing test had been met. This is really interesting. Can I tell you something ? It has. I'm kind of really get your fasting once you tell him. So basically I just personally about him. He was elected as a fellow fellow member of the Royal Society of London in March nineteen fifty one, a high honor. Yet his life was about to become very hot. Wasn't he a mathematician ? Yes, he was a mathematician, is known as a mathematician and a philosopher. Let me see her. Oh, and I like logician logic, logistician lot now legit. How would you say that ? Logic logic. Yeah, but the thing that's really interesting is that his. In Nam. How to get back to where I was here in March of nineteen fifty two, He was convicted of gross indecency, this is to say, homosexuality, a crime in Britain at the time, and he was sentenced to twelve months of hormone therapy. Now with a criminal record, he would never again be able to work for the government. Communicable. They forced him to be a man or no or sorry forces forced his sexuality, be attracted to women or no. He's homosexual. So he said homosexual. Yeah, not outrageous, but yeah. And so because he was homosexual, they sentenced him to twelve months of hormone therapy to change to try to change his wives. Trying to say yeah, yeah. Now with a criminal record, he would never again be able to work for government communication headquarters. The British Government's post - war code breaking centre. Touring spent the remainder of his short career at Manchester, where he's appointed to a specialty. Created great leadership in the theory of computing. In May of nineteen fifty three from nineteen fifty one, Turing had been working on what is now known as the artificial life. He published The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis in Nineteen Fifty Two, describing aspects of his research on the development of form and pattern in living organisms. Train you as Manchester's farron. Yet for any mark one computer to mark his hypothesized chemical mechanism for the generation of autumn and tomato met him. I don't have my glasses on that apology Anime article Structure in Oh, anatomical. Yet in the midst of the groundbreaking work, Chewing was discovered dead in bed, poisoned by cyanide. The official verdict was suicide, but no motive was established at the nineteen Fifty two in FT. I'm sorry, Fifty four inquest. His death is often attributed to the hormone treatment he received at the hands of the authorities following his trial for being gay. Yet he died more than a year after the home hormone doses and and any case, the resilient Turing had born. That cruel treatment was what his close friend Peter Hilton called amused fortitude. As to judge by the records of the inquest, no evidence at all was presented to indicate that Chewing intended to take his own life, nor that the balance of his mind was disturbed, as the coroner declaimed. In fact, his mental state appeared to have been unremarkable at the time. Although suicide cannot be ruled out is also possible that his death was simply an accident, the result of in his inhaling cyanide fumes from an experiment in the tiny laboratory joining his bedroom. Nor can murder by the Secret Service be entirely ruled out, given that Chewing knew so much about cryptanalysis at a time when homosexuals were regarded as as threats to the naturals to the national security. By the early twenty first century Turing's prosecution for being gay had become infamous in two thousand and nine. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, speaking on behalf of the British government. Public apologize for chewing utterly unfair treatment, and four years later, Queen Elizabeth, two grand touring, a royal pardon. Isn't that interesting ? Yeah, there's something really important that we should mention in mentioning as a connect. Connection is connection. Isn't there something called the Turing Test ? The Turing Test. It is and was originally described by Alan Turing in the summertime in the nineteen fifties, Nineteen fifty two. Okay, well, anyways, what it is is, it's a test away to test the ability of machine learning, or the the ability of a machine to exhibit intelligent behavior that's imitates, but more closely mimics or is equivalent to or is indistinguishable from Minnesota. You know, an actual human behavior, how an actual human being would act. So, so, you know, the question is, when we were to ask a computer something like especially if it's wearing something that looks like us, right ? Like if it's dressed like us. So imagine a robot that's got, you know, a believable out out, You know, believable human figure, but is asked a question, Will it be where the response or its general behaviour be indistinguishable from human and if it passes the Turing test, then I'm pretty sure that means that we would have no way of distinguishing artificial intelligence. In other words, if it's believable to that degree, then it is intelligent, you know, or it's. You know what ? I'm saying ? Yes, and I had no clue. It goes back to that far time, you know that that's a long time ago. Fifty one. Yeah, well, let's you think about this. This is around the time that computers were really starting to happen. So early on they kind of saw, by extension, what were. Computers might eventually go when they were big, huge machines, right ? Yeah, I mean, obviously, I think the past hundred years safely, you know, there's been all forms of computers. And when I say that, I mean originally was just a bunch of, you know, like a pastors or transistors, really just a bunch of transistors and various components wired to each other, not with him, a circuit board. And then you. The advent of circuit boards and the advent of the way they print them. Which, by the way, there's this company called SNL, who's based out of the Netherlands. And if you want to know why there's a chip shortage. And the thing about the chip act that was passed by President Biden is. And it turns out the United States is trying to get access away from China to be able to access the latest ability to print these chips. So you may not know this, but computer chips are actually printed using a photoresist negative, very much like the way silkscreen works. And and that's how they're able to fit all those billions of transistors into our computer. Is there actually a third image is an image of them that is projected using lights with a photo resistive material. And then you know, whatever the light touches, it cooks on. And then you know, washes away anything that wasn't uncooked. And then you've got your silken. That's just like a picture of the actual chip that ends up inside the beehive behind all that black stuff, that epoxy, whatever the chip encasing is. And then it's got all those little legs. And then they go on the computer, the circuit board, and then they all connect up. So it's all super crazy. But I'm sorry. I wouldn't say that I minds just been processing all of this. Nice thinking from minette Financial aspect. How could this impact like people who invest in the stock market and stuff ? I mean, it's kind of fascinating to think about if they could predict what to invest. It well. Yes, there's a lot of caboose for that. But also you could also through programming tell it to automatically pull funds out under certain conditions or invest in these certain conditions. And I'm sure there's some copies that use that in some people that are rich out there that you know and do things in that way. You know. Do you think AI is being used ? I think as for financial assets, I think it has been used for so many things that we don't even understand what has been used for yet. And when I see that I mean both our governments and not trying to be conspiracy theory, but our governments, companies like look at insurance companies. Transcript is whether or not they decide whether or not they should cover something for insurance purposes. Boy, we've been through that one. And right now I think a large degree, even though some. Most programmatically a lot of that is manually done by humans. But imagine if insurance companies could let the artificial intelligence. I'm not saying it's just or better yet. Let's say that this one's interesting cause this legal system. Now imagine if determining whether or not someone is not guilty of a crime because we still are judged by our peers, but whether or not how the laws apply to specific situation is just determined by a computer. Because we want to apply the law fairly across all people. So does that mean that eventually we may not have trials ? Well, that's a good question. I think that they'll. They'll still be the jury about whether or not she was guilty or not guilty. As far as how the laws apply. So they're all applied equally to every person. It eliminates contexts about the way people look. So So in other words, my question is we say in our legal system that no one's above the law and the laws to be applied the same to every single person. While the problem is still subjective, the judge can decide. You know what I'm saying ? Well, it's subjective after. Early on in this podcast we're talking about how people can get out of things by buying their way. Yeah, like an example of the shower watching. Yeah, So I mean, gosh, this is so vast and so hard to comprehend all of this at the same time. Because there's so many different angles to look at. Yes from right. I've got two other things to say real quick. So the other thing Chachi PT can do. So I've seen it's kind of like the auto - complete the way that it works on principle, even though people like us alive. Okay, And again, this is hard with the turn to like it's becoming indistinguishable from people to kind of know the difference. You can actually chat. Ask chat gp teeth. I said you can teach it. Asked how to code something that coat tic - tac - toe in python, but you can also ask it. Tell me about this and it'll use all the information off the internet to write a very succinct. You could have explained anything to you and it's then you ask people that are in their respective field. Like if I ask you a question about physics, it'll be close. I asked him a question about next, it's it's close, if not perfect. So these. That's what's called a language model. So even though it's using predictive words and whatnot and sometimes what it can produce as gobbledygook, that's no good. It's shockingly getting there. And then there's also something called Jasprit. I just pray I believe it or not, you can feed it a sample of your works. OK, it will rights using the same style that you write is almost. Don't want to say indistinguishable, but the more training data essentially provided, you know, attest like, let's say you kept a diary, okay, or four. You've got a set of papers that you published or something. Not suggest you do this for this, I think dishonest. But you could. Or you're an author. You could say expand on this based on what you input in it. All right. It could write an entire book for you. Potentially at some point. It's not one hundred percent there. But Kenneth Kenneth shortcut people to getting something written that would otherwise not be written. I think you could make the argument. Yes, maybe it's not there yet, but it's. It's getting there. It's getting closer. And so you know we have not. And I'm not. We're not done talking. I just wanted to kind of wrap wrap things up from my end. This is only touching the surface on things. This is not even us really. I mean, I think we gave a lot of solid examples of some major things, mainstream things that are out there. With Mid Journey and Dolly, Like I said, you can. With Mid Journey, you can. Actually, it's an open beta. You can actually sign up. You just have to provide a phone number and email address. You can log on to do on Discord and you can hop on the Newbie server there. Newbie channels, and you can type in a slash imagine in whatever you wanted and it will produce images and when you find an image that you like, you can tell it. You can feed it other information to refine it. And you can produce these images that you swear were done by an artist. You can also see that it's in a style, all it's own, that you're like, Wow ! In some ways it's crazies. Scott, my good friend, showed me an entire enemy shell that was generated using AI, both the sound and the animation, and the story too. It's it's. Let's just put it this way, This is going to influence humans in a way that we're going to see other concepts for movies and plots that we've never seen before. It's going to feel like we're living on an alien world and you know why say, oh, and twenty or thirty years from now, I think it's going to happen sooner than later. I think we're on the advent of the next breakthrough in technology, where we're going to see things rapidly change again. And I don't know if it's going to be in a few days from now, a few months from now, a few years from now, or a few decades from now, or a few centuries from now. But I believe it's going to happen sooner rather than later. And I think when I think to myself, Oh, it's, you know, five or ten years that I. It's probably just a chance it might be even sooner. Well, yeah, now this is really opened up my own mind to the fact that I really want to read more about this. But my mind right now is feeling so overwhelmed by all this. Sorry, no, it's. It's huge when you think about this. And I mean, even my mind, in fairness, is filling the little toast. Just I'm feeling everything else. Mobility relay, This is a huge topic to try to cover in just a couple of hours here. But I think, like you said, we really opened it up. And I know for me my mind is processing. And when you spoke about movies at the beginning of this podcast as thinking about that is thinking, Wow, you know, movies like I've thought for a long time. There's been so many movies made. When are they gonna run out of ideas and just you brought it up down a. I mean, my mind has touched upon a lot of different things while you've been talking now. Connected to this and I'm sure this can be a lot more. But, Tom, I really want to thank you for and you know, educating me some on this because I'm just. I dunno, I'm just that might get my curiosity. It's opened up a whole new realm of thinking and potentially like I realized that there could be good and bad and you know, I like to think of the good in it that if it helps as that is wonderful. But I also realize that there could be some people that could take it and use it for very bad things as well. So it's a good thing to learn more about. Yeah, I agree, and I just when it says my pleasure and believe it or not, I know it may not seem this way to you, but you've been very astute and and a gracious receiver of this information. You've asked some really good questions. And what I love about this is even though you may be like, Oh man, I feel completely out of my comfort zone and out of my element to not be walking into this curse kind of completely and not ready for for it. To really prepare for this podcast. What's beautiful about it is to be in that that specific phase of discovery and to not know very much about it. I was told by my creative writing teacher in college. He said to choose a topic that you're super familiar with and write about. It doesn't do you any justice. It's better to choose a topic you don't know much about because then you go through the desert discovery process. So when you then explain something to someone as you go, as you remap the path that took you to. To discover to understand, you will produce better writing that is more in line with enhancing other people's understanding of a bit of a given topic. And that's who you have to consider your audience, right ? I've done my best to consider the audience for this podcast, which is trying to keep it more general. I apologize that I've probably gone. May be a little bit above people's heads, but I've tried on nodes and seeing this way. But I've tried my best to do this down in the most basic of terms. And it's not because I'm some sort of super genius. Okay, because my understanding of it. I. While I understand general principle of how it works, and I have a better idea since, like I said, I. I shadowed a few of these not complete classes, but you know, kind of intro to machine learning stuff. A better idea how the. How the math works. You know what the major season. But to be honest with you, have ever noG rhythms before. I think we've all maybe in our mind written algorithms for certain conditional certain conditions, do these certain things, or even our mind. The more simple terms, and maybe not an algorithm but an if then else statement. Traditional terms, but I am. Do not know anything really truly from my heart have about algorithms or anything of the sort. I do. I have some background experience in programming and I an interested technologist that does a lot of reading and a lot of research on the internet about a variety of different sized topics. Yes, I mean, I'd even hit on quantum computers, which you know, that needs to be it's own podcast at some point. Maybe if we decide we want to talk about them, But let's just put it this way, Artificial intelligence paired. If we can ever get quantum computers to do, you know, meaningful calculations beyond just modeling the quantum world. And yeah, because they can do parallel processing, which normal computers do serial processing and parallel processing. To give you an idea of the power of parallel processing, most humans, we do parallel processing. It means you can get to answers much faster than you would be able to under serial processing, the syrup processing, you have to do the manure parallel processing. Imagine, instead of having one line, you know, like say, Chipotle line, where you go by your burrito and you have to, you know, everything goes in order, so you have to wait in line. Imagine if you went to Chipotle and there are five lights that could process several people, That's what parallel processing as it means you can answer more than one question at the same time. Essentially, well, it some computers that can help out with artificial intelligence and accelerate things. I was just gonna say this has really awakened my curiosity. And when you're talking about subject matter, like learning about something new, that's what happens. It awakens that curiosity. So your mind goes cause I doing this podcast. I found this because I might going, but then I wonder what it would do with this and could it be beneficial for that ? And where could it go with this and all of these different things just popped in my head so that right now I'm just feeling like my head's about to explode. But it's been it's been really. I still found it enjoyable. Even if you're confused, I've found it extremely enjoyable. Like I said it, that the curiosity is, I'm going crazy with the curiosity about it because you've answered a lot about it. But it's just opened up something so new for me to want to really gain more knowledge about. So yes, very much so because I find it really fascinating. Yep, while it's. Remember, intelligence is sexy, right to me ? It is to your sappy a file. Apps, sexual. Yep, Yep. Yep. Yep. Well, I think I think intelligence is as attractive and as long as we are still decide to be humans with one another and not be a robot. So. Well, I was just gonna say artificial is not the way I'd like it. I'd like it to be natural intelligence. Oh, me too. You know, you know that artificial sweetener and stuff. Ugh. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking of. Boy, you've got my mind going a million different directions. Artificiality. Well, and once we pass the Turing test, maybe it's no longer artificial. But that's the whole thing. Is the last thing I want to mention. Is there that the debate still out whether or not the computers are sentient. There's argument that you know the computers greater than the sum of its parts. And if they're neurons, models, and the computer, then what sets them aside ? How can we say for sure that a computer is not sentient ? I mean, it's system were basically walking biological computers. That. So the question is, is the soul that sets aside what ? What makes consciousness, or is that just such an advanced form of those organizations have those units together. That's what creates consciousness. You know, I mean, it's the same thing can be said about life, right ? We went to the Natural History Museum and we saw that experiment where you put things in a vacuum. You put at the base components, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur. I think I'm probably might be missing one or two elements. Nitrogen into a vacuum with electricity and you get some spontaneous creation of amino acids with with with heat. So you know the question then is, does with creation not real ? Is that that really how we were made ? Or is there more to it than that ? You know what I mean, I'm just. I'm just. I'm just playing with the idea. But I personally believe in a higher power and. And I feel like there's someone upstairs watching out for me. They believe more than that. But but there's still that science side of me that you know, looks at these different aspects and say, wow, there's crazy. While this humanistic part that I think still cannot be duplicated in his feelings and caring and connecting. I mean, this is that computers and machine. Okay, humans have the ability to actually love and field depth for others and I don't think a machine can ever do that. So I am not going to believe that machine can become what a human is because I don't think it has a capacity now. Part of that. Yeah, I agree, It's just. It's just, you know, and it doesn't have the ability to become its own character and unique individual as people i very unique within themselves. You know, as crazy as if creativity is a measure of intelligence. It's already kneeling that so hoof, But I'm. I agree that I don't think there's any substitute, but that's kind of. The argument is, you know, may be logical fallacy or not, but it's a slippery slope. But one can make an argument with enough years and enough evolution. Maybe. But, but I'm with you. I. I like to believe that the computer's going to remain the computer. And I think that in today's world what we spent so much of our time in the artificial world, the virtual world that, you know, maybe that's the reason why we're thinking that eventually this will be a thing is because maybe some of us want it to be that way. Or some of us just because we live in the virtual world online on the computer, you know, conversing with each other virtually, you know, not just via telephone, but via text. It all starts to fill, starts to blur the lines. I think for some people maybe I. I think it definitely does. And you know, remain open minded about it. But I just don't see how humans. How a machine can becoming human. Well, I hope for our sake it doesn't either. Because, and I hope it's just emulating intelligence is not actual intelligence, because that is going to. I don't mean to be dark, but that that'd be the end of us all. I think I know what I can see if it benefits humans benefit, destroys humans now, While that's one less thing, is that what you're describing is the law of robotics. And I mean, look at the were clicking on December quick. And yeah, Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. And then these are just kind of like, you know, to prevent a dystopian future of robots become a theme, and by virtue of thy think they need artificial intelligence. One, A robot may not injure a human being or through internet or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Two, A robot must obey orders given to it by human. By human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the first law of the first law. They cannot injury human being or be allowed to. Through an activity to allow human beings to undercoat undergo harm. Three, A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law. I know that's like whew, lots of impact, but basically the the. The. The crux of it is robots. This would be the core programming robots to make sure that robots don't take over and kill us essentially. So basically, when asked earlier, would there be laws ? Yeah, there are laws. Okay, so I mean you. But this for robotics and yes, it. It is by extension may be to artificial challenges. I don't know if it's been applied to artificial intelligence that I don't think it has. So you know, there's so many questions to be answered. And I mean you will keep going on forever. We could go on forever and ever. But thank you so much ! Sack for college on this and setting me down. Because, yea, when you mentioned this topic I went. But I don't know that much about it and I said I'm willing to listen and maybe some questions they'll pop up and I a lot popped up for me. So that meant that you really did create a curiosity within me to really want to learn more. Yeah, as special shout out to our friend Patricia. This was actually request of her that we cover this topic. Sister Patricia, Love you, sweetie. I honestly, I. When we chat in and I will and will go to lunch soon. I'm doing better and it's been a process. But bless your heart. God bless you. I love you and am thinking of you a lot. She's been an amazing friend and she's even. In addition, God bless her. I donated some massages to us with everything we've been gone through. She's been a friend of mine for God. I think it's been close to ten years now. Amazing human being. Pleasure to know her honor's ours, all ours, but she probably say honours shared, but it's not the honors hers as well. But yeah, we love you, Patricia. We wanted to dedicate this episode to you for all that you do and all that you are. You are also in another amazing Gemini and so that we have in common anyways is a qualify for rolls out. Absolutely All rights. Please just please check us out on the web. Our website is Poly chromatic dot com. That's p o l y c h r o m a t i q u e dot com. Polychromatic dot com. And there you can check out our latest episodes and you can also if you sign up for an account again, passwordless system, provide us an alias for yourself and an email address. You can then log in. Comment on her episodes there and you can find us on all major platforms. If you do happen to use Apple Podcasts please please please. Sounds cliche to say, but really help. Please rate and subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. You'd be doing a big favor there. We want to get the word Out about these podcasts as we evolve and grow and eventually that might include you. Am I right Mom, Absolutely one hundred percent. We really want to get you involved. We want it. We want to connect. That's the whole thing I keep bringing up about this podcast is is that connection ? So until next time, be safe and peace out. Yep. And we also eventually want to maybe have you or experts on to diversify the The Voice. But we all have voice. Peace out. Love to guys, and we'll catching the next episode. Bye for now.