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    Hey everybody, and welcome back to the polyChromatic Podcast. I am your host, Zach, and I am the co-host, Elaine, and we are now on episode six. The polyChromatic podcast. I mean, God, we're making so many of these things, aren't we ? Well, the problem is not problem, but the great part of it, I should say, is that we get aching and we gotta do it. Yeah, we were ache and earlier in aching, Now we're talking about it. You know, the biggest problem is what kind of. I feel like we. You know, we were not unreal when we do this podcast. But sometimes you and I will have separate conversations where we're like, Damn, we should have just been recording this damn thing. Why are we not recording ? So, you know, we almost need to in the future. We haven't done this yet. Literally put the brake on. Come into the kitchen. And yes, we just had our kitchen. Maybe some day it'll be in our basement, but right now it's in our little kitchen. So, er, sorry if there's little bit of an echo, just the. Understand this is not a fully treated room and we're just using some noise gates to try to make up for this. But it's currently the limitations of my leg. I can't really get up and down the stairs. Very easy. So you saying where is semi pro instead of pro ? No, I'm just saying that. And there are certain levels that a person will go to to ensure the highest quality for the podcast. And that's one thing that we haven't done yet. Even though we do actually have the fancy New Haven moving blankets that are actually used in the industry for soundproofing, which I purchased when I moved back from California to Colorado about what fourteen months ago ? Now let's have some ways felt like forever. In other ways it's not been the long lot's happened. I think that's why it seems forever. There's a lot of events, but I n times according to times. Not long at all for sure. All right. So why don't we do spend a little bit different to start. And I didn't even talk to you ahead of time. Someone who puts you on the spot. So the question is, what music are you listening to ? And you may not can. That's fair. And if not, what movies have you been watching ? Shows or or or or shows that you like to watch ? Like season stuff. Okay, for me, I'm a movie buff. I love to all different kinds of movies. I like romantic ones. I like thrillers. I like drama. I like sad movies and just about any genre of movies. Music. I still love my rock and roll from the seventies. Ah, So I would say to you that I'm pretty much a rock'n'roll kind of movie girl. While I get that I. I think both you and I have all have one, one, both one, and owned the pass of being considered were somewhat a movie aficionado. So now that's not to say that we're critics. Okay, like, like say, Roger Ebert was a critical care in the amount of movies he watched, but we've washed our fair share of movies. I mean, let's look at that. Hulu, the Hulu subscription I have with H. B. O. Max. I was trying to think of his ago it be a Max were running titles to watch. Oh, we love it. I mean, that was really one of the best best movie channels there is is Hulu, but you're absolutely right. We were in the beginning we were going. Oh my gosh, look at all these movies and we're going. We've watched this one. Watch it so much. This one because we do watch a lot of movies together, and we do watch them separately. But I. The thing that I really love is if we. If one of us sees a movie that we think the other one will really enjoy we go out. You gotta watch this and we. I think our taste in in movies is pretty parallel, don't you think so ? And it's funny cause we share a house, which actually worked in our favor because I'm not sure if you've heard, but Netflix's are going to actually charge money for separate accounts for separate people that have separate interests. So in other words, even though we share the same Netflix account, we're in the same house. If, say, I had my own profile that Zack vs. Elaine, they are going to start charging for different profiles now. So it's been in our advantage. But I've noticed that we've had similar enough interest that it's. For the most part it was a. Maybe not every single movie, but a lot a lot of overlap. That's totally true. And it's kind of funny because I remember when I first started purchasing Netflix, I could get was nine ninety nine a month. It was like back in two thousand and eight or two thousand. Er, no, sorry, BB, maybe twenty ten or twenty eleven, actually. Yeah, and now what is it ? Fifteen ninety nine ? It's getting even more expensive. And it's criminal. And you know it's funny. They're. They're saying to other stakeholders. And oh, you know the reason why we lost three hundred thousand subscribers is X, Y and Z. Not actually looking at the reason why. I mean, they actually turned off all of Netflix to Russia and so they lost a bunch of subscribers that way. But then they're going to blame it on, you know, other factors. Oh, people are sharing accounts. And what's funny is, back in the day, they actually encourage people share accounts. They used to not have a limit on it. As a matter of fact, at one point when I was in. Living in Boulder near the University, all my room mates, Nick and Gary were also on the accounts. I do remember cause I think there was a limit of five people know what happened is yes, down the road. It was that time It wasn't, though I was an. Okay, you're talking to. It was a couple of years later. Yeah, I do remember that there were times and lived in California and I think the limit was five. And I called Zach, like at eleven o'clock at night and say, Hey, I wanna watch my TV. And he'd say, OK, I'll tell. I'll tell someone so to get up that there was like three or four people they allow. Yeah, So, anyway, that's kind of funny because I'd be going. I began, Oh, no, this is frustrating, You know, like I can't walk in the other room and say, Hey, turn off your TV. I had to call them on the phone is kind of funny. I think that was really funny. But then, you know, I mean once I think a couple of times I said something and then you were more aware that that many people are using it. But you know, I understand. I think these are. It's great that you can just tune in on a movie. It really just satisfy your immediate gratification needs. Absolutely are. The one thing I've gotta say though is Amazon Prime. Another story. They have few movies anymore. I've noticed any way that I'm even interested in to watch. Yeah, and if you. A lot of them you have to pay additional for even if they're older and it's all mixed in. So you almost accidentally pay for shit. And then the other part is free with ads like Oh my gosh, the commercials like commercials were in when I was growing up. That was just part of watching TV, right ? I'm kind of spoiled. I don't really want to be watching all these stupid commercials when I'm in the midst of a movie and it stops them going on. My gosh, they stopped at the wrong time. Know what's funny is they know people get up for commercials. You want to know why have you noticed how the commercials are so fucking loud. They're like they're like almost like eighty decibels. It's almost like a mower is right next to your ear. And even though the TV's across the room, it's like all of a sudden the movies so fucking quiet. And then the commercials. And it's like it's in L. A. Commercial something like Ah yeah, because you know what. They still want you to hear it when you use the restroom or when you're cooking, or when exactly. Okay, I'm gonna make some popcorn. But then you'll still hear that. But what's funny is back. I want to save in my lifetime. I saw it, I think in the early nineties they didn't do it. But then like in the midst late nineties they started doing that. It's crazy. So anyways, we kind of derailed. But to go back to it, I can name one that we both watched that we liked. That was that was it called the good Doctor. Oh my gosh, the good doctor. And then we also we also need to talk. And we're actually in the episode. But let's just spend just a little bit of time now. So there was a good doctor. But then there was also, what was that dot by doctors a stalker My doctor says stock doctor was not part of the sequel, was it ? That was a separate movie were talking about that one was. Yeah, that was different. I was. I just thought of that. But the one you're talking about, Yes, the stocking doctor. And then there were like five episodes. What's the actors name ? Okay, it's called Stalked by my doctor talked by my doctor that, yeah, it's a lifetime. And basically it's about this sick fucking guy. Okay, and he is a heart surgeon at like a renowned hospital. And because he saved this girl's life as almost every movie he does at the beginning he wants to have sexual relations with this girl and most of them are like, what do you think ? Sixteen fourteen, not my fourteen, may sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, yeah, or early twenties, early twenties. And he is probably like sixties or seventies. Oh my god, yes. And he loves it because he gets attention from them because diseases, Dr. And and everytime he has saved their life. And each episode is actually about a different girl, right ? Yes, and but there's one one movie where there's an overlap between the girls that the Ark with that one girl comes back to like besmirch his name and. And to expose him to see cause cause he actually, while we don't give it away, but he actually does eventually go to court and and he gets it, gets let off and he's a real sicko. The. Is played by Eric Roberts is the actor's name and he's a Academy Award winning nominee for his role on Runaway Train. A three time Golden Globe nominee for Runaway Train, Start at Eighty and King of the Gypsies. This is according to I. M. DB. But anyways, if you want to have fun with that, I will say the first movie I have really enjoyed it. But then once we got to the second and third, once we got to the fifth one, it was like a. Starting to get dark and sick. Yeah, like, especially sick like this guy. Like, and you'll see after the third one, cause he goes to a mental hospital and we're getting shock treatments and stuff. So anyways, that's one movie that comes to mind that, but we're referring to talk about the good Doctor. I just wanted to say one more thing about it. Yeah, he plays such a good character and though he does, he maintains that character and that's the thing that's. That is the most entertaining to me throughout all those movies is the character that he is is just like. You want to see how far he'll go as he does. Any dots and so, yeah, I just wanted to say he doesn't a tremendous job with it. I. I think he did a great think he had fun playing that part. Totally. If you could see that it was like Hey this. I've got this one. This character down and you can tell. And I don't think he actually does have dentures, but he'd like kind of talks and does things like almost like as dentures in his mouth is really weird. Are you saying they needed poly grip or why he's got some mouth and so and then the good doctor. Yeah, so that's oh sorry. Go ahead. So will you. When my mom did as she pulled up randomly on all places Amazon, which is a shit show. I honestly you're hardly going to Amazon Prime, but my mom does. And she does go sift through the ones that you have to pay for and the ones you don't have to pay for. New releases are free section, but it's still still, you know, cross promotional for paid vs. Unpaid. Very limited is what you're saying. Yeah, very limited, very sparse. But here she pulls up this movie. It looks a little bit older. I think it was twenty thirteen or twenty fourteen. The Good Doctor. But it is about a doctor that does what a doctor that wants to become the best doctor he can possibly be and goes so far to even not break into. But to under false pretense, go into the girls'bathroom and replace her pills with sugar inside rather than the medication. So per a kidney infection does not get cured and it goes so far. Spoiler alert for the next five, ten seconds. It goes so far that she actually dies. Well, the thing is is that in in the beginning you're thinking that it's all about ethics, right ? This this guy is practicing his ethics and then you see where his mind is going and it becomes so delusional and sick. And we're going. We're trying to guess what's going to happen next. That's one of the reasons why I think Zach enjoy moved in. I enjoy Zack and I enjoy movies so much together is because we are. Protect. Way I'd go. Oh, this is going to happen. And then when it does, we give each other a high five. So it's really fun. Because sometimes one of us will say I think it's going here and the other going to say I think it's going here. And I just have a lot of fun with that. And I would say for me, I mean, it's so hard. I listen to so much music and my interests are pretty eclectic. I just don't listen to rap or country for the most part, as a general rule, but I listen to a lot of. Well, not a lot of older rock, but I like older classic rock. I do like a lot of electronic music and that sort of thing. Not so much techno, but but more like an idiom. May be similar, chronic modern music, but really more like newer stuff. And I'm not going to mention very much now because I think I would have to go in the whole nother episode, the first to talk specifically about music, but because that's not the topic of this episode will begin to the topic here and just a little bit. This is just kind of warm us up to talking about things because it. It. These movies in these things do relate to the topic later on, and I thought that kind of throw my mama curve ball here. Anyways, I think it's kind of a good idea to warm up. But for me personally, something that I really liked was. And I've already told you about it and when I mentioned it here and it needs it needs a highlight. Wasn't need a highlight because honestly think it is a show that's fallen completely off the radar and it's all system they are posted on our website is Nirvana the band. The show was something that played on Vice Land from twenty sixteen to Twenty Seventeen and it's been off the air since they recorded as season three was supposed to be released, but in Twenty Seventeen Vice Land Canada went under. And so it starts to get complicated because they. The show really challenges the. And really challenges copyright law as far as what you to is for use and it gets away with murder, both with it's free use and with some of its themes that pushes the limits. Like in the first episode they put up a banner where there's like a penis showing out in public and it's to be funny. So but but the thing is as it seems. Stage, but it's not like it's not like Jackass or like one of those shows that where they're doing it to shock people and it's a. It's a pranks show, like they're actually going out and they're doing it and they're not telling anyone that it's a prank. But I think to me it seems like a shock factor show it is. It is kind of a shock factor. Shown its own sense, but what it does is it takes the characters that are both Matt Johnson and Jay McCarroll and they're basically who they normally are in real life, which are best friends. But that then hyperbola sizes makes extreme. A certain instances and So what it is is accomplished. The line between fiction and non - fiction in a way that I think is very clever. And like with fair use, they are actually using music from Jurassic Park and they're easy music from all of these popular culture stuff. And that's why I love it about so much. In Turns out Matt Johnson's exact same age as me. He's in the mid - eighties baby as well. And so you know, there's video game references. There's a lot of Nineties culture, a lot of that kind of stuff, and I find it very comforting. And I used to screw around with my friends in a similar way. And we used to make movies and stuff with a camcorder, so I really appreciate what he does so fast. Less than just one to throw out the real quick is. Believe it or not, I didn't tell you about this. His third movie debut, both as a director and a screenwriter. If you go on Rotten Tomatoes right now, the movie Blackberry. It's about a story about Blackberry, the The Phone Company O coming to theaters. Rotten Tomatoes gives it one hundred percent. Wow, You know what I liked about watching ? You're the one who told me about it. So I watched a few episodes with you. Is it seems so unscripted. It's like two guys out just having a good time and you know what it speaks to my culture and the way that I grew up. You know what I mean ? I liked that because it's like, really, these guys, it's like they're being themselves. They're best friends because themselves into trouble, themselves into trouble, but they're not out there to hurt their child. Like it's like they're childlike. Core essences come out, especially Matt. Matt is like always wanting to sneak around to do things. And Jake sometimes gets pissed off. He's just want a sneak. Just wanna sneak around, just going to sneak around, you know ? And he really gets kind of pissed off on some of the episodes. I think some of it's real because it turns out Matt Johnson actually snuck his movie into the film festival. He wasn't even in the Sundance Film Festival. He snuck his film over the movie Sheep and they actually showed it. And and yeah, it's crazy. So there's some crazy stuff in. What's weird is the show blurs the line because actually do an episode on that in their actual real show. But instead of it being actually Operation Avalanche, the. You snuck into the show, which was the one for them sneaking into NASA to do this fake movie. And they say their film students and stuff instead what it was. Was this a project. Avalanche was as dirty as movies in the dirty movies was a movie about kind of like Columbine where he was, he and some other dude were these people that were like, And what were the people that did Columbine to remember that ? Dylan Klebold, And so it's It's kind of a story. Eric Harrison, Clay, Clay Ball, and Durant, Dylan Klebold, Basically it, it's a movie about that. And what is weird is at first, if you hear about it, you're like, man, that's really gross movie. I'm not sure if I'm gonna watch that, but really what it does is it really kind of dough is done in such a way that makes you kind of understand, not empathize, Be kind of understand why the people that got bullied the way they got bullied would go back to school with guns and stuff. It's crazy. He's always challenged the lines with things. So anyways, I was just done with that. But it's actually kind of a perfect segue. We don't have to segue right away, but the topic for today is nostalgia. It's about what we remember with growing up and how things have changed in the world. And so if we're ready to transition we can start talking about that. I didn't want to cut you off if you have anything else you want to say as far as popular media, movies or music that you want to mention. No. Actually, my era was one of the best. Aires to grow up in. And the seventies and I am excited to talk about it because there was a lot of things in the Seventies that really stood out to me. But one of the. I think the most. The thing to stand out the most was the fact of the great music. It was the great music era. They never never ending. Ah, music that a lot of people still enjoy today and some really major bands. And it was also a time of real big change of. It was the ending of the Vietnam War and love and peace and it's. It was really, I think, just a really cool time to grow up because there was so much about that connection that I talk about with that so important to me and I think that's just made. That may be just my era of why I am who I am and the rawness of that because it's. I love the idea of the peace and love and the concerts. Going to concerts was really big in the seventies and there were so many great bands out there and it's really refreshing to me to know that very even very young people will be able to identify some of the bands that were very popular during that time. And. And so I'm just saying this is that to me, the greatest era of music. Now. Does that mean that I don't go into liking other things I do ? Zack's taste in music is amazing. He's introduced me to a lot of really great bands. I like that, and even some of his music that he listens to. I love listening to too. And so I think that we kind of have a bland. Maybe some of maybe not favorite so to speak. That may be my favorite scent, your favorites, but I will say that our taste in music is similar enough to the point that I'm not offended by yours and you're not offended by mine. Yeah, gosh, what I was. What was I going to say about that ? And shoot, I hate when my mind goes to a blank. And that's what happens when it's unscripted. Give yourself that you've got a notepad. Just write down. Yeah, I know I should have written it down. Ideas come and go so quickly in your triangle. Oh, I remember what else I remember. You know, I know, don't mean this meme. But I'm kind of jealous that I didn't have a chest. Grow up in the generation you grew up in because it was more innocent time. It was before the internet. Can you talk about peace and love and not to get weird with you here ? But there was also open as far as drug culture like there's a lot of experimentation. Was a lot of free love, a lot of peace and love. You know, this was also happening during the Vietnam War when you know people were really against it and really putting out there this whole peace and love kind of vibe. And you know what's it called ? When do I not affirmative action. I was a call when a person stands there and protests. Yeah, but was kind of like protests but but it's where you do it without violence. You're not talking about God. What the heck is it called ? Well, I just know that there was peaceful protests because it was all about peace. So it was like focused on the fact that this is about peace and love. But we don't like this Vietnam war going on and all these people. And if we look back in history, the Vietnam War accomplished nothing. And it's a very, very sad part of our history. I think to look back at that, to realize that the war in itself. I mean, I'm not going to go on to that topic, but to realize how many people died during the vietnam war and what was accomplished was zero. So anyway, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm just. I can only think about like peaceful protests. But maybe it's not civil disobedience, but what it is is civil rights. Know there's another word for it. And I'm trying to remember what it is. But it's basically, you know, nonviolent resistance. What what it is is is where you resist, but you don't use violence. Gandhi used it to try to remember what it's called. Non violent protest is, it's civil disobedience, maybe to civil disobedience. Maybe that is the word. I think it's right because it's like looking at. Yeah, I think it's civil Disobedience is where express. Yeah, it's where you don't use violence, but you do protests, right ? So we're talking about the same thing. Protests, but they were peaceful. They were peaceful. They were never harm in nonviolent nonviolent resistance. Basically, and I'm trying to remember it's called peaceful resistance to. But I. I thought that had a different name and that's okay. It doesn't really matter. You get the. You get the point, you know, I could spend your. Spend a minute here trying to find the exact right word. But that's ok. Well, I think what you just said and it is also the point I was trying to make earlier. That it was a real big turning point in history with the music. And yes, it was the drug, drug culture and just a lot of things happened in the seventies. And you know, I mean, I know that it wasn't all beautiful and it wasn't all like the greatest. From every aspect. But I do believe that it was a time when many people's minds were opened up. It was such a. I. I think that people acknowledged a lot of what was going on in the world then and some of the greatest music was written at that time. You know, some of. Like I was talking about the artists of the time and I actually made a list that maybe I'll go over a little bit later on. And you know, as we say, this is very much non scripted. But I did go online. Tickets. I couldn't remember all these names because there's so many of band names is what I'm talking about. Self. I do go online to jot down some of those because I'm a man. I just think it's. I love the fact that that music never dies. Yeah, you knew what. There was so much. Wonderful. And I shouldn't. What's the word ? I'm looking for so much wonderful mind bending music that came out around that time. You know, I'd say the early to mid sixties into the late seventies. And I'm talking about making a guitar like cry. Yes, you know what I mean, just just these these and these guitar riffs that just are so memorable and not to get too much into it. But for me, I love those kind of music of that generation. I really do because of how artistic. Wasn't you know what they did ? They didn't use digital. These. A bunch of analog things in distortion. And they stacked all of them up to produce these really unique sounds. And then you get to the eighties. You know, which is my starter, my generation. And I love the Eighties. I love Eighties music. I love, if anything, the reason why I love Eighties music. I think it's because I love electronic music. And Eighties music was the beginning of that because they had. And what was the main keyboard of the eighties ? Let's see, I wasn't. Wasn't it the keyboard. Eighties ? Since I just want to see the popular. Once I record drum machines, the Eighties. Was it a Korg ? I think it was a KoRG. I'm trying to remember. But anyways, yeah, they've got a raw a Roland Synthesizer. Let's see Milan Roland again, Yamaha. Maybe it's Yamaha, but just some really crazy stuff. Music that's been made using digital signals rather than analog signals. And I love the synth. I think my favorite instrument, if I'm honest, would be the keyboard, which is which you know in the eighties, was a synth. Even though I did also play guitar because growing up I put I played keyboard in the later. Play guitar, I think guitars way more difficult than keyboard. You can do a lot of amazing stuff on the keyboard. Anything. As far as learning music, If you want to take a song that you've heard and tried to decompose it, you'll most likely be able to do it on a. On a. On a piano. The easiest way. You know, when you talk about keyboard. Yeah, I follow you. But I was going to say he talked about the keyboard. I remember it was more like Oregon type in the seventies. And like you're talking about that lead guitar with that Oregon. And then of course, yeah, that drama, you know, bass guitar mean they're all important. But some of the best drummers of all time. Or from the seventies. And so you know, it's just I. I love, I love that air. There just was a lot of things that happened and it's it's kind of fun to think back about how different it is in many ways, even though that while they were still troubled times and again talking about how the. I just remembered the world seemed out of control with the war happening and people being drafted and it was scary. It was scary. I remember in high school for some of the older boys that were like getting. You know that we're seniors. Like, Am I going to be drafted because you were drafted if your number was picked, man, you went to war and that that will forever stay with me because it was so impactful of the guys talking about. Hey, do you have a draft number ? Like, what's your draft number ? You know, you know. To me, I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm a guy. And the thought of being drafted scared me a lot. And the reason why I had to be drafted by today's standards is in order to receive student loans, you have to sign up to be drafted to. Requirement. I never knew that till this moment. Really. Yeah. And of course I wouldn't have been in the front lines because my. I've had issues with my life for years. But before that happened, I realized there was a possibility of that happening before I knew that I had issues with my legs all the way back to mid mid two thousands but yeah, you know, I thought to be forced. Here's the thing, Okay, I'm just been honest about this. And I think if we're all honest for a moment, to take a step away from any of our patriotism or any of our preconceived notions, I don't necessarily have an issue going to war to protect our country and put my life on the line. Even if I laugh, at least. Lost my life if we're not fighting a proxy war. If we're not fighting, you know, pardon my French, but my dick is bigger than yours kind of things. You know, it's not because I'm trying to say, is this like the Vietnam war ? Why the hell were even there ? Okay, And so people are putting their lives on the line for something that's not even important. And the reason why I say it's not important. You can. People can argue. I'm sure there's some people that will probably listen to podcasts that I'll be really pissing off by saying that. But I think it's pretty. And. And I don't know for sure, but my understanding is the Vietnam War was a complete waste of time. Well, and not to just mention the people that died while they were in action. But Agent Orange was a. It was a chemical that was used and that killed a lot of people afterwards. Years later. And so just very, very sad. And it really does hurt my heart in many ways. Because that was really big. And like you're saying that to be like, if you're fighting for your country and there's going to be something to be gained. I. I, I think that that's different than than just sending people and just. It's like a massacre. Man. And you know, again, you know, I believe that it's not like you know, I. I don't believe in our country. Although past several years has been kind of difficult, but overall, you know, America is great place to live. I mean, I live here. I. I'm going to continue living here and there's a lot of beauty in living in America. But when it comes to young men and women losing their life over. If there's not a. A reason or that pay off for it, I guess their pay off that if there's nothing to be gained is what I'm trying to say. Like there suck. It's a useless sacrifice. That's a waste. Exactly. Yeah, for sure. So I. Yeah, you know you've got your generation that you grew up in. Certain things. Certain nostalgia. You know, what's interesting is now that I'm in my thirties. I've seen that I'm definitely in my prime. And the reason why I say that is because you know, we're basically at a time now. Where have you seen a lot of sequels ? A lot of stuff that was from my childhood that's now coming out. And do you know why ? Because it's real simple becomes down to this. Nostalgia sells. Oh yeah, you know, if you think of a childhood memory and we all have childhood memories and that reason wear it. You know, popular media, you know, comes into the picture and you know, for your generation, I would think Star Wars Refuge was so huge rights. And for my generation we have certain things growing up, like beanie babies, Pokemon, and you know, Nintendo games. And you know that just become part of our childhood. And so then all of a sudden, out of the blue you see something you know most recently, the new Metroid game Metroid Prime Remastered, coming out. I didn't, by the way, didn't play Metroid Prime, the original, and when it came out in two thousand and one, two thousand to two thousand three or whatever. Because that was a console generation I skipped. I did not get a game cube, but I played it years later and I'm like this is a masterpiece. Chooses to sorta think they had remastered something like that And by the way, just wanna mention real quick, what were the two video games ? First video games I got it was the original Metroid for the NTS and the second one was make them into I believe yes. And both of them. I told you this the other day. What's really weird ? And I never thought about this before. Both those games involve like heroes that both have a right arm cannon. Actually, I'm not sure. Maybe make making that has left arm cannon, but they both have an arm cannon. It's crazy and it's very strange. I never made that connection until I thought about it the other day and I was thinking that's really weird. One is a heroine. One is that one is a female lead and the other one is an ass. But if you want to call him a male lead is more like a boy than he is a man. But the original cover art for the original Mega Man. He was a man. But but he went QT. He went cute and small. And the other ones will tell you what you know, there was an involvement with video games. Because I mean, compared to what they were in the seventies to today is black and white. It's all I can say. It's. It's like amazing. And Zach was showing me this new one that just came out that he's talking about and is really cool. I mean, there's it's. It's really fun to look at how basic they used to be. And I dunno what you call it for sure, because I'm not a video game player. But I would say that the animation Al caught the animation is just so much more realistic and detailed and. And I can see why people are really pulled into it because of that. Yeah, you know, I said it before in another episode. Gaming for me growing up, and certain games I played will take me back to certain things. Like if I'm honest, if I think of the Mega Man series specifically, not the early games. But if I think of like Mega Man Ten, Mega Man Eleven and Make'em and Twelve. So Mega Man X, Mega Man X Two and Mega Man X Three Visual original Mega Man X. I remember you took me to an antique shop and I spent the day on a Saturday, an antique shop and afterwards we went and picked up my game and that's where temperatures are making their necks. That's what I think about it. For some reason I think of them. Antique shop. So it's sort of like music. Yeah, because taking planes with Allah. Hear a song and I'll go back to exactly a memory from that song. And that music to me is his soul building. It's it's connection. It's it's it's. It's sort of just embraces one's life and in a way that nothing else does. And it. It, I think, is beautiful because some of the lyrics from the seventies in some of the songs were just, you know, they. They spoke about so much about what we were talking about earlier, about love and peace. And I also, I think that some of the. Some of the best riders of music for that time where I guess I'm just repeating myself. But it's just very poetic. Time for for music and so, yeah, I think when you talk about the video game thing, I go to the music with that because it's. It's still that way. It's. It's not just in the seventies. It's been throughout my whole life. You know, you'll hear a song and it'll just take you back to a time in your life. And I think it's really interesting that I wouldn't have remembered that day at the antique shop with Mega Man. Ah, but that was huge to you. Yeah, it was in another game that really came came to mind is the original Donkey Kong Country. Yeah, I remember that game. A swot at King Soopers. Been back when they used to have an apartment and it was really what drew me to. It was the art of. All of the palm trees had these really lush green palm trees. They are all rendered in three D. And as far as the game is concerned, that game cheated. It was able to do three D on an SNS. It really wasn't three D. What they did is they made the character models, rendered them in three D and then took a picture of them. So then they were sprites on the screen when they moved around and it was amazing for its time. And I want to tell you that game was so enraging. I went back and played it as an adult and I thought because I thought it was just a stupid. You know, on Gifted Gamer. Oh my god, that's a hard game. Yeah, you actually build up calluses on your thumbs because you're playing the levels. Some of the levels of players so difficult that you. Interesting from that time frame. Yeah, compared to even now. You know another one. I remember that you played with that. I think it was called Duck Hunt. Oh yeah, yeah, I mean way way back in the day. Yeah, that was one of the early ones, right ? From the first Nintendo or Sega. It was the first Nintendo. Duck Hunt had the. Had the little gun, the gun that you could shoot at the screen and what was crazy. If I'm recalling correctly, I don't know if there was a separate sensor or not. I don't think it was. What happened is you would hook up to the back video cable like the Codex cable. You would hook something up to it. And what was so bizarre about it is, after you hooked something up to it, it would do they would somehow. So when you shot the laser at it it would cause a disruption in the screamer or something. Because then when it would go out the coex cable there'd be a little splitter that would go into the Nintendo or something like that. So we could actually register where you are pointing is very strange. It like it was was ahead of it's time how they were able to achieve that. Yeah, if I'm recalling correctly, Well, if I could just talk a little bit about the nostalgia I came with seventy, please do. First off, you know, I was talking about the Cradle rock and roll. Well then there was the disco and the punk that came out. And of course I had to learn disco because a Saturday Night Fever John Travolta. That was such a big movie of the time as we're connecting things together. Another thing that I really remember from the seventies was Clothing Wise and Bell Bottoms and that we used to wear short shorts with tube socks. Tube socks that went all the way up to your knees with with the. The short shorts and. And it's cool because your bell bottoms are coming back in today. And I'm definitely different than a little bit different than they were then. I'm thinking of the color scheme of the seventies was gold and. And. And green and orange. Those were the three big colors from the seventies. People decorated their homes in those colors. That was just that. Color coded the seventies. And I was thinking another thing about the seventies was. And you. You don't see this today. My gosh, hitchhiking. Everyone hitchhiked all over the place. It was like you just, you know, stick your thumb out. People pull over and give you a ride. Is is just kind of mine. It's like mind boggling to think. And comparatively, by today's standards, because you. Now, by today's standards, you. A lot of people will not even stop to help someone who needs help because they don't know if it's. And I'm not saying that didn't happen at all in the seventies. I'm just saying people were generally speaking more trust trusting yet. And it was a more innocent time. I feel like like you are able to just like go to the store that's not to say there weren't serial killers out there or or or people doing best. Andy was during the seventies. Yeah, but generally speaking, I feel like when it came to dating, like, for instance, dating today. Literally, if you don't have a social media profile. Good luck. Because girls don't know. Sounds really weird, but it's it. You'd be like, No, Zach, you're crazy. No, I'm telling you. And it's because so much of the detainees moved to online that people just go for that. I know that Still, I'm still trying to soak that went in because we talked about that prior. Pie. Shake your shaking your head when I say it. And but it's ridiculous. Well, it seems so unnatural to me, you know, artificial. Yeah, a couple of the things I just wanted to bring up and then you know, we. I can give you some time. Oh no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt us wanting to feel that way. I think we're just communicating like we usually do with each other. But it's crazy. You know, we didn't have like the the I. T. V reception that was really that good. And we had TV antennas which we would have to adjust because reception would get really grainy and blurry. And so we would be having to to adjust these TV antennas. And the other one I thought of that was really big was I loved typing. I love typing. I dunno what it was. And to this day I still like to type, but it was much harder back then. Because if you made a mistake, you had to use white out and then they got to the point where like you know, you would white out. We stop white out. But then it got to the point that they actually you could insert behind where the key was going to come up like on the paper where you were going to type. You could back space it so that it would happen. You'd have this page paper that had white out on it and it was really big deal. So you didn't have to painted on anymore. You could just backup. And then you had that white paper you'd stick in between where the letter was and the paper and it would automatically whited out. And I thought, boy, whoever invented this was smart. So yeah, it's just like those are two things that really stand out. And I remember my teacher was my typing teacher would take chalk across the blackboard and he would say Miss Elaine, what's wrong and just make me cringe. You know how sometimes you hear those sounds. He would do that on purpose and I think part of the reason why I like typing classes. Because he was fun. He was a comical guy and he was always is always having fun in the classroom with all the students. So there's a lot of really fun interaction. And Tom also thought it was really cool that you could just type something and not have to hand write it anymore, you know ? So it's. It's interesting to see how far we've come from that time were. Now we just backspace. I mean, you know, it's like, hey, it's gone wickets backspace, we move forward, right ? So that's the point being is that I. With computers, Boy, if that hasn't freed up the ability to just backspace and move forward so much quicker. So obviously doing papers and things like that are so much faster by today's standards. Yeah, you know. And and my generation. And we still did use some white out and stuff. But I feel like even in elementary school, while we didn't have laptops to type up reports, there were these things. I think they were called Alpha smarts and what they were his. They were basically this. And they had very basic screens. They just had like little liquid crystal display screens that were, you know, about the size of a keyboard with. And about, you know, an inch or two high just for cutting out enough for a couple of lines and they, I believe they operated off battery. If not, you could plug them in. And what you do is you type out your entire report. Okay, and then if there was some process either would automatically save it. Save it, but then you go in to school. You plugged them in using the serial port on the. Their their Macintosh. I don't know. I think they might have been G three all in ones. Not a hundred percent sure. I think they were due through one once, but neither here nor there. And what you would do is you would plug in the serial port when you had the word processor opening and press a button and it would start typing out everything that was in the memory, so you could then get into the word processor and save it. And also, when I was in elementary school on those same Macintosh computers, they had something called Kid pics. Then what Kid Pix was and this is should be him. Nostalgia for anyone that was my age, but Kid Pix was his. It was an art program where you could draw things out and had a whole bunch of cool stamps. Nicole, much cool, like little preset things to have, like bumblebees and had like likes different stamps of different. Like animals and different like, you know, objects and. And it was really fun. That. And also the original apple two for practicing. They would. We would put. They would have us put over our hands like a napkin or so we couldn't see where our typing, and we'd have to put our middle fingers on the D key and the. I believe the cakey and they also those the the ones that. Other keys that also have the little bumps for the braille. And he would sit there and you'd type and we would do see help while we could do with the typing. But there was also another game we would play. Would be called Oregon Trail. In Oregon Trail, you are responsible for an entire group of people to travel west or east. I don't remember things for travel west because it's. You know there is. As the country starting to grow. You're traveling west using horses and wagons, and you're responsible for when people get sick like people get dysentery and die. And you also have to manage the resources so they don't. You have to hunt buffalo and stuff. So you've got to make sure you don't die. And then once you get. Either you win or you lose, you get a print out on a dot matrix printer. This is. This is the one with the. With the edges with the dots on the perforated where you can take'em off you get a report saying how well you did. And so those are some of the things I remember from elementary school when you were talking about, you know, technology. So just technology in general. Between video games and having computers and typing. And yeah, it's pretty. Think. Think about how different our lives are now. You remember before the internet, you know, here's the thing, I'm kind of conflicted on it. Before the internet, the only thing that you could pull outside of yourself would be information that are in books, right, or people experiences. And so if you needed to do research, you get a library right. You go to the. You know, card card catalogue, you go to Encyclopedia Britannica. You, you know, do that. And it was on CD ROM and and nothing was live and. And I remember back in the day we used to do the fifty six K dial up modem and the phone lines, dot com and cat cache clean up on the computer. Was to sit there on the mac and I remember sitting right next to that radio down in the basement and we get kind of hot in that room and we would be. I was going to be going on Geocities and looking at the. The source code of the websites and. And I made my own gees, Geocities website and had so much fun. Just kind of playing around and learning HTML. And I made a. I made a game sites on Geocities back in the day. That was my first sight. I think of Asia like eleven or twelve. And then you are on eBay. EBay was. Oh my gosh, that was dangerous. Yes, but yes, eBay. And when you're talking about AOL dot com, I just remember the phone line was always tied up. There was always someone and so we couldn't have people call us. So we ended up basically. I don't know if you remember this, but we got a second phone line kits that we did because I said I need the phone because I worked at home and sometimes people would be trying to get a hold of me with my work. And how many times did he try calling ? Oh yes, thirty four or something. What was that was the max. Whether the highest number. He tried to call twenty seven times and he couldn't get through and it was a panic. I worked for this company. I did promotional sewing type of things. Also, I did design for a ski areas, doing backpacks and climbing harnesses and all kinds of sky, which was big out here. Yeah, like the the company J Rat, right, which they did the climbing harness. Yeah, I worked for so I was an independent contractor, but nonetheless it was like I was amazingly fast at my job and they would just give me stuff like in the morning that had to be out at the NJ end of the day where the poor guy that came to pick the stuff up from my house would have to drive down to the airports cause it have to be flown out. It was just like, I mean, it was a chaotic career, saying the very least. Been very, very well. It got to the point where it was wonderful because I could be home with my children and be here. I. I really enjoyed it for its time, but honestly it was also very tiring. And for me when it was in the home there was always that like I need to get up early. I need to get this done. And then I had that drive with. Well, when someone's trying to call you twenty seven times that just as one particular job for. From that company and that was a promotional company. So they did a lot of things for banners and tents. It was ah, for a lot of events that came up so many times they would get this job and it'd have to be out like in a next day or two. And it was like I don't remember once not finishing it up. I remember just going okay, I can do this and it was. I look back and I'm like, Oh my gosh, how did I continually was I able to continually so that quickly for god knows ten twelve hours at a time to be able to satisfy that company's needs. And it's funny to look back because you're so right because you remember, and I can say is named Pete, but he was like neurotic as hell. I mean, he's high strung as hell because, like, I kind of sort of indirectly worked for him over the course that summer. Fortunately, mostly it was. I forgot the owner's name is because I. I actually worked worked for him, but I was in charge of helping move that company over that course the summer. That was great. Yeah, yeah, it was kind of. It was even a demo, a demo work on the new building like a spur of the moment thing. Hey, that can. Hey, you got a son. Can you come over here and work ? And it was always like behind like, Okay, we've got to get to here, but we'll take whatever we can get. And you know, I loved Pete. He was an awesome human being, big hearted guy. But I'll tell you what, he dependent on me and I. That was a company as working for before I moved to California in two thousand and nine. Yep, and he told me when I came back and went over to visit him and he said I had to hire three people to keep up with you. And I laughed because I went, Whoa, I didn't know that, but I just knew I was like, determined. Like it's almost like at the challenge was kind of satisfying to me. Yeah, they did silkscreen printing a lot of silk screen design design, that old whole design department that worked in. And not Photoshop, and but not acrobat, but the one that they work on the vector graphics. And so what they would do is they would have their clients send them photos of the business. If they didn't have the vector graphic, they would turn their logo into a vector graphic and then they would print and the negative terminal guy that works. Yeah, they would. They would print that Amber's amber papers actually shoot using a light that's brighter than the sun to photoresist the silkscreen and then wash off the silk screens. You have the negative and that's why the float through the. The silkscreen and then after they printed, then it goes through a dryer. So I did do some. I didn't really do very much printing. I mostly was a catcher for the drawing, but then anytime up we were not moving, but I was like there was only like the first week because a few days later, all of a sudden I remember the owner asked me he said, Do you have experience driving a truck ? And I said to him, I said, because it was like a twenty four foot truck. Okay, And I said to him, I said, And I said not very much publicity. But I just said, I said if you. I said, but if you just take your corners and you know, why'd. I think everything should be ok ? He said he he thought that was really cool. They said that he was like he was fine like, you know, with me doing it after I said that that that's so crazy. What. You know what's really wanted to make sure I didn't. You ought to a sardine can the the the moving truck. Yeah, gotcha. What was really satisfying for me is that I did a lot of banners and things for the Denver Broncos. And when we did our crews years, which was later on. And one of the tents because I knew how I sewed the tents and they were just. You kind of know your own work is when I saw promotional tent in Hawaii and I went up to them like going, I said, this tent and it's kind of cool in Lewisville, Colorado, and this made it all the way to Hawaii. And it was. It was cool because it was like, you know, it was like you attach that piece. You had actually built that and ended up somewhere and a lot of the banners I had done were televised. You know it was. It's it. It was a good job. Needless to say, I'm a bit tiring and many times anxiety producing, but I look back and I. I mean, honestly, it was great to be able to have that type of a job at that time in my life. So I could be. I could be around the hell you were. The Terminator work and she worked pretty much just all the time because she got piece rate for it. But as a result she didn't do bad. You didn't do that financially as a result, but you did work yourself to the bone. And I was going to say so. You. You mentioned that real quick, but to just revisit as not to keep talking too long about it. But what would you say the nostalgia factor for that job was at that time. If you compare it to anything, I would say that the nostalgia factor to that. Where the individuals that worked at this company. Oh, George Wright. Oh yeah, I. Getting to know those people and having a relationship like I talked about Pete. Where is he ? He's dear to my heart. He had a. He had a great heart. He was a. He's a really cool dude and I gosh, I haven't seen him in years I don't know. I think on the company. I dunno if I should say it, but the company still going. It's promotional company. But anyway, that's off the name, by the way. Yes, I said half. I can cut it off, but you're not one of these days. I think I'll go over there. But no. That was just like people that work There were very kind of cool characters, I guess I could say because they all came from kind of a little bit different backgrounds and we all worked as a team and I think that's the thing when you say what was like the memorabilia of that job was just the team team part of it. I mean it was more than me just getting it completed. It was George driving it to the airport and a lotta times. As you know in Colorado, you know, in the winter times we have the snows at calm and you know what just like sometimes minutes and he's going. If you can get this out by such and such a time, it's going to take me this long to get to the airport. And then it was just kind of like a fun deal because it seemed big and it seemed like important, important to end like so many people were involved and I. I really liked a lot of people that work there. They were very very good people down, you know, talking about good people and you know, my last job not to talk too much about it. But I just gonna say it wasn't like everyone there were I really connected with. But there are a lot that I did. Oh yeah, there's always going to be the one person that you have a problem with. But do you know it was such a nice job to have just to have that level of trust in the level of responsibility. And like you're saying, you know where they would be taking stuff to FedEx. Lost when I was taking sample stuff at Aix last minute. Sometimes like you know, the cause they they would close at their warehouse in Lewisville. Will close at six thirty. And so I remember sometimes getting there just a bit late, but they hadn't closed yet. One time I got turned away, but otherwise I would always kind of be like, okay, I gotta play my samples and I've got to have a half an hour to get here. But there was. Sometimes I'd be speeding because I had my two thousand and eight Mazda Miata and you know, it was manual clutch and I would just clutched my way to try to make it there on time and on several occasions and it's just cause what happened. What would happen is I'd be working very intently and I'd have to identify what samples were which by, you know, performing and genetics testing using the using PCR to amplify a product to see if I have a gene or trait is there and you know, I'd identify my bands and identify which ones and then I'd have to sort through them. I'd have to measure the quantity of the DNA. And then and back then before that when I used to have issues with concentration because as using too much water, I'd even have to bake my samples to get some water off of them as crazy. Put them in the oven for a bit to evaporate some of it off. So I concentrated and I remember when my boss told me that that would work. It didn't seem like to me it would work because the oven seems so dirty. And here these chairs release these real sensitive genetic samples. I thought it wouldn't work, but it worked fine. So to make any ways to make a long story short for me, I've got some nostalgia with my job too, because they're just it. It was, in part the culture that had been built before me. I got the chance to build that same culture back into it. And I also got some good feedback from the time I was away. That one guy, he said it's not been the same since you left. Of course not. And it made me feel good because I got the opportunity to work with a lot of students and got to teach them, you know, the scientific process. And I've been involved in that lab for for as a volunteer for two and a half years before I got hired part time for a year. And then there was a nine month period where there was no grant money before a big five year old year long grant got funded and I got promoted to lab manager a month later after that was funded. And that has been my life up until that point. And what's crazy ? The part that kind of sucks a little bit is I only got one. My name on one paper. Hey, you made it on one. I did. I did. And I also can put it on my resume. But now the question is, what I do, what do I do next ? But that's another topic, right ? And that's a whole nother topic for a whole nother podcast for a whole nother conversation. But you know, but I. But I do have memories from some of my jobs and. And stuff that really do that are very memorable to me. I was gonna say, isn't there kind of a thrill factor with racing the clock ? Cause we both are like there's that little adrenaline rush like, Hey, you know what I think I can do this and shortcuts like you're talking about baking and to get the water out of it there. It's so cool how creative you can be with shortcuts. And. And it's like if I do it this way and I plan this, then I can do this. There's that whole thing about. And then when you accomplish yet. Whoa, I did it. So you know, realizing that you're productive and we both have this really perfectionistic app that can. That's what I'm going to call it, cause that's what it is with what we do. So both Sack and I are just so in. So with our jobs, we try our very very hardest and we do so much more. It's passion and we both are really passionate people. In case you haven't noticed by this time, if this is the first time, hopefully you'll see in the podcast that were passionate. But we're so passionate and so particular and so dedicated. And that's just a trait we have, which I think can be positive. Also think it can be hard at times. But I. I really like that trait because it's like always trying to do things that best that you can. And yes, there's limits. We both know we're not perfection. We. We are not perfect, but we strive towards it though. We strive and I think that's a. I dunno. I think I embrace that and I think that's a really positive characteristic. Yeah, and you know, a lot of my. A lot of my satisfaction with my last job was just derived from the fact that I was not micromanaged. I was entrusted. I had autonomy, I had. Agency, a high accountability. Also had flexibility about meeting the work done as fast as I could, but also flexibility. And if it came in an hour later, whatever. It was kind of more of a quota based job, but it was handled in a way that with a lot of trust, a lot of respect in a way that I mean really for me. My boss very few times have said well done, really good work. But I know in the scientific process, when I got good results, when my. When I would image my gels and I would have a result for every animal and. And everything. I look at that and it felt really good to be able to use my hands. And what's great is not everyone can get pleasure from talking about the chemicals in our brain that get released when we do something, when we create something, or when we're productive. Or we do good work for me. And that's how i look at the natural release. It's not like anyone was telling me I'm doing a good job. I was telling myself I was doing a good job and really realizing it. It was like magic to do to use these tools to get these answers. Almost like magic and then be like oh man, I did real good. So rewarding that real. Well, yup, it really really is. So how bout you like when you are and eighty Sky. So I love the fact you remember that about the Mega Man. That's really cool. I didn't realize that till rot tell you taught. We talked on this podcast. But other memories that you have that kind of vibe near and dear to your heart from your era of when you grow up. Well if I try to think of the earliest memories. So working forward by working backward, forward, there we go. I I would have to say I. Sam, I remember well and there. There's some good memories here. I have when the three of us will be playing video games. Brother, you and me and fucking Josh would always be stoned, the controller and always stealing my turns and so was helpful to have you there. Policing, but he's still get away with murder by the way. And I remember there were some times where that was kind of bad. I would. I would try running away and then you come after me and then you'd realize that, you know, after I was like, No, no, no, and keep walking way. That was kind of a game. So you kind of did a little bit of reverse psychology and then I'd be like, No, you're not chasing after me, you know why you're not using that kind of thing. So. But I actually the secrets come out now I think I. I think about Super Mario Brothers Three, The popular game ain't really a great game. You know, they had the big world that. The small world. You know what game I'm talking about, right ? There's a raccoon Mario. I love them, the one in the boots Durham talking about. And so that was a really great game. And I. I mean, I'll. I'll talk about other things other than video games, but it kind of is. My life has all kind of relates to video games, cause it's just kind of like it brings up. It's almost like an anchor point for my other memories. Sort of. I. And then I'm trying to think of the next. Oh, I remember. It was like nineteen ninety two or nineteen ninety three. And at the time could not afford. I couldn't afford. My brother couldn't afford. And shares how you aren't going to fork out. I can't remember how much was it was like two hundred two hundred fifty three hundred bucks. I can't remember. Super Nintendo System. And with a Super Nintendo system, one of the launch titles was Super Super Mario World with a ghost called. I'm drawing a blank right now. Super Mario, Super Mario World. I think it is. Yeah, it is Super Mario World. Okay, just want to make sure I was right about that. Yes, Super Mario World and you had Yoshi and haul it all these updated graphics and I remember that game would get rented and and a lot of times it would be my brother renting the system and he'd have a friend over and I would watch for hours and hours and hours and then once they fall asleep he would unplug it so I'd have to like sneak over. And one time I kind of got a little bit electrocuted trying to plug it in slowly, but then I turned on the sound and just try my best to not have them wake up because they get pissed for. Up for, you know, cause I'm just the annoying little brother for playing it or whatever. But I really want to play it. I remember seeing them beat the bowser with, you know, the in the in the spinney Cup thing, you know, and and the the very. Any boss fight and it was a really really cool game. But honestly, as a precursor to that before that even happened, Bhai brother had a friend and I'm trying to remember what his name was. This is when we were living over off of Orange Orchard. But anyways, and he lived in Polo Park. I am not sure if his name was. Wasn't Paul was something else, but so it was a long time ago as before we moved. But anyways, he was playing. I believe ost file fassi to er mei, it wasn't five has three, I don't think was fine. Fancy too. And I saw that came and the battle system and the overworld map and all the places you could visit. And I was like, Oh my god, that is such a cool game. And so I remember I rented it. I tried renting years later, or sorry, sometime later, accidentally end up renting Mystic Quest, which, by the way, for anyone that's listening that played video games. You know, Mystic Quest is a piece of crap. I mean, some people say it's got good music, but what it is is a westernized version of that game. Because I hate to say it sounds racist, but it's true. Japanese people think that Americans don't know how to play Japanese games because they're not good at games. And so as a simplified version. And then years later I'm like, oh, it was what was final se two, I just got confused at that age which one it was. And then later on I played Final Fantasy Three and that's what I'm had met Keith. So our whole friendship is based on that game. Sort of. We played a ton of that together, but separate from that other memories. I think of as I think of when I was learning to play the piano. And also think about when I was learning to play the guitar for those kinds of things that were happening in my life. So there are a lot of memories that are tied either to activities and or you mean ma, mostly activities and that are seemingly unrelated, mind you, and and I even have stuff of early early nineties, you know. Do you remember the place called Replays where Joshua would go ? You would sometimes go where they had used games. Yeah, I do, but I wanted to just backup because I when used to rent the system or Joshua to emphasise. Yeah, nostalgia time. Everyone. Blockbuster video though. Random talk about that from it. Yeah, because you know something, we had the greatest time as a family going over there. It was an activity on Friday was an activity and the place was chopped slaw like, like forty five minutes to an hour just to get checked out yeah. And a lot of times there'd be a newly released movie and it'd be gone. I'm going now so we would always. We were ok. We'd find something else to watch and we all agree on it. And it was just such a cool time. We'd come home and make popcorn and you guys are generally buy candy cause they had it by the check stand at Blockbuster. Blockbuster was such. It was really cool time and it was really sad to me. And that's I guess Netflix and other other companies came into play. Did you know that Blockbuster had an opportunity to buy Netflix ? They were offering them early on to buy them. Know who decided that that would have been amazing. They didn't think that is going to take off the way that it did. And they were dead wrong. And then they were trying to catch up and then they weren't able to do. You know, there's only one blockbuster know where that is. I want to say it's in a. What's the states that start Oregon things in Oregon ? But yeah, you wait in line for forty five minutes. It was like an activity. Been while you're waiting in line. There's all these other movies on the shelf you you could watch in one thing before while she's looking that up. I just want to say when used to go to the movie theater. Used to be able to go see a movie the whole family for twenty bucks, twenty five bucks within with concessions with, you know, with food and you don't want to know how much it is for a ticket now have you looked ? I think AMC theaters. Twenty two or twenty three dollars for a ticket. Wow, non matinee prices like twenty three bucks. A person with ants when I was a kid boy shows ass a fucking nine am. Sorry, but that is that is exploit level cost and I understand that ticket prices didn't go up for a very long time. I remember needs to be five dollars or five fifty. But sorry, twenty three bucks. Fuck that shit. Well, you know what that isn't included concessions either. Yes, and concessions. Let's not even go into that because they're even called concessions. Sorry, go ahead. Never thought of that, but you know what ? You add that together with something to drink and popcorn and little candy. Hm, you easily have spent one hundred bucks to Stephen a couple people. Yup. Yeah. And let's see, I'm trying to find the last one and I'm going to put less walk both. Yeah, I think it's sort in Oregon. Last blockbuster, it's an Oregon and yes, in Bend, Oregon. Me a good memory. It opened in nineteen ninety two as Pacific Video and in two thousand and converted into blockbuster franchise in. It is literally the last blockbuster alive. They don't have the parent company blockbusters out of business. So what happened is a. Got bought up by. I forget what you've ever watched. The documentary you've got bought up by. What was that the dish ? I think it's owned by Dish Network and so Dish Network bought up the filling Blockbuster, you know. And what they did is they allow it to still operate, but they are responsible for. So they pay a franchise fee still. But it's the only franchise that exists only. Location, and the owner is responsible for buying the videos from Costco and stuff. The cat source them from the parent company because the person exist. Yeah, you know, I think that's really cool. You know, they say nostalgia starring role last blockbuster and that movie came out in two thousand and nineteen and we watched it. It was really a good movie. I enjoyed it. But to me that's like, Okay, I'm just gonna say nostalgia drive in theaters. Oh my gosh, you don't go to the drive in theaters anymore. That was a part of my current theaters anymore. Unless you want to. You can have your pocket book completely emptied. I mean drive in theaters. When I was a teenager episode. Go in a car and we'd stick a couple of kids in the trunk just for fun. So we would have to pay less. Oh, really it ? Could they breathe in there ? Oh yeah, just for the time just outside the gate. And then we would drive in there. And you know, I never heard this about that. Did you stash me in there with the kids ? Who ? Which kids are you talking about talking about ? Maybe you're talking about proverbially proverbial kids. I'm talking about me being a teenager and my friends. Okay, so who are the kids ? So you some answered the question. The kids are my friends. Oh, I see. So not actually children. Children. No, I'm talking about adolescent teenagers. Teen. Okay, alright, it's definitely the majors would do. Okay ? Alright ? That makes perfect sense. Sorry, I thought you were just talking about taking a tour and a three year olds and shove them in the truck now and please, let's make that perfectly clear. I never. I never tought by children in the trunk for God's sake, Zach, This was when I was a teenager and it was not like we were actually sticking our friends in the trunk. Everyone was wanting to be the wanted. Climb into the trunk and get him free. So hey, two or three would jump in the trunk. How many could fit in there and then we'd drive in and you would have this speaker that had a cord and you took it on your window and it be cold. So sometimes he would have to start the car and warming the car up and then there'd be steam on the windows. This is all part of nostalgia. It was so cool to go to drive in. When I was a little girl, my parents used to take me and I'd have my jammies with my pillow. Really kind of neat. It was so cool and it's like I know that there are probably still some drive - in movies that still exist, I think are. But to me that was sad when the holiday. Drive in on Twenty eighth Street and pulled her close down. That was the big. I hung out there is it in high school It was. It was such a cool thing to do and it was almost more fun to go to the Dr. And then a theater because you know you could just be laughing and stuff in a car. Whereas if you're. You know you can't really talk in a movie theater because people get on your case. So you could be talking and laughing and just hooping it up in the car. You wouldn't be bothering people. Next deal. But yeah, that's that's talking about nostalgia. I hadn't even thought of that one. That was huge for me. Driving. Yeah, drive in. I mean throughout the time when I was a little girl. Into my ears and I don't believe I think I don't think my. Gosh, Now you're making me think. I don't think before I had children. I think that theaters drive ins probably went out when I. My twenties, early twenties or something. They haven't been around for a long time. But yeah, that was. That was really cool. And bowling alleys. Gosh, Oh my gosh. Don't get me started on this one. Okay, Bowling is fun. Okay ? Bowling is fun because you meet people and being on a league is fun because you compete. And so you can have your team and you're all working together, competing against other teams. And as of now, we used to have a Thunderbird Lanes in Boulder, Colorado and an Olympic Lanes in Boulder, Colorado. There is no bowling alley in Boulder, Colorado anymore because it's. I dunno, is it the perfect town or there's no room for it or whatever ? I think bowling's fun. I've always loved to ball and. And it's just cool because, you know, I mean, it's. I've. I watched it go from when you used to have that off. I'm trying to think what the projector's called, but it's. It's like that projector where it projects onto the wall from where you're riding as we had those in school. Like you would put something on the projector. You're talking about the transparency project. Yeah, I don't know that technical. Just a transparency project atlas. But anyway, used to have these little kind of waxy pencils that you'd have to score by hand. And then oh my gosh, it came in computerized where you could score. The computer was talking about the dot, the dot. Yeah, that was like Enron or control thing because it means trying to call when you sit down and scored a cage. Had to make sure you knew your arithmetic well be to add and subtract and all that stuff. But it gave you more time when you didn't have to keep score anymore and automatically did it because then you could converse with people your west. So anyway, I just think I think the last podcast, or the one before that, was about how titled time has changed. Social time has changed a lot and we always talk about covered because that's such a big thing in our lives. But even more so the social. The media that is just taken over where people do not get together in person anymore. And bowling was cool because every single week if you're on a league he had already committed. And the cool thing is that I dunno if you know this, but bowling shirts with your team. Okay, so you had bowling shirts that you wore with your team insignia on the back. So it was kind of classy because you came up with your name and you hadn't printed, not printed. Maybe sometimes they were embroidered, whatever. But I remember when I was all of nineteen years old. I was on a team with my husband at the time and another couple we knew there for us. And we had these purple t - shirts with gold lettering, Baltra High colors, and we were called the Roadrunners. Isn't that cute ? I was cute. So purple t - shirts with gold lettering and they were really cute. I think I still have my t - shirt somewhere. You'll have to show it to you one of these days. I think I still have that. So not to be a buzzkill. I know it's exciting to talk, but your first year is kind of a little loud. So don't worry about your energies. Just be careful when you start. When you rip. You know that it is is getting a little loud. I don't know how to do anything on the sidebar to fix that, but anyways, So anyways, I sorry. I don't know. It's just hurtful. And it's not hurtful. I just am. So. Yeah, I'm an enthusiastic, passionate person and I just really get into something. And not only is it in my voice is in my hands, it's in my body. It's. It's in my expression. I just am that way. That's who I am. I guess I could turn you down, but I don't want to do. Or I'll just be focused. Hey, this is only our six podcast and it's awareness is gaining awareness. So I. My feelings aren't hurt. I want it to be consistent. I'm. Want it to be good and so you're just trying to tell me something that I need. Just a little bit of feedback. That's oh yeah, feedback. Just like on this. We don't want too much feedback. Yeah, gotcha. So I was going to say another nostalgia factor for me is malls. And when I'm specifically talking about his indoor malls, Okay, yeah, these are becoming a bit of a lost whale. I like to call. You know, I'd like to say because obviously, Amazon has completely changed the way that we shop for people that don't use Amazon. Great. But for most of us we always. Least on occasion or something on amazon. There are people that order apps will almost absolutely everything on Amazon. Did you hear Amazon's now getting into pharmacy ? I did and you know, something's kind of scary. I think it's a step beyond we're going to have Amazon gas stations. Pretty, I mean, seriously, Okay, Amazon. So I am raising my hand is guilty because life gets busy and you can order it and you don't have to go shopping. But I too honest to goodness, I miss the indoor malls and he has. Okay, Crossroads Mall in Boulder was was built in the early sixties. I was just a little girl and I remember my mom telling me because that was just there was nothing there before Crossroads, it was just bland and she sat there doing the coolest thing. They're building a mall so we are not going to get cold anymore when it snows and I'm going what needs. She said, Yeah, like you can go into a door and you can go to all the shops. And so I was so young I don't really remember I remember telling me. But other than that I just thought it was cool. So the thing I'm not understanding is that all of a sudden we buy crude. Crossroads is non existent and we build an outdoor mall. Yeah, when we already have an outdoor mall, Pearl Street, we have Pro Street Outdoor Mall. Which, okay, wintertime snows, it gets slippery and icy. Which is, I mean, let's face it, people can fall and get hurt. Hey, maybe I'm just too idealistic care. But to me, I'm not sure what we're trying to accomplish. I can see if if the climate is right, maybe you don't need it into a mob. But I think for Colorado. And then we had a mall that was like, and the Mall of the World and Denver. And that was called Cinderella City. And when Cinderella City, that must have been the seventies. Oh my gosh, everyone went to Cinderella Rolla City. It was the coolest small anywhere. So where was that ? That was down in Denver, CO. And it's nonexistent. And then we all. There was also a mall in North Glenn that had hot air balloons that will go up in that Northglenn. Westminster was Westminster. That's it. Sorry, Westminster Mall. I remember that mall and have a lot of nostalgia about that mall because the balloons. So what it was is there was a fountain. Yeah, So it was a fountain in like a big like pool of water. And then they had these pieces of metal that were coming out of the water. And then you had these balloons that would go up and down. And there was the way they were able to stay stationary as there was a wire that went from all the way down in. Where the air. Hot air came out too. Or maybe just air, I don't know. All the way to the ceiling and they will go up and down in the. It was in the central part of the mall and there were dithering. Did a Disney store was in the central part. The Orange Julius was in the central part. AP, I don't remember what other malls were in the arts or other source wherein the central part in. Else remember when as a kid there, I don't know if other people have had the fear of Santa Claus. Okay, I had a. A fear of Santa Claus and my brother knew it. And so what would happen is he would try to force me to see Santa. And how did he force you to see Santa ? He would like pick me up and say Oh, and and drought, drag me to the front of the line and try to. Or try to force me to see Santa. And I'm like I don't want to see Santa. And you know what ? That's kind of smartest kid, right ? Isn't as smart like. I mean, I'm not saying every person that dress up as Santa as a creep, but it's not going to smart for me to not want to be on Santa's lap and want to know. I just talked to a coworker the other day because this. You know, because of all the things that happen in this world that are very sick and sad. Yeah, you know what ? When I was a little girl, I sat on Santa's lap. Mel. Thoughts of any sexual abuse ? No, no. OK, but I'm out. I'm. This is a question, Mike, I don't have little kids. I don't have any grandkids. Whatever. Santa Claus I think still exists. I. I mean, I know my god, my mom's lost it. Sorry, people, there's. This is a technical difficulty. Will be right back. I know what I mean is that I believe that. Oh god, stop it now already. Okay, What I'm saying is that Santa still come to meet people at the mall and are they still allowed to sit on his lap ? That was absolutely modern times. Yeah, I'd. Even if he's got a hard on. It's fine. I'll come on. This is going down a place I don't want to go. Okay, I'm just asking a very innocent question. Are you saying that the better. If Santa was a, was a, was a woman ? No, Okay. How do you know that Santa isn't. Now that, Tim, how do we not know that God is not a goddess. Okay, like or or maybe they're both. Well, and that's true. But you know, here we go again. Men and women. Discrimination against women. Why can't a woman be a. Sand and put a beard on ? Well, she can't usually normally grow facial hair, so unless she's on a bunch of androgens, that's going to happen. Cat, It's true. For some men, they don't grow much facial hair. So they're well, like me, I'm. I'm. I'm pretty hairless. Yeah, so I. You know it's. It's a good point you bring up. I mean, I believe when I was growing up they were all guys. Okay, at least so I. I'm. I'm willing to go off on a limb here and here. What you're wanting to say. But can you tell me what you mean ? I go up the center will have fake facial hair then because she can't grow up. But but what ? What ? What were you saying ? Okay, point is, I'm going to go back to my very. Point. And I know it was so funny when I said to you, the Santa Claus exist. What I was saying when I'm trying to say Oh my gosh, I got semi. She has railed derailed so bad with it's okay. Is that used to be so innocent ? Since there's a lot of perverted people, they can't pee pees for short, perverted people's lives right now. Okay, So what I'm asking is I am wondering if Santa Claus exists that malls were kids still sit on laps or do they have to go up in space Santa without sitting on his lap. A really good question. I'll tell you the answer. They sit on his lap, but there is a particle board and between his love and the child there. So there's a wedgie. A wedgie. What are you talking about ? That's like that's what the rear end you seen sense needs to to be wearing a thong. Oh gosh, So anyways, do want to change the subject now ? I think this is gone deeper than I need. I'm going to do some investigative work. Yes, we're going to have another podcast on this. Okay, I'm doing some investigative work on my own and I'm going to Google and see if kids can still send a sentence. Lap, I don't know where you're asking. Is that you're like this, the magic gone ? Are you saying because because we're no more hyper sexualized world that hyper sexualized world ? Okay, okay. Okay, that's a fair question now. Okay, Alright, okay, back on track that we derailed, but we've. We've blended back on the tracks now. We got her laughing so hard right now that ku. Hey, this is like our first laughing podcast is my Gosh, I mean, we do this. This is what we do whirlwind when things are more normal, which they haven't been in Maryland now. But I love the fact that we can laugh about this because it's just. It's like how words can be turned in a way that does not. It comes to that you did not mean it. And then it goes to all these stretches. Okay, Goodbye, Santa Claus. I will check in with you guys when I have an answer on this. Because SAC is not giving me a direct answer and he thinks I'm way out there in space, which I guess I am when I'm saying Is there still Santa Claus ? Is there still the Easter ? I think the answer is yes. I don't see why it would change. I think it comes down to individual parents to decide if they want their kids sitting on satisfying lap or not. And they have to make a choice by looking them square in the eyes to see if he seems like a reasonable person. And some parents might even slip them a few dollars just to make sure there's nothing crazy that goes on, you know as the as as a tip. You know this is really, really sad because when I was a little girl, I dunno. Maybe my parents thought of this. But are you sure that your melt your brain was more innocent at that point and didn't think about it because it's kind of like me. Okay, when I was a kid I was like, all life is amazing. And then you lose your innocence. You're like, ah, life is shit. I feel like you like just everything. You know what I mean ? Sadly, I still learning about life and I still have this innocence. And it's kind of cool that I do. Because I'm like going really like people say things and I'll go Really. Is that true ? I dunno. Call it naive or call it die every day. Not every T k or t I have a T and I have a T. Okay, call it. Nah, nah, Avatar. Hey, whatever that might be in French is thinking what that might be in French. But in any way that's going down a different road. Santa Claus was Christmas and the big beautiful trees in the mall. But getting back to the mall, I'm trying to change the scene back from that. Yes, but Santa right next to that victory. Sorry, And think of how long that tree is. I love the trees at the mall because of the trees. I've added this whole like element of like wood because they had the most. They had the biggest tree and they were decorated so well like the ornaments. Oh my god. Those ornaments were like beautiful and they were big. Is that like a symbolism for an STD on the tree ? You know what I always used to like the Today programme because they would tell you where they're cutting their tree and you get to watch them haul it down there. I dunno if they still do that either because lawyers told the trees otherwise I'll. I'll let you finish. Okay, so I think the malls were varies. The malls are cool and it's really sad to see the malls leading us because of Amazon and no more Santa. Maybe baby blue navy. There's downtown Boulder, this pro street mall. Santa could go down there by the fountain. Might be hiding out in the alleyway. He could be sitting on the court grounds that was ready ready to grab you. Okay, anyways, back to the malls. The malls evolving, closing down. It's really sad that a lot of these malls, believe it or not. If you do your research, were designed by the same person. Yeah, now a. Yes. I think you're full of it. So let's look this up. I am going on right now. Expects that designed most malls. I'm trying to remember what his name is. Victor Gruen. So v i c t o r g r u e n is a pioneer of mall architecture across the United States. This is the guy that envisioned the indoor mall and made it reality in hits his architecture that you see in almost every mall. So if you wonder why most malls across America looked as the way that they did is because of him. So he was the one that was okay, he can. He came up with what you're saying to me. She came up with the idea of it into'em all. Yes, the original. In what year was that mine ? Let me see me. Whereas might as well while we've got seen on everyone listening. Boy, he was born in nineteen one three and Vienna raised in a Jewish upper middle class family. Grown and immigrate to alive in thirty eight. Now I don't think so. Mom, he was born in nineteen one three. Well, that's why I'm laughing because you make it sound like Okay, So when was the last model he built ? I'm curious. I think it was in the eighties or early nineties. Okay, so but grew and I've seen a lot of those malls for my generation. At least we're in your generation were built in the sixties, seventies, eighties. So that's the reason why they all look the same. And they kind of have the same kind of design aesthetic sensibilities. And so Gruen immigrated to the United States in nineteen thirty eight. These are thirty five after the aftermath and Germany's annexation of Austria. And he lets see, he was commissioned in nineteen Thirty six to design upscale retail stores in Vienna's Pope Posh Rain Stress shopping district. And I'll tell you what the sources for this In the second. He arrived in New York at the time when America's architecture was moving away from classicism towards European modernism. The nineteen thirties influx of German refugee architects and designers such as Mr. Von Dir role, while Volta Group is it Marcel Breuer changed the course of American architectural design. That's a mouthful. So what it was is within two years arrive in New York. Ruin was hard to work in the nineteen thirty nine World's Fair futuristic exhibitions and subsequently to design the Fifth Avenue store for produce prestigious retailers. The time when retail design wasn't a murder was emerging through denigrated Field of America. Grin earned critical acclaim for his Advent cards, store layouts unique to shop fronts and original materials, and theatrical lighting based on the consumer theory that interiors must dazzle and entertain stimulate shoppers and the economy grew and signature style was the intertwined art and beauty with const commercialism and capture the European allure. And then then Vinnie's urban urbanity to which he was so attached he moved to Los Angeles. Nineteen forty one Grins. Retail architectural practice extended to the design of specialized store chains, department stores earning national recognition. Foremost among these was Grunts. First department store was called Mill Irons, which opened in Nineteen Forty nine in L. A. And the L. A. Suburb of Westchester. Sorry, in the L. A. Suburb of West Chester. This is going to hurt our transcription later. And and you're the one who's going to do this one. What the transcription with all this big word ? Well, I mean, I'm gonna let my computer to a lot more on that later. I'm actually going to probably work on a project to make a transcription more or less. Well, let's, if not free, very very cheap for people that are doing podcasting. Because I'm really angry at how much money people are making in this area. It's it's. It's an exploitive. And so. And I hurt you with what you said. And I think it's wonderful that you could just see real quick. The source of this this was sought. Essay J. O. Dot com Insights in Histories and sw. Sh. J o dot com slash Insights slush Victor hyphen in hyphen, the hyphen, Father hyphen of hyphen, the hyphen, American Life and shopping mall slash, And that's how you get to this article. Know, you know, it's crazy. Cause I really didn't realize indoor malls had been around that long. Although I did say Crosswords is built in nineteen, early nineteen sixties. Okay, so I looked it up and the first small that he built was in Peden and Edna. Yeah, Edna, Minnesota, and it opened it's doors in nineteen fifty six. Yep, and it said that the design was revolutionary. It was. And I think that's really. Did you never hear that story ? Really ? No, I didn't this that Okay, I'm telling you I didn't. Cause I never thought about it. I just thought, did someone create like, you know, when you just kind of know something's happening and and a lotta times. Yes, I do have that brain that is just really pick things apart. But I never really thought about who created that. Who thought of that first, you know ? And I didn't. Moreover, I did not realize that he was responsible for a lot of miles. So it'd be interesting if he was like the founder of Crossroads Mall. Because first of all he built was in nineteen fifties. I believe he was. But let's just check the switch would make sense. Because I think it was sixty three that that Crossroads Mall was constructed in nineteen sixty three. Let's see. It said Here we go was at ninety sixty three because I think I found it was in nineteen sixty three. I think it was okay. I think. Let's see. I don't know why that stands out my mind. Okay, okay, sixty three, and took it until two thousand and four. Okay, been gone that long In nineteen fifty six. Victor Gruen Creed, the first shopping mall introducing consumerism to America. In nineteen sixty three, the Crossroads Mall was developed in the Thirtieth district. This spreading the culture in downtown Boulder. The mall closed in two thousand and four and was promptly replaced with another. The twenty seventh Twenty Ninth Street Mall, which, by the way, I was so pissed that they did this. Actually, I wrote one of my essays and creative writing and college about the the closure of Crossroads, which remains on the site today. So here's the deal. Before Crossroads close, they actually had planned on renovating it, getting up to modern standards rather than the old. You know Victor, grown up of, you know, what did they call it ? Not neoclassicism, avant garde kind of stuff in. And if if you Google crossroads Mall Boulder, Colorado. And. And there's actually a term and I forgot what it's called. It's called the urban Discovery or something where people. When a place closes down, they'll actually go in and they'll take pictures, you know, when it's been closed down and stuff. It's really cool. But anyways, you can see some pictures online and there have. Abandoned crossroads or when the crossroads was when stuff was in there. But the story with that one is. First it was the. Was that this was at the south end of the mall. Started to do bad. They had a lion's castle near that. A Montgomery Ward, that a JC Penney. Yeah, cause you know what I'm. I'm right on this right now. You're. You're a right up my alley. Okay, so I want to tell you one thing, First, stop it. Open up as I said nineteen sixty three and think about this. It costs twelve million dollars that much while. But by that standard of what time it was built as it was probably closer to what like, maybe one hundred million, two hundred million. It was the size the mall to eight hundred and twenty thousand square feet. How many square feet eight hundred. Let me see that he'd. Hundred thousand homeless in his bed and not. Wait, I'm talking about one store. Okay, so the years just before and after two thousand saw increasing competition for Crossroads Mall from new retail developers and Superior, Broomfield and Westminster is. September nineteen ninety seven, Montgomery Ward closed its store across a small. Aside from a short stint as Garp Scart Sports, not got Brothers, but Cart Sports, the space would remain vacant until demolition in October. Nineteen ninety seven, The vacancy rate at Crossroads was nineteen percent. That's a really high amount. That's. That's. That's the one fifth. Yeah, In January Nineteen ninety eight, Mervyn's closed. Sears took advantage of the opportunity and moved into the large anchor space. From nineteen Ninety seven to two thousand to various Crossroads. We. Constructive ideas were floated and then rejected. Fast - track construction of a dealer's store was posed but vetoed by folies. In October Nineteen ninety nine Makkah, which began. That's person about the mall in. I think it was like in the eighties. Began a thirteen month renovation project by closing the southern half of the molecule. Talking about in tearing down some interior walls. In July, two thousand may Make Rich put in its renovation plans on hold, stop the project, and announced that it was looking for a buyer for Crossfit. Wow, so they just were not crossing in Broomfield opened in August, two thousand and April. Two thousand and one JC Penney closed it's store at Crossroads Small in June. Two thousand and two. The one that flattering quasi mall was acquired by the owner of Crossroads Mall. Wait, can you say that again ? The owner of The Cross O A Flat and Crossing Best Car was acquired by the owner of Crossroads Mall. Wait, So you're saying so that the parent company of Crossroads Mall actually bought Flatiron Crossing ? Yeah, Ok, you know he's going to say about that is, do you remember the all the issues with Florence Crossing ? All the Village Village had the issues cause the whole Mills malls built on Case sans. Yeah, when we ate in there and what your dad said, Yeah, he saw a crack in the wall and he said this is a problem and he was right. They actually they can't have any buildings in that area because there's been a shift. And believe it or not, back in the day my brother used to work at Godiva Godiva Chocolates here in Florence Crossing Mall in Broomfield, and he actually believe it or not. I know. I wish I could probably see pictures of this. He actually, since he knew the guards and stuff and people in them all that work there, they actually took'em down into like the coffers of the basement where the Case sans are underneath them all. And you're not sure if you were the case on SAR, but the case on set because we built a house. So there are these big pillars, basically the go down. It's a bedrock to make sure that that mall doesn't shift right, and there's a whole basement of those is pretty cool. It's obviously restricted because people could put bombs or who knows what you know. Now that is crazy. You know now that it's Crossroads Commons, I guess, is the name of it, especially near Crossroads Commons is actually the East Crossroads. That's still there. It's. There's like a strip mall that is still there. They have an aquarium store. I think that's still there. It's right next to Best Buy, but it's twenty Ninth Street Malls what it is, right, while the Crossroads Commons is still independent of Twenty Twenty. But I'm saying there's twenty Ninth Street Mall. And then that. Yeah, So I mean, we're twentieth Street currently stands is where Crossroads used to be used to not be a side street, right ? Yeah, well, I mean, there was, but but not running that part. And and Crossroads comments used to be there in the bowling alleys to be there, but that's where Best Buy is Now. You want to know something, Zach, But I'm not going to spend time in the crater. I want to be with our audience. But I will tell you. I wanted to read about Crossroads Mall and just discovered they've got old school shirts. And you can get a Crossroads Mall Boulder t - shirt for twenty five bucks. That's actually not too bad. There's not that much market. I'll show you luck. That's the. That's a different kind of Crossroads. That was in the Crossroads symbol. The Crossroads symbols look more like Back to the future. Know that crossword small. Open a folder nineteen sixty three. It closed in two thousand and four. It was. Well, but that's not the. That's not the logo of my time for Crossroads. That was probably the original one. It might have been. It might have been the. Let me go to under images. I'll show you what it looks like. A Crossroads Mall looked like. Let me see if I could always have these debates like, No, I don't think so. Yes, I do. I look. Here's a picture and it says it right here. But that's not the one army. But honestly, I get what you're saying for your time. Because you want to live in sixty three and it's just a baby. I'm not going to remember this. I think, though, that this was probably the original one. Yeah. And it might be that one looks kind of like more of a pinwheel. The one that I see is this like it's like lines that roll over one another. Okay, here it is and what it is, like, intersection. So here's Crossroads East. You're talking about crosswords sets East. Yeah, yeah, it's the. The logo for that one is like an E. You see that either on the top of the building on the image, this up, you're not seeing which one. It's a. It's this one and left yet the E. Oh, yeah, and the mark that. But what the crosshair symbol was is like three lines, three lines, three lines, three lines in a diamond pattern that overlap on the corners, or don't overlap, but they kind of intersects. So there's one side that's longer than the other. And I don't. For some reason I can't find the actual. Oh, you know, that's Crossroads East again. Anyway, it was really sad when crosswords close down, because it was here for so long, so that it was a big part of my life. And it's weird when you're growing up. And there's this revolutionary idea that people get so excited about. And that's what is fascinating about life. I guess in general is through the times something that was new and original suddenly becomes old and discarded. And I think that's a good example is Crossroads Mall because the whole idea was so fantastic. And then we had that. I mean, that place was blooming. It was like where you went to shop because Pearl Street. Yes, Pearl Street did come in two, two and competition, I guess in it's own way. But you know, still, you had to walk in the snow and you had to. To park your car. Distance where Crossroads. It was just so convenient. Go in the mall. You're in there, you can grab something to eat, you can do your shopping. It was also convenient, but you know I'm. I think I'm going to be a little bit more mindful. It's just kind of a time factor for me. But I really want to support these malls rather than chopping so much online because they weren't there. So yeah, I see it. Okay, yeah, I remember it now. He was just showing me the emblem he's talking about, but I think gosh, I. I mean, I know there's change. Okay, I maybe I'm trying to be honest with myself. Can I accept change while sometimes have been forced into change that I didn't want and I'm automatically have to. And I think a lot of you can relate to when there's change that happens and you have no control over it. And we don't have control over a Crossroads mall. Leaving. And I understand all of that. But it is kind of sad to look in your lifetime of things at once, where that are no longer. And Crossroads Mall. And I said earlier, bowling alleys and drive ins and those things. It's kind of sad. It's like an old friend. It's like a whole old friend losing an old friend that you knew for so long. And it makes you sad. Because honestly, I can tell you I know I moved to California. Okay, in all fairness, but before I even left and since I've been back, Twenty Ninth Street Mall does not appeal to me. If I wanted to go to a mall, I would go to Flat Irons Crossing and and I will say I would rather go to Pearl Street Mall, then to Twenty seventh Street at Twenty Ninth Street. Called Twenty Ninth because I think downtown Boulder's really cool and you can see the mountain. She really close to the base of the foothills. So I would vote for personally, Pearl Street Mall and flat. If I want to go to a mall that used to be where Crossroads is. I dunno. I just I'm not real interested. It just I mean, ok, I'm. Maybe it's just me saying that architecture isn't that pleasing to me versus downtown. I feel like it's got a cozier older atmosphere. Okay, but yeah, it'd be able to go to an indoor malls. A special thing. And I guess maybe for next Christmas, I may do some shopping at the mall because I don't go shopping that often. And if I do, it's yours. Clothing, which I have a store I go to. So, but yeah, I want to support them all. You know what ? I feel like ? I've said this before, like, okay, we all have cell phones, right ? Which is both good and bad. Like wear a tie to it for our work and expectations that were always available. Which is almost like we're carrying around a patient for work. But we're not getting paid to be on call. And I were also kind of living in ourselves in the sense that we stay at home. We don't go out to shop, we go on our computer to shop. And I think that's really sad because you know, if you don't support your local malls, that's exactly what's going to happen. Eventually one day there's just not going to be any malls. You know what I mean. And and the other thing I was going to says, you know the reason why Crossroads Mall turned into Twenty Ninth Street as an outdoor mall is because they saw Pearl Street was fine throughout all these years and they thought, oh, have we turned this into an outdoor mall ? It's going to do a lot better. And they were sorta right. But I think it's stupid because there's no way they can compete with Pearl. Still, I don't think. I mean now that maybe now a bit they can. Because there've been so many damn people are moved here. Did I. I might have mentioned this statistic before. Eight hundred thousand people in five years. That's why driving and I. Twenty five's very nerve wracking. And thirty six highway two is that even in Boulder, I'm thinking everywhere you go, there's just a lot more traffic. But I think the freeways are really kind of scary. And. And I lived in California for twelve years and I still I was. We were talking about it today when coming home. We went to the Museum of Natural History today. We really had a great time and we were driving home. And I said to Zach ago, You know, this is so like California with the traffic and I truly it is. It's kind of scary because you see people driving in and out. We've traffic driving very fast. Honestly, when I lived in California, I was really thankful that I made it from one destination to another because people drive. I think I've said this. Eighty miles an hour. So I see some of that and the crowding and I don't know. It's just and honestly, it's. I think that, like you said, that many people moving here, it sure reflects that. I mean, that's a lot of people. Yeah, And if you do the math, one hundred and sixty thousand people a year. Okay, let's just put this in perspective. Put that in there. So let's put into perspective, You take one hundred and sixty thousand K and then divide that by three. You need fifty three thousand houses to board up those people. For people to actually be able to live here. Fifty three thousand houses need to be available if there. If three people were to live in each house, that's an insane amount of houses. So you want to know why it's so hard to find rent here ? You went into why it's so expensive to rent is so expensive out here is. There's a huge demand and they can't keep up with the demand of it. And in one hand, I'm grateful to share this really wonderful place. Like this boulder, the flat irons. It's gorgeous. If you're out east enough and you drive into boulder. You can see the flat irons and it's like looking at a surreal painting every single time. It always takes my breath away. Even after all the years I was born here and I've spent all my time here as a native. It still is something that you never get used to. And for people that are. Haven't lived here. Oh my God, you're gifted with it every single day. And sometimes a snow - capped you. There's just. And then the sunsets there is just so beautiful. But. But the thing is, at the same time I'm going to be a little bit selfish here and say it kind of pisses me off how many people have moved here now. It's kind of ruining it because we'd used to not have such dick assholes on the road and we used to not have so many people you know pulling. Hate to say it. This sounds mean because you've spent twelve years one. California, but I can see more of a Colorado native. And then a California native have moved here from California and brought their bad driving habits and. Bald and brought their. All their money so they'll tear down these perfectly good houses. These historical houses pay a million dollars for a house tear down and then spend another two million dollars building a house on top of it. Well and you talk about. And honestly, I am a California driver now. I was admitting that toothache on the drive home today and I'm not proud of it. But you have to drive aggressively. So these people, it's not like they. It's like they intentionally, maybe unaware because I'm more aware because I lived in Colorado most of my life. But I realized when I moved to California. You have to drive pretty aggressively. Because if you don't, you're not gonna make it. And so there is some poor driving habits. I'm a good driver, but the poor driving habits I'm talking about that I admitted to exact day was not always turning my blinker on like before I moved to California. I always used my sake, my signal and my blinker to change lanes to turn on a street. Whatever. California. Man, you don't do that. You're just going in and out. You're like weaving. And the reason why this came up is because there was a guy that was driving crazy on thirty six and Zach said, man, look at this guy. He's gonna go. Red car, he's going to go before that white car and watch. And I'm saying cutting people off. That is. And I hate to say that an identified as California driver, it could be from Florida can be some other. But anyway, it's that same type of driver that has lived around in a place where there's a lot of people, which is becoming like you're saying, it's. That's becoming older. Denver, Colorado is with all the people moving here and we are becoming bigger and larger and people are moving from real big cities to this area and their. Just those habits. Yeah, but you know, nostalgia is a hell of a drug. You know, it's amazing how. Here's the deal. Is humans part of our human condition is that we have these expectations that things don't change. We don't want things to change. And we also have this other habit where we're like, oh my god, we love this and we love that. And you know, if I'm honest, I like car so small. I love them all. Okay, but the same time at the end with how decrepit it was and how much it had shrunk and how was dying. It was not good to see it in that state unit. I mean, So if I'm honest at the end, I'm not talking about the mall's general. I love them all. Just put that out there. But if I'm characterizing it at the end, it wasn't in good state to go because you'd go there and lots of the stores were closed and it was very empty. It. It's really depressing when you see something that was so alive dying exactly what it's like. It's like seeing it die before your eyes and then they go in and the demolition takes place and then new buildings are put up and that's just life. And I get that. But you know, your Rights Act wasn't like it was like at the end. This really incredible place where you went shopping. I agree. Yeah, and that's. That's kind of a thing to remind. Remind ourselves is sometimes we have these rose colored glasses we put on to to, you know, And of course, when we look at the whole history, the mall, I love them all and it's got a lot of great memories. But look at it in a row. Ignoring the fact about the Indians. Like, Well, that's our lives. We're actually kind of bad memories. Like have have seen it so empty and stuff. But I am glad you looked at that. But do you realize something ? You made me think of something. I think that's really important and I really profound. We're building nostalgia right now. Yeah, we are. You realize that we'll be looking back on. Say, gosh, those were some of the best times and hopefully cause it's bad for really long past. But you know there's always going to be the good too. In with the bad. I believe that maybe I'm not thinking I made him too much of an optimist, is what I'm saying. But in general I always tend to be more optimistic and positive in my thinking. So. But I was just thinking, you know, it's being in the moment that really counts and nostalgia building. You know what ? We remember these things we are talking about. We remember the music, we remember things that were happening during these eras and they're really cool to talk about. And it's really fun to go back to that. But to be in the present and be thankful for what we have. And to realize that today's another day and be mindful of being in the moment. And because we live a much fuller life and realizing that we're building that nostalgia. Like this whole thing with podcasts, like we've mentioned before, something that we've wanted to do for very long time. And really, when it's time, we both knew it, it's time to do it and loving it so much that we're going at We gotta do podcast right now. So I think that ta we could go on and on about nostalgia and everyone we know maybe think back to those time. It's very individualized for everyone. Sometimes someone will say you will have your own version of it or you know exactly what we're talking about. Be like, Oh god, that was nostalgic. And it's. It's really cool. And I guess memories that is as beautiful as memory stay with us and the bad along with the good. But those good memories that we have no one can take away bad ones to go with it. But again, I I h. I really want to try to remain with the good memories and realize that going walking that journey and walking through different things back then made me who I am today and that our experiences actually impact who we become. Circumstances, events in our life impact who we become. And sometimes as hard as that can be, which it can be very hard. Changed like I've brought up before and Zach's talked about as well can be hard. But you know, in the end, a lot of times the growth and the journey that you go on is indescribable. You can't really put into words. Sometimes the major changes that goes on within. Individual. And me speaking for myself that I'm still settling in with a lot of changes and Zach had spoken a lot. I think it was our last podcast or the one before about, you know, losing his leg to an infection and still we're still settling in with. There's. There's grief around that, and there's a loss around that. And for people who have experienced this, will know exactly because unless you've experienced something and I'm big one on this up, I haven't. I don't know the first one to say, Gosh, that sounds hard, but I don't know. So I think. Treasure what you have now. And yeah, hey, keep those memories alive in the past, because that's made you who you are today. But relish the time you have now. Because we're. We're building some amazing memories now, Zach, And in spite of the past two years, which have been extremely difficult, which we talked about and another podcast, to be sitting with you at this table and really doing this podcast with you is nostalgic to me. And and I mean that by this being a mother and having my thirty seven year old son doing a podcast with me as pretty cool. You know, I mean knowing you from day one, when you're blowing and walking with you throughout your life, which you pretty much have done to see who've become. To be able to do this together is really not just an honor, but a joy. And I'm having so much fun with you. Whatever happens with these podcasts, this is so much fun. And I think it's something that's very therapeutic for both you and I right now. And I hope that those of you that listen will continue to listen. And we try to keep these. Just sort of like whatever we think we want to do is what we do. And I think that's what keeps it interesting is that we've had a lot of experiences and experiencing things new everyday. Just like probably a lot of you aren't able to include you in our lives and. And maybe relate to some of you with things we've been through. I think that there's an unspoken understanding and that's what the connection is that we have with people is just may be experiencing similar same things. Yes. And I would just say in general and an aspect of life that we can all not avoid or deny this change happens in life were that the natural state of the world is change. Dislike the flow of water, you know, and we feel like what we're doing right here is going to last forever. But three or four years from now is completely immaterial. And I'm not saying that we do. What we do in this world is not important, but we really have to live for now because you know i think a lot of us, you know, we all. We would love to have. Build our legacy and be in history, books or whatever. Really, we have to live in the here and now and be there for one another and not be living, you know, kind of in Tokyo Dream. It's okay to have passions been. Not to talk you out of doing some amazing things. But the reality is you have to make your priorities straight. And the reality a lot of times is when change happens where as humans just part of the human condition were very disappointed. You know, because like, for instance, that's where the nostalgia comes in is. You've got nostalgia when you grow up and now it's different. And nostalgia when I grew up in, you know, the mid while I'll say late eighties in the nineties and then one two thousand rolled around and I saw nine eleven. From then on, things were very different from me. And. And you know, we all have our different communities of store coming coming of age stories. So you know, we all share that in common and we all have our own versions of it. And while we were not at all perfectly exhaustive and our list of storytelling today, we did share some of it. The reality. Those like my mom said, we don't have the time right now we're over two hours and So I have to wrap this up. But the bottom line is it's. You know, we have these memories from our past. And I even think of their early early nineties. When I saw Jurassic Park for the first time, that movie completely floored me and else's. Watch the Speed around the same time that was with Keanu Reeves. And that's another memory, you know ? So I could go on and on and on. And. And we all have these places that we were in time and space when certain things, shared experiences happened. And so we have to live for the moment. Because unfortunately, things don't last forever. We're not here forever. You're not here forever. I'm not here forever. And the other thing that we all seem to understand is while we have expectations that oh, what, I'm going to grow old with my partner or, you know, I get to see my kids grow up or something that doesn't always happen for people. And it's really sad. And that's another disappointment factor. And so it's all about learning to live differently. Pasta change, right ? Absolutely. And we've had to do that a lot of different times and really just going with the flow because it is what it is. And I. I think to me that's the best way that I can sum it up is to just say it is what it is that we don't have that controllers talked about so many times before, but I. I totally agree. It's like living in the moment and enjoying this time and. And looking around and saying it's so great to be with this person as so great too. With my children or wherever you are in your life. Treasure it because it's it's. You're making memories right now. You're building nostalgia and you'll look back on this and you'll remember. And that's what life is. And life is about connection, which I think is so so important for human existence. Because connection is what we need as human beings to survive in this world. We need on each other. And that's where trying to think through this podcast is connected with you. Because we do care. We do care about people in general. We care about. We have a passion for what we do in our individual lives. We have a passion for doing this broadcast and or podcast, I guess I should say. And that's built upon connecting with you guys and getting to know you in a future. A future may be talking to you and and I know I say that, but it will if we continue forward and that day will come. Hopefully cannot promise. But hopefully it will then we're doing something that we feel as exciting and giving us an opportunity to have a voice. And you all have a voice too. And I. During these ever changing times, kid, just remember that tie. You know each of us are individuals, but we do need that human connection, whatever that is, and you can find that a lot of different places. If you don't have it with your immediate family or you're alone now, there are ways to connect and maybe a podcast that we could do in the future. Zack is really great ways to connect with people. Yeah, and also just as you were hinting at if you can connect with your actual family, actual. You know your people that you're related to. You can always make family from friends. So true. I mean, when I was in California, I had a lot of family there and we'll be going back to see them. And on occasion because it's a part of my life, a part of. Connection I still want. And you're absolutely right. You know, it's really beautiful because you're going to meet people out there that have experienced similar things. They're wanting to connect and maybe they don't have a. Zach was saying family members. Or maybe they're all alone for one reason or another. And we're not meant to be alone and that you will find really. You run into many people like that who feel alone. And I'm telling you that because I see it every day at the type of work I do and. And they feel very alone in. And to value yourselves and realize that you are valuable, you are worthy and you have a reason for being here. I don't know what more I can say about that, but just that you know we need to really value others but also value ourselves. And I think the beauty is is that if we. If we are open for connecting with others like Zach was just talking, gosh, you know your. Those people can become our family and that's kind of what we hope with his podcast. I mean, I know this goes absolutely all over the world and but maybe there's some connections will have with you in. And if we even if we don't see you, which you know, that's we can't possibly see if the world. But you know what there still is that connection. It's like sometimes I've had conversations and Zach, and I've told you, probably after I've gotten off the phone. Maybe I've been on the phone for something I didn't even. I dunno the smallest things like I'm calling this place for something and then all of a sudden I start talking to someone and I find out that person I connect. It's such a cool experience because if that person were brought up something I wouldn't. Even knowing that we had similar interests or whatever. And that's happened to me quite a bit. Actually, I've really enjoyed just conversations I've had with strangers, you know ? Yeah, So anyway, we want to thank you again for listening to us, and again I would. This is our sixth podcast where we're new and we're trying to build a audience. And Zach has built a beautiful, beautiful website at Poly Chromatic dot com and Zach can spell that for you because I keep messing it up. It's p o l y c h r o m a t i q u e dot com. Check out this website, Man, he is a web designer. One best website competition at age eighteen in high school his senior year, and he has made a website for me, cuddling counseling, he's done other amazing websites and this one he just his designs it and I don't know where he comes up with it, but it's always so unique and so fitting for what he. He just has this passion. He somehow just pours his myself into something. And you know, Zach, it's really an art and I've told you I love this website, so please you can see our pictures and our little kitty cat. We haven't added Kobane yet because we haven't decided which picture we want to put up, but he's going to have his picture. That's my horsey. And and yeah, just send emails you can and check into our podcast and to do if you have questions or you want to comment, we we love would love to hear from you and so please check it out. Yeah, and I was just going to mention this is actually really important. If you liked the podcast, please take the time to visit Apple Podcasts. If you're able to rate and subscribe to it, that's going to help us out a lot. We are spending effort to actually transcribe our podcasts and it's kind of a long pra process. You might hear later about the project I'll be working on to maybe help other people out in this area. Because like I said, there are a lot of people that are exploiting people on the basis of money to do this in which I honestly think it should be cheap or if not free to do. And the other thing is, when I mentioned real quick, some did some make, did make some changes to the site and. And I'm trying to think oh. Yeah, and I was just gonna say it should be loading a little bit faster because there's a background process that every five minutes will scan RSS dot com for the newest episodes and added to the database vs. Every time the person visits where it would actually pull that information. But it would be slower to load because it has to do all that processing. So there is a trade - off. The. The trade off is it's only going to be updating every five minutes to. Anytime we publish a new one. But that's not that big of a deal. It's only five minutes of a delay. But on the plus side, the site loads faster and there's also little bit of jacory that's going on with loading the pages. So the background gradients that moves around doesn't reset every time you click a new link off to decide if we're going to keep it this way. If there's a better solution, this does possibly does hurt our. Our search engine optimization score a little bit just with the way that it's handled. And from a design perspective, it is hard to link to individual pages because the individual pages when loaded. I don't incorporate the style. Someone have to think of a way to get around that. But anyways, Visitor Center on the web at our website. But more importantly, please get on Apple podcasts and subscribe to us and rated that help us out a lot. And then last but not least, to spread the word, Spread the word, spread the love, spread the word and share us with others. If you think this is something that other people like to listen to, worry about peace and love and you know what we want to connect with you. Alright, until next time be well and we'll catch you guys later. Take care. Bye now bye !