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    Zach: Okay, and where live.

    Elaine: Oh my god, we are. What are we doing ? Like, Oh my God ! I can't believe I'm doing this like. I don't know. We talked about this. We've got the equipment and we're actually doing this. Why do we decided to do this ?

    Zach: I think we think that we're interesting, or we've been told we're interesting. The conversations that we have are interesting. I don't feel so entitled to think. And I don't think you do either. To think that what's going to set aside from podcasting from anyone else other than to say that maybe some of the conversations that we have and we've had in the past, people, you know, had wind of it, heard, you know, within earshot, and been like: hey, that's interesting, you know, And also we've.... I think we've distilled on topics before and really gotten to the core of. Of what's there, you know.

    Elaine: Well, we're both over thinkers, too.

    Zach: We are. And that's the. Probably the biggest problem is trying to turn off some of the neuroticism. That's just naturally there. Because...

    Elaine: Hey, hey, Hey, and you're saying I'm neurotic?

    Zach: I feel like I'm neurotic and I don't know where I got it from, but there's... there might be someone that might know a little bit about that in this room. But anyways, that's beside the point.

    Elaine: Are you seeing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree or what the fuck does that mean ?

    Zach: I don't know all. I'm just trying to say as. As we discussed, you know, it would be helpful for if we had... you know: a reduction in inhibitions with doing this. And a lot of people like to drink or something for this.

    Elaine: But we are both sober as can be. And I've kind of proud of that actually, because I am kind of out there and I will say I'm different and I think that's in a good way. I'm not a conceited asshole, but I'm honest and I'm transparent. And I say what I want to say it, cause I feel I can believe in something very strongly. I'm a person that is very strong on principles. I'm a person that believes in fairness and justice. And that's just a part of me. But I. As I'm saying, is that no, it's actually said we are not doing this for our egos. This is not any ego builder. There's just a just to start out with. To just say there's a lot of things that have occurred in our lives without going into details as their first broadcast. We probably will touch upon this gradually as you get to know us. But right now we don't know you very well. And so as we get to know you and you become more interested in us and our. And our own lives. And why maybe we're so deep as we are is. I think it's because life has taken us down paths that have a deep interest in a way that we've had many conversations about. And I also feel like when we would. We're talking about over thinking is that we're both very detailed people and we can take something. A subject and we can tear it apart till there's nothing left. And so I'd also like to think we're broad thinkers where we'd like to hear other people's perspective. We just love. We thrive on that because we both love to hear other people's opinions. I dunno, as am I saying that well enough. I mean, maybe you want to add something. Zack?

    Zach: I mean, I think you're... you're on the right track with it. And I would say that this is kind of a work in progress and we've both been exposed to talk radio while for me from a young age. I don't know how long it's been for you. But growing up I know that it was a part of my life in the sense that I drew inspiration from it, and something that I. I was playing around with the. You know, pretending like I had my own broadcasts before I broadcast. So it's really kind of out of body experience to think that you know, we're actually doing this. Finally, after years of talking about it. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you and I have been talking about podcasting what for at least about three years. Three or four years probably...

    Elaine: Probably about three or four years, and distracted by many things. But for sure it was an idea we had. And it was something because there's something about the two of us that we think a lot of. Like from the standpoint that we can. We take a subject matter and we both are really able to put into that subject matter our own thoughts and really connect in variety of different ways, which I think makes it really interesting. And that's why I think that doing this together and then also eventually hoping to become live where we can actually talk to people live. Well, that's what I'm really excited about. I think that will even enhance this program even greater is to get people out there that really want to communicate with us and give us their two cents worth because we both have our ears wide open for that right now.

    Zach: I mean, I think to start as you know, kind of just going to be an experimental situation. You can see I'm clipping a little bit. I'm just trying to make up for the fact you become a lot louder since we were practicing much earlier.

    Elaine: Now because I get so fucking enthusiastic. Like when I am really passionate about something. I guess my voice, my voice gets probably much louder. I know my mannerisms with my facial expressions and I use my hands a lot and it's just part of who I am. I really think I'm pretty animated. And so when we're practicing to try to get the settings right, probably just sitting here is not the way to do it. It's really probably as we're actively working because that is really the way probably it's going to be. It's hard to do that when you're. You're just sitting there trying to say okay, It's like warming up her voice to do a song. You know you're. You're not singing at. So you don't put much into it. You just go okay, gotta go through this effort to do this tooth in order to get to this. So you know, I really think probably this may be at an easier way. Eventually for us to get the sound down. We're hoping this is sounding pretty good for our first one. Because you know we don't want it to, to be something that people want to block their ears from hearing because it sounds so bad.

    Zach: Well, and I don't mean this critical: but, if you can try to quiet down a little because there's only so much. can do with the sound gate.

    Elaine: Seriously, you mean now your little machine there can't handle me...?

    Zach: It's because our microphones are so close to one another. I'm going to have to hit the sweet spot between it not clipping off my voice and with the noise gate vs. making sure that we're blocking out the higher tones of your voice.

    Elaine: Okay, I will try to calm it down.

    Zach: I know it's hard, it's really hard, but so again, I don't want you to change. But this is a situation where you're asking: can we sit on the same side ? This is a case where we might even have to be further away in order to do this. Just because the the limitations of it. Let's see, you are negative 37 and I'm at negative 32. Seven, so... I don't think it's cutting up, cutting off my. So sorry I don't have to do a sound test. You're gonna have to cut this out.

    Elaine: God, they might just be so lucky to hear how we're doing this. And they may be so lucky to hear you and I saying we need to be further apart.

    Zach: Yeah, so so watch if I turn this down a lot. Gonna see that starting to clip me me in and out. Do you hear that is clipping in and out like that. The means it's the noise gate is way too active. So I need to make sure that I'm... that its not activating, but it needs to be high enough. I have quite enough on the threshold that it means that it's going to be more sensitive to blocking out the background. So I think you're at negative 32. Why don't we just shoot for thirty and see if that sounds good. If you notice that I'm clipping out though, I'm going to have to turn this back up. I guess that's what the setting would be to. Just let me know if you hear it.

    Elaine: I don't hear too much right now. I'm so glad to understand all this because I'm just looking at it and kind of intimidated by all things around this. But it's kind of a cool piece of equipment, actually.

    Zach: Yup. Okay. So and then we'll just check. I mean, I think originally I had to start off at lower lower on your sound level notes and kind of train it up. I don't know if it'd be helpful. Something that makes me not want to talk so loud is when I have my volume turned up. It makes me sound louder to myself. So I really don't have to talk as loud. I don't know if that's helpful for you. So let me know if there's anything I can mess around with that.

    Elaine: I don't think there's going to be helpful for me because it's really turning down the enthusiasm that I have.

    Zach: Well, ok, I don't want you to turn it down too much. We might have to mess around with the likes. It's important to get the right. Okay, so let me. I'm going to stop messing around with this and just occasionally look at it.

    Elaine: Okay, we're checking back in with you now. We just had a little time out.

    Zach: Yep. Alright. So anyways, you're asking motivators ? I mean, motivator number one. I'd like to think that we've been through enough stuff in our lives without going into too much detail, but gone through enough stuff in our lives that you know, we. We we think we tend to value the things that are valuable. It doesn't mean that we don't get down into more petty, you know, arguments about things, but it's just kind of like there's been so much stuff that's happened that fortunately, we've been forced to have to experience a lot of things that a lotta people, you know, maybe eventually might experience their life, but usually it's over the course of a lifetime. So in that sense, I feel like we've lived more than one life here. But I was just gonna say I think the. The primary motivation for the podcast is I was listening to podcasts during the pandemic a lot. I don't know if you've listened to some. I think encouraged you to listen to some. I don't know if you did, but for me it was like I just found it was interesting to hear people talk. I don't know if it's my age coming into view, you know, like I just more than like, you know, playing video games or watching people play video games or things like that. I mean, I actually got entertainment at work and even beyond just listening to music, listening to people talk on podcasts and I thought, you know what the con... the conversations that people are having. I'd like to think and I'm not so entitled to say this, but I'd like to think that you know you and I can hold our own conversation wise and interesting ways.

    Elaine: Oh, totally. And I'm with you on that Zack because you know, when I used to have my business in a home here, I used to have my own sewing business so that when my kids were two boys when they were growing up, I could be with them and experience watching them grow and be here when they got home from school and everything that wonderful that goes with that. But I was going to say that honestly, you know, sometimes I turn on TVs, listen to that but relayed radio talk show was really big to me. I felt as though there were a lot of really interesting and controversial topics that came up. I also think that one one thing that I really realized back then that really kind of brought me into wanting to do this as well as I love to connect with people and connecting with other people is what I think is missing in this world in many ways. And that true deep connection. And this is another reason why I think this is going to be awesome. Because I think that we're going to be able to reach out and really be able to talk to a lot of people and maybe connect with a lot of people, even though maybe we won't agree on everything that everyone agrees on. It's not about agreeing with people, it's. It's just learning that we're all human and that honestly, in this world we need one another. And that's. That's a fact. We need one another. We need to have connection with people. That's part of our survival.

    Zach: Yeah, no connection and feeling connected with people. To me. I. I don't. I don't like live by this in a way that I consciously think about it. But if I'm honest with myself, I think being in connection, having conversation with people... has to be probably one of my favorite activities in life. And I know that sounds funny to say, but maybe it isn't funny to say, but: to converse with people and have intelligent conversation or emotional conversation or something that's just mentally stimulating, to me and I don't think there's anything better. I don't think movies are better. I don't think books are better in it. Depends on what you're talking about with that person. I mean, obviously, if you're talking about something that's depressing or something that doesn't fit for a person's emotional state, maybe that's not the best thing. You know, you kind of have to meet each other at the emotional and energetic level. And similarly, you know, for people that we'd be listening to our podcast, you know, there is going to depend on their emotional state about whether or not it really speak to them in a way that's like, Hey, I've. I'm in the mood to listen to these guys or God, you know, I'm not really into it, you know, and and it's. It's very individualized, I think. What's really nice about our podcast and where we're seeing things go with it. If you want to say we see it going any one particular direction, it sounds kind of aimless to say, but you know it's going to be. Eclectic. Podcast. It's not going to be about one specific thing. So I don't think we're going to be forced into a situation where we're going to fall into the dangers of. You know, going down one road with one topic, you know, alienating, you know, subpopulations of our audience. Because I don't think that they're going to be a ton of options that are off the table that are that are off of the: that are that are not options though.

    Elaine: I really. I think that's a good point. Because honestly, there's not much that you. I can't even think off the top of my head. I don't think of anything at all that you and I think is that we can't talk about. What I mean is any subject matter at all. I've never found a time where we've not been able to sit and talk. Cause I think we've got a really great relationship and we communicate really well with each other. We're also very philosophical to the point some people go, My God, you are so philosophical. But I think that is what also opens the doors to being open to hearing other people. Because if you have that ability to be able to really listen and you have that ability to be able to maybe grasp what other people are going with things versus just being one sided and thinking something your way. Not to say that I don't have things I feel very strongly about, but also understand we're all individuals and. Or maybe our own experiences in life make us think of. Thinks different. Or maybe it's just. You know, some of the more controversial issues which is going to feel different about. But that doesn't mean that has to cause division with people because we all have a right to the way we feel and. And what we have to express. But that's. The other thing that I think is really wonderful is that there's no one that's not going to be allowed to be able to express what they feel. Because I can speak for myself, not only for myself, but for. Is that because wealth is that we're very open minded to at least hearing what people have to say even if you never say. Man, I dunno if I really agree with that. And we may not even say that. But just knowing from the very get-go of starting this broadcast that we both being very open and really not judgmental. I'm not saying I've never judged in my life. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not a perfect person. But when I say judgmental, I don't like labels. I don't like the generalizations that society puts out there about certain things in our world. And I'm very aware of the judgments that people say and to. It's very offensive to me to put people and certain labels. So I think that's another part of our podcasts that I really want to express. That is, I feel very strongly about. As I just think that I want to hear everyone's opinion. I don't want to say that you know this person because they're different. I. I think we're all connected. We're connected with human beings. And that's why each and every one of us have a right to express what we feel and whether we agree or not is not what's what's important. Because honestly, Zach, we've disagreed before, even though we're. We're very like thinkers. We will say to each other sometimes. OK, we'll agree to disagree. Not true.

    Zach: Yeah, I was just gonna say that it comes down to. And in this, not speaking in absolutes about this. But what I kind of like about our conversations is. And you bring a lot. And this is not a dig to you, at all. But you bring a lot of heart to everything that you do. And I. I think I tend to bring more more logic. Might be a little more pragmatic approach, whereas you bring the soul to it.

    Elaine: Oh, you know what. That's called wise mind. That's that's DBT's rational and emotional thinking, which your...

    Zach: Perfect.

    Elaine: Yeah, yes, just like they're all supposed to overlap in the middle. So hey, there you go. That's another another good thing. But absolutely. I think you are more logical. I'm more idealistic, probably than you are. Where you bring me back down to logic of things, which I really appreciate. But you know what? Thanks for that compliment about the heart. You also are very sensitive, kind, wonderful individual question my son. So you know, maybe people people would say Well, of course he is. He's your son, but no overall like: I'm sure there's examples that are gonna come up in the future of things that just. I. I'm just super proud of this guy. Like things he's done in his life and how he tries to make the world better and how he takes a look at all the people around him. It's not just certain people and da, you have the ability to really bring a lot of good perspective to things, even with people that are going through some really hard times. And your positivity seems to stand out and your positivity and we've had a lot of conversations about this. Your logical, but you're still a very positive person. Meaning that: even with your logic, you don't go down the dark hole with looking at something and and see no way out. You. You still try to see good and things and even with the many things you've experienced in your own life. I mean, you're still very young and you've gone through a lot. And to be able to witness that about you that you always try to remain. Trying to think of determinations first thing that comes to mind. But even more so you just your attitude about life in general, that you're not gonna let things get you down, that you've just got this drive about you. That is pretty spectacular.

    Zach: Thanks. But it's going to say going back to what I've seen, the pragmatic versus, you know, the emotional soul, then I think those two aspects can be complementary for a podcast with kind of a a more complete perspective on things. And I'm trying to remember what else since that was a few minutes ago. What else we were talking about that I wanted to add and we were talking about. And while we talked about how this has been ongoing for three years, I don't want we know when our episode is going to be starting up here. I basically wanted to say that, you know, the intention is for it to be eclectic. I'm starting out. We just wanted to apologize in advance for any audiophiles out. There are people that notice that there might be issues with our recordings. We're still just very much in the early stages of just getting all of this hammered down. So you know, this is going to be an experience for all of us. So just realize that you know, as time goes on, the recordings probably will increase in quality. We did invest upfront, you know, quite considerably, monetary wise, to put as much production qualities we can in the front end of this podcast because we sense that's really important. You know, if it really comes down to our message, I think our message will definitely shine through. Be there. But if it's not. Doesn't sound good to listen to then who's gonna wanna listen to it ? But the other parts is just going to say, you know, we're still in the concept phase. We're not sure, but maybe it might be the Polychromatic podcast. We don't know the final name for the show yet. Still very early on, So you know, I will see what we're going to be publishing it as. But you know we will. I think as time goes on. Offer more opportunity to get to know us as hosts, co-hosts of the show. But I think we should maybe start a topic for today.

    Elaine: Sounds wonderful. Just one quick thing because we're still trying to narrow this thing down. I actually do hear me. Taking breaths into taking breaths are really. Yeah, I just wanted to give you a heads up for that. Could could just needs to be further away from the mic then I can hear you too. So maybe. But there's nothing that you think in the tuning with the.

    Zach: You know, I don't really think. I mean it might be in the de-esser. Or do I mean the end of the day. The problem is the less sensitive you make the mic. Like if I'm really far round here, you start picking at me in and out. You don't want to be too far away. And it could come down to just us having develop better etiquette with the way that we take our breaths, you know, and the way that we breathe. Maybe it's about saying less per sentence and you know, not that I don't appreciate you bringing it up. I don't know how to fix the breath noises. Well, the bottom line, folks, this is the way it's just going to be. Because you're seeing the way that we just do things. We just say it for what it is. But I mean, yeah, I just. I just wanted to mention that kind of early on. So that then I. You didn't say hey, you should have maybe said something early on. So anyway, yeah, I'll just something to work on. You know, as you were saying, we've tried to do our best for the sound and everything and eventually we'll get this all ironed out. You've done a great job of setting out to begin with. I think so. Topic for today, I don't know. Most of the time you and I just start talking and it goes to all these places were going like we went from here to there.

    Zach: Yeah, well, I already had one in mind. I thought we had already talked about that. Maybe you don't remember.

    Elaine: I know what it is. What is it ? Cherry pie ?

    Zach: Oh, I don't think we're going to do a whole. Hopefully it can be a side topic for today.

    Elaine: I don't think what the hell. I was thinking. Maybe he's going to give you a recipe for cherry pie and how you put... Oh, by the way, Zach, can I tell you something ? Yeah, tell me. Oh my God. I do need to talk about this.

    Zach: What's that ?

    Elaine: You know, when I think of cherries, I did make a cherry pie at the age of eighteen.

    Zach: Yeah, how's it going ?

    Elaine: Well, the pie turned out great, but I wanted to do a little experiment like scientific. I'm here. The scientist here. Okay, but you know, eighteen. I got married really young. I can't believe it. Okay, so I got married eighteen the first time. I hope I didn't get married at sixteen or something. It'd be my second time. But my first time I got married was eighteen and I decided I could make a homemade cherry pie. Alright?

    Zach: Ahem.

    Elaine: So we had this really cool little duplex here in Boulder and I basically, I wanted to. This little experiment.

    Zach: And how did that go?

    Elaine: Not well. I decided that I would take the cherry pits and see how many I could put down the disposal before the disposal wouldn't work anymore.

    Zach: Oh! Because you thought a sharpened them?

    Elaine: No, now I...

    Zach: That's what I heard when you told me the story.

    Elaine: Uh.. no, that's called D.U.M.B. - which I'm not, okay?!

    Zach: What ? What ? What's what's D.O.M.B. (feigning ignorance). Is that a type of seed, or something?

    Elaine: is that an insinuation, or something?

    Zach: No.

    Elaine: What I'm trying to tell you an insinuation. Alright, Okay, so stupid. It could be another word for it. But no, I'm not dumb or stupid. It was just like I was going. Hey, I wonder like this. The landlord said this is a really good disposal. Let's test it out and see how good it is.

    Zach: So to make you feel better to test out since it wasn't your own disposal?

    Elaine: of course!

    Zach: of course?!

    Elaine: Although I will say I do take better care in general of other people. Better care of other people's things in my own. Okay, so I want to be known for that. I don't use people and all that stuff. I don't want him going that into that subject matter, but I wanted it was just kind of like a curiosity. I'm a very curious person. I always have been. So I just want to see, like if I could actually just grind them along the way and see if the disposal would hold up till the end.

    Zach: Yeah?

    Elaine: well, it didn't.

    Zach: But how ? How How many ? How many seeds ? How many cherries are we talking about, you know, keep count.

    Elaine: I didn't keep count. It's enough for a pie, but I'll tell you almost made it through most of them and then it started clogging up. And then I started really thinking like, Well, maybe if I just let it grind for a bit, maybe grind away. I think that it was really trashed because the water started coming up and there's nothing more I could do. So anyway, that little experiment that I wanted to try, you know, we talk about consequences in life?

    Zach: Yeah.

    Elaine: okay, that's the consequence. So what ended up happening is I had to tell my landlord that the disposal is broken. And of course, you know I don't like to lie. It bothers me. I'm not a good liar.

    Zach: But you didn't want to be embarrassed either.

    Elaine: No, but there's question, Do you want to be embarrassed or to tell a lie ? And I'm thinking, Well, both of them are going to have to. Not both. And we're going to have to happen. But embarrassment is going to have to happen because if he gives down in that disposal and sees there's cherry pits: he's going to now exactly what I saw. So I just said said: I was baking a cherry pie and I didn't realize disposal was not strong enough to handle that. So anyway, my consequence for that was five dollars a month rate increase for our rental for our duplex.

    Zach: So he could get new ones put in... every six months?

    Elaine: No, no, no. So he could so he could pay back for that disposal. I learned something very valuable. So let's see, five dollar a month times twelve months, make sixty dollars a year. I raised our rent. So that was kind of stupid, but. OK, I said I'm not dumb or stupid and that was a stupid thing to do. OK?

    Zach: Okay.

    Elaine: But anyway, when we talk about cherries I can't help it. And I used to have a cherry pie bedroom because I made... had this really beautiful, ah, pattern of a comforter that was a really beautiful emerald green and it had cherries I can't even tell you, I have it somewhere. Really a beautiful pattern. And I made a bedroom out of it. Called it my cherry pie bedroom. So anyway, we won't be talking about cherry pie. But I thought, Well, while we touched upon the subject, I'd give you a little bit of background.

    Zach: Okay, Well, I'll say one thing about the cherry pies. And then I think we have a topic for today if - you're okay with. And what I was going to say is, yeah, we actually went to a local restaurants and also we live in Colorado. So it's the. The company that furnishes the pies for this places. I think his Colorado cherry pie company, I think. Or Cherry Company or something like that for the name. Anyways, their pies. Oh, I don't even know how to describe into words how good the pie was. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't like sixteen dollars or something.

    Elaine: Yeah, but you know, I can tell just by the way you describe it. We were talking during our conversation at restaurant and when we start eating a cherry pie, there was dead silence between us.

    Zach: Yeah, there was. You know, you'd go off to far off places like we leave your body. It was like an outside of my body perspective. I.... Anyways, it was as delicious. So highly recommend that. So having said that...

    Elaine: they do ship all over the United States too. So later on...

    Zach: maybe we can get to a thing going with them.

    Elaine: I'd love to get some. I mean, I have never had a cherry picker sponsor. My cherry pie was nothing comparable to this, but I will tell you. And it was a homemade. This was absolutely fabulous. And we didn't feel ripped off at sixteen dollars for a slice that we shared with, it was with ala mode. You have to have the element.

    Zach: And on that topic, not sure for starting a, I dunno, what we want when we want to call it... not a promotional...

    Elaine: a promotional...

    Zach: I'm saying not a trend....a legacy. What ? What's the word ? I'm looking for a starting a yearly thing out of it. But we decided to eat pie some cherry pie before the podcast.

    Elaine: Well, that's why I thought we were going to start the podcast with.

    Unison: so a tradition... yeah.

    Elaine: So our tradition is once a year to celebrate our first podcast. We're going to have some cherry pie and is going to be the cherry pie from the Colorado Cherry Pie company.

    Zach: Hopefully next year we can upgrade because we didn't do that this time. No, we just got some from sprouts, but we did.

    Elaine: But you know what from here on out? It's gotta be from there.

    Zach: Alright, so ready for the topic ? I'm writing the topic for today is going to hit at the hearts of people. It's going to be a controversial subject. So I, I do want to throw that out there for people that are listening to this. If and when we publish, it was probably going to be published. But what we want to discuss today is tipping.

    Elaine: Tipping... oh God!

    Zach: Yeah what's happened with tipping since the pandemic and as a result of technology, you know, history of tipping and by the way, I've not done that much research in the history of tipping. I know just the general in a wives'tales of where tipping came from and whatnot. But my general practices when it comes to tipping. What I've been seeing tipping with a pandemic. How, on some ways I do agree that people should be tipped more. And during the pandemic. I was even more generous with tipping. But how are born out, outborne of this with software and technology, how people are often being guilt it into tipping way beyond where they should be tipping for things that previously they wouldn't tip for.

    Elaine: Well, historically when I was fifteen years old and I think that's probably pretty realistic to the timing of when tipping was just tipping. So basically back then it was like when you got a tip meant that people thought you gave them good service.

    Zach: like above and beyond, right ?! Not just like they did their job, but they like the did something special.

    Elaine: I mean, it's like it was it was based upon really. I think the interaction you had with people like you know how you how you. When I say interaction I had with people it would. It would be like, you know, instead of being an old rump and going to the table if you have a nice smile on your face...

    Zach: and felt like the person was selling themselves.

    Elaine: Yeah, you're kind of selling yourself and your like. And you. And you let people know that you really enjoy what you're doing and you know, making good eye contact with peoples. He made them feel like you were happy they were there. And I'm also getting the food out as promptly as possible, filling up their drinks, keeping those filled up, you know, because it did take some effort. It's not like you just, you know, gave him a drink o: you know, coffee or tea or whatever or or, you know, I'm not thinking so much about. Oh, called alcoholic drinks because I worked in sort of a breakfast place, but just keeping their drink spilled and making sure the food was out there. Food was nice and hot when they received it, being there to ask them how it was soon after they received it. That type of thing. So you're just checking like checking in with them when you go there. The way that I used to think about it when I was a waitress as I used to think that these people have come to this restaurant and you know they're not eating at home. So let's make this extra special. Making it extra special is relax, enjoy. Have some nice conversation. Don't worry about the food. I hope the food is wonderful for you. I'm here to serve you and to just give you some time out. We'll do the dishes well. You will give you everything that you need while you're here. Okay, So if you did a good job and you followed through with some of the basics I'm talking about, usually got a tip. OK?! And then if you went above and beyond what someone thought would be sort of just like, you know, I'd pretty good. Pretty good job. You'd even get a bigger tip. So you know, I from way back then appreciate a tipping. So I don't want anyone to think that I don't understand the point of tipping because back then and this is going to date me, but I think I was making like fifty. I know I maybe as two bucks now or something. And then the rest of it was tips, which was not a lot of money. So and but that and then we also had to give some of our tips to the dishwasher and the people clear the table. It's okay because you know we're all working together like a team. But beyond that, that was it. So how does that compare to today ? Let's think about that for a minute. Because I know one thing for sure that I'm off the top of my head. Zach, since you brought up the subject, I'm thinking about not only are you generally required, no matter what this service is like, and/or what kind of restaurant it is. I mean, you know, you even go to Starbucks or some of the coffee places and you really leave a tip there too. It's just kind of expected. I think the differences as expected instead of earned. That's the difference. But in addition to that because of the whole COVID thing and what it has done to the industry. Restaurants, and how a lot of people last. Like some of that. Since we're speaking pretty much about restaurants or other places, you tip. I guess you know, we tip other places too. Like I'm gonna get her hair done and things like that. But in general I think mostly about ah, you know, food service. So, you know, I've noticed that some places because they tack on like a four percent or something, and then when they bring you that they. Now they. A lot of places bring you the check out on one of their. And it's like an iPad. I don't know what it's really called, but anyway, it's already punched into twenty per cent. So like you feel like even if this service has been really crappy, like whoa. I have to leave a twenty percent tip. Now I'm not again. I'm not against tips. But if I go out to eat, I really want that service. So you know, I mean the twenty percent. Okay, I guess that's not so much my gripe. Unless the service is poor. I don't have probably been twenty percent if the service is good. If the service isn't good, that kind of rubs me wrong. But then you've got another fee on top of that. Plus, may I say one more thing because you're the one who brought it up. Not only that, but so have the prices of the food increased And I'm not talking about increasing just a little bit. The prices have gone way up. So we've even talked between us like my man. You know, for us to go out to just like a restaurant like a regular restaurant. Pretty pricey these days. And while I'll give you my take since you give your take on. I would say First off and growing up as a kid, and I was raised from the point of view that you don't ever really not leave a tip unless you're really trying to make a point, right ? Like like that's the worst thing you can do, I think. And you know, I've got stories. I'll share one of them. But when I was living out in Westminster, this is a long time back. Like a decade ago. I ordered a pizza one time and there was a promotion where if you guessed the. Who was going to make it to the Superbowl or something, there was a pizza company that was said You could get your pizza for free. I can't remember if the Broncos won. You got a pizza for free. Whatever the case was. Well, the guy came to the door. He delivered the pizza. I didn't even think for a moment as the pizza fried that I'd need to leave a tip. How boneheaded of me. Okay, I was so upset by the whole situation that the next day I went to the guys work and I said I don't know the guy's name, but I said years like I think was ten or fifteen bucks. I said I am so sorry. I meant to tip because I. He looked expectantly and then I closed the door right on his face and I felt awful about it. It was completely unintentional, but anyways. And of course I had some bad experiences. One one of the most abysmal experiences was when I was with my girlfriend at the time, going to Outback Steakhouse and it was towards the end of the night and we asked for the check for over the period of three hours. I shit you not. I'm not exaggerating at all with the timeframe of this. Over the course of three hours we were asking over and over and over for bill and they were not coming with it. So finally, once we did get our bill, I didn't make a point to not leave a tip. Because that's like I want to make sure that the. Understood I left a tip. So I didn't forget the tip. There's just going to get a shitty tip. So I think I left them fifty cents, you know, on something that was probably supposed to be like six a dollar tip. So hopefully the. The point. But generally speaking, I. If they do the bare minimum and I don't agree with this, but my. My opinion is tipping was supposed to be there too. Not as an expected, but as were talking about historically, not in my lifetime, but historically as when a person went above and beyond at their job, they got a tip. And nowadays tipping is just built right into even the wages of these people. So you know that are working at. And it sounds like as far back as when you. You worked in food, it was that way too. You know where it's like okay, well, employers are expecting that their waitstaff are going to be paid supplemented off the tips. So that's less money that they're going to be paying out. So, you know, I respect the fifteen percent thing. What my biggest problem is as I'm seeing that well, first off, food prices are going up. So what's happening to tipping ? Tipping is going up because food prices going up to right they. They go hand in hand. But now on top of that, most places are expecting a minimum of twenty twenty five per cent. Sometimes there's not even a way to tip less than twenty per cent. And I. My biggest problem with that is not so much the sit down places. Because you gotta understand if you're making an honest to god decision to go out and eat with people, you're also committing to the tipping whether you like it or not. And I'm not saying you should be forced to tip, but I'm just saying you have to understand that. But in addition, like you're saying, they're also adding these additional. You know, living wage outta home. I don't know what they have all these different names for these, you know, surcharges on top. What an extra five per cent in. Afford a five percent eight percent on your bill to help pay the stuff that's already should be paid. And so are the ways of. Of artificially inflating the amount that you pay without it looking like it's all under the same bill, which you know is kind of hard to agree with. So the last, but I was just going to say with all this is then finally, you've got places that previously did not ask for tips at all that are asking for tips. This is where technology comes into the picture. Okay, so the pandemic and the landscape of the pandemic obviously have changed things, you know, irreversibly. I mean, just imagine just how. Now you can go to your doctor's office or do a telehealth visit and they can he prescribe you a prescription. That's not something that really happened before the pandemic. Similarly, here we have a situation where so many people are using now popular point of cells like square up square, I think a squarespace. I dunno. The square readers and they're using a toast tab. They're using those different types of software. Point of sale, top of sulphur solutions. And what are they doing ? They're setting the default to be twenty twenty five percent. And so the problem is you're. You've got a situation where they're guilty and their customers into paying that amount because what happens is you go to pay the bill your waiter, waitstaff, waiter, waitress comes to your table, takes your card right in front of you. Put your card in penza back to you. You hand it back to them. They see exactly how much you tipped. Can take the card out. Is not discreet at all. Don't tell me that's not about guilt. And then the second thing is, you've got places that previously did not tip. Or they had a site tip jar that. Again, my favorite is. For instance, out here in Colorado there's a place called Most Bagel. In most bagels, a place where you go wait in line. You don't sit down, so I just dump drawing ghosts, thin and lined to tell them what you want and you check out. They've always had a tip jar. That's fine. I'm ok with that. But anytime you use a card every time, regardless that screen will come up, they'll default to twenty five percent. And this is not even a sit down place. And I've also heard in other industries that are not even considered service industries, they're asking for tips. The final bit I just wanted to say to add and then I'm done talking. We can talk back and forth about it. The final bit as I don't even have confidence that those tips and they're electronically being added or even coin to the employs. Just not physical. Do you know what I mean ? It's not like the tip jar is something's physically split is probably up to the. The honesty of the employer about whether or not that money doesn't just go to help supplement their wages. Aren't going to have track at the end of the day to see the cells for what they would. But I'm just saying it comes down to the honesty of the employer to do that. Does not like the money that's in the tip jar. If the tip jars empty or been picked over, that's something that the employees can actively see. It's a tangible thing. I sit. You're saying, but if it's just a number, a computer, I don't even trust that that money is actually going to the employs and the places that say that they still actively stand behind that one hundred percent of their tips go to the employs. I have no problems tipping with those places, but other places. I'm a little questionable about those practices. What's really interesting when you're talking. I was just thinking about this because it. Normally. Just what you're talking about. Like when you were talking about walking in a line and going up and ordering something and then just standing there and waiting for them to call you, call your number, whatever. You never tipped there like that was never even there wasn't required. No, there wasn't even to ship out. You know, that'd be like tipping at mcdonalds. Okay, that's a good example. Like kinda going to mcdonalds standing in line and them having it. Does mcdonald's have a tip jar ? You know what I've heard most recently and I don't know if this is made up or not. I've heard that places like mcdonald's and drive throughs are now asking for tips. Yes, so crazy. I don't know if it's an all cities or if it just certain cities. I don't want to change the subject, but I just want to say before I forget, make sure to remind me before we're done with this podcast to talk about pre tipping and massages and that kind of stuff. Because mister. With that, if you wanted to start talking about that, we can. But. But that's okay. I definitely don't wanna forget to make. No, no, that's a. That's a good thing to touch upon as well. Because you know those services like outside the food service, but just a little bit more with the food service industry. Thing is, what you're talking about is really true. Like I am picking on Starbucks. It's just that they're the major coffee place that's been around forever and you know you go and you spend like what six seven dollars if you get a latte from them. And then if you go there like every day, some people go to Starbucks every single day and then it's almost like you're expected to leave fifteen percent of that right then you've got like some coffee or a latte, this costume. Ten bucks a day. Yes, K. Sound like that, especially if you tip every single time. Yeah, if you tip every single time and just back just to something you said to touch upon when you're seeing how you know they take your card at the table when you're in a restaurant and then they hand you the screen to to sign and it's already got the twenty percent on there. Not only is that killed, but it's just. The other word I thought of is so awkward. It is just so awkward because I. I thought when I have not gotten very good service, I've almost pushed the fifteen and I'm like going, Am I going to get electrocuted or something ? Yeah, are you going to get get some food poison ? Is something going to happen bad to me because it's almost like, Whoa, this is what we expect so. I mean, and then what about your peers ? If you are going through line and use ? Here's my question, If the person in front of you tips twenty percent when you're going to come to a place like most bagel and you actively see just by because you're looking, or you just happened to see twenty percent, what's the likelihood you're going to twenty percent ? It's going to be higher because it's peer pressure. And the same thing's true. If you tip hire the person behind you sees that you tip higher. So by the fact that it defaults to twenty percent all around means they're going to end up. I don't remember the statistics, but I. What I read an article on this. You would not believe how much tips have been up since the pandemic. And by the way, I just want to add the site to anyone working the service industry. I'm not saying you guys are not deserving of him. As a matter of fact, buns off. I mean, this is. I respect you so much for what you do and don't don't. I don't want to be misread here. I tipped usually on my own, you know, usually over twenty per cent, sometimes even as high as twenty thirty percent. Especially like if I ordered a pizza and it's snowing out most of the time I tip closer to thirty percent, thirty five percent some cases. So I'm not saying you guys are not deserving of it. As if anything, you guys are underpaid. My biggest issue is when a company, a business, decides to make it the standard to do those things. Not because people out of their heart want to do it, but because they've been gilded into doing it well. To have something expected of you doesn't feel very good in comparison to you making that decision because you know when you make a decision to do it, it's like that you. It's from the heart and you really want to. Instead of expectations. I think expectations. There's a lotta uncomfortable at tea that comes with that and awkwardness. And like you're saying guilt stuff and I I I I don't. I don't like that it's good. It doesn't feel good. It doesn't make me feel like I wanna go back to that place again because I feel like okay, say, For instance, I punched the fifteen per cent button because my. Really, the service was really bad, my food was cold, I didn't get a refill on my drink and did my God, I'm like on man you know it's not genuine to give this person twenty percent and fifteen percent doesn't even make me feel great. But I know that's not a twenty per cent per tip that I should be leaving. This person is just like. You know, I feel like I'm going to be remembered because maybe I didn't leave the twenty percent. Do you know what I'm saying and I was going to say you know what ? Here's the thing I think for people that are regulars, should they be expected to dip every single time. That there. I don't think they should. Okay, and and maybe I'm wrong for thinking this. You know, the. The regulars are the bread and butter for some. The business. But the way I look at is. When you're a regular, you are a regular. You are helping already ensure that they have jobs there. Because you're a regular. You have for them possibly as much as daily, if not more than multiple times a day. Your business in some instances. So I just want to say, First off, I don't think if you're a regular, you should be expected to tip every single time. That being said, if you can afford it. I think it's good to support the people, especially if you. But. But it can get very expensive like you're saying. And I'm saying I myself, I don't think to do it all the time. Back when I used to, you know, eat regular at a Bose when I was working my tech job. I can tell you I didn't tip every time, but I would try to tip, you know, every other time and it depends. Like with a sit down place. Wasn't a sit down place but just to have taken, you know, pick it up from the fronts kind of thing. You know, I'd give them a dollar on ten dollars so he knows his eating on the cheap. But what I was wanting to say real quick, though, before I forget and hopefully forget it here. Oh, I know I was going to say is as the whole pre tipping thing. So let me go back to the most bagel example here for a second. So with most bagel, I was a regular there all the time. Okay, and during the pandemic, even when it defaulted to the twenty five percent or whatnot. Sometimes they'll do it. You know how many times I got the wrong order. They put cream cheese instead of butter or just something wasn't right and I would get in my car expecting for it to be right, only to come back in here. I'd already pre tip them. Okay, it's the same thing anywhere the problem with pre tipping is it's non performance based and it's the same thing. True if you got a massage. You know when they said during the pandemic and I went to Elements Massage, by the way, I don't recommend them very much anymore. But when I went to Elements Massage, they said, you know, now, would you like to protect our way ? We have it set up this way, you know, because of keeping our distance from people, you know were asking for you to preach it. But I said I'm sorry. I'm not gonna pretend that doesn't mean that I'm going to screw out the employ or screw you guys out of a tip. But I'm not going to be tipping ahead of time. You know how upsetting that is to me when I tip something and I'm not happy with the outcome. That makes me even more angry, especially if I leave a really good tip. So I think they have things ass backwards. Pardon my french with the way that they handle things with that. And that's another thing that I have a problem with. These systems is often times during the pandemic, they've even said, We want you to pretend. I know I know that happened to me when I was living in California and I'd go for massage and you know Yeah, how much are you going to tip ? And I would say I would like to give that to the person who gives me the massage. And they say would say something like we prefer you to protect pen. Yup. So really what you're saying Zach, is that no matter what their performance is with their service, that they already know they're getting what's expected. So does that kinda take away from the them trying to do a good job of just do a mediocre job ? I mean, probably everyone's different. We're all different. So some people may just go like oh, you know, just to just do what I have to do. And I think that goes along also with how much you like your job. Because if you really like your job and your passions piling into really good job anyway. Yeah, but if you're just you're just working there temporarily, tickets something else, you're probably not caring so much. Then you get that pre tip ahead of time. Then you suspect it is expected and you can just kind of do a mediocre job and get by with it. Well, I actually had the first time I went there. Maybe I dunno. It was the first time about a couple of times after I went to this massage place I went to I did antenna. I left. It was really weird because I left like a ten dollar tap and they followed me to the door. What, like they were harassing you practically. They followed me to the door and told me that the general tips should be thirty dollars. No shit. Wow, were they not allowing you to leave ? Your almost two followed me and said weird. Now really are. The tip is generally thirty, which made me feel like a cheap ass. Make it embarrassing, uncomfortable and that. But you don't know if they're going to do something to, you know, write it was. It was, but it was so bizarre because they made me feel like I had committed like a terrible crime or that I was cheapskate when in fact, I thought a ten dollar tip is pretty good for massage. And because massages aren't really cheap. This place was pretty reasonable, but it was like suck and I didn't have any extra cash. And yeah, I could have gone back up to the front and said Yeah, will you put another twenty dollars on this ? And I just thought I was so irritated by that because I just thought you're expecting. And the massage was okay, but it wasn't like I came out of there going. Whoa, they're so good here. I'm going to tell my friends about this place. While the problem with setting an expectation like that is that's very disingenuous on their part. Because if their expectations every massage gets three bucks and once you add it to the final bill, Yeah, right. Yeah. And then it turned out to be I think they were charging sixty bucks an hour and so that would have meant Wow. So that means they want a fifty per cent tip. They want they wanted a thirty dollar tip, which meant that they were making about one hundred bucks an hour. Wow. And so how uses sixty ? So bumble. My point is you're paying two, one hundred and fifty percent of the massage price because you're paying another thirty bucks and sixty bucks right now. So I'm just trying to say though is what they're saying though, Essentially is that instead of it being ninety bucks an hour, they're wanting sixty. And then they expect you to pay double what, er, sorry, half of what the original price was for the massage and tip. Well, what it did, what it ended up doing is I never went back that simple because you know what ? It'd be very off putting. It was because the first offer massage wasn't that great. It wasn't like I was going. Oh god, Even though that happened, the massage was such that Missouri was so great that I'm going to go back. I'm going to ask for that person. I'm definitely coming back here. I walked out of there and I went, Wow, I'm not coming back here. So they lost my business when it. You know, I can see where like maybe they might have might have come up to me if I didn't. Tip and said something similar to I Could you please let us know ? Is there a way that we can improve our service ? Is there something that you didn't like ? How can we. How can make your next time better right now ? It wisely. It was just like I. Normally it was just the way they said it to. Normally people leave thirty dollars and I go wide. And they said yeah, people normally leave us thirty dollar tip. And I said I have never tip thirty dollars for massage anywhere when I said and I said, I don't know why you expect that. It's not like you're charging me fifteen dollars for this massage or something. You know it's. It's not like, you know, it's real real inexpensive to begin with. I mean, it's kind of a going rate and so yeah, it. It. It really sucked. I. I just I. It really made me angry because you know, you go there and you want to come out with really positive feelings and you want to feel really good. And I. I walked away from there feeling as though I had not only been ripped off. I. I didn't leave more money, but ripped off by the massage. Not being that good, but as a person felt ripped off as to my dignity. And two, it was like I felt it was a personal attack on me. As a person like you know, I wasn't a very caring or very genuine. Are very appreciative and so. Yeah, I could see where. Maybe if I hadn't tipped something, they might. They might want to know. Is there a way we can improve the service, right ? Yeah, because that makes sense. Well, just to have the feedback, but the fact that the expectation was already tied in with it. It's what they were trying to do is they're trying to correct that behavior head on in a way that I don't mean this mean, but it's almost kind of pathetic. Like I don't think it's wrong if they were just letting you know just so you knew. But to let you know and then say you've got to do it is kind of a kind of a. The wrong way of going about it. And that's a good way to lose customers in my own opinion. Because what you're basically doing, here's the thing is, no one likes to be called out. Whether their shit really needs to be called up because they are wrong or because they're not wrong because it's not their shit. It's your shit. And you know, I think that that's like the. The. The biggest problem to me with the. The whole pandemic and everything is just how much I was placed on the consumer. You know, all of the stresses of everything. And then to add to it, did my heart go out to people that were working in food service and stuff. Hell, yeah, I made sure to tip. Well, but when they said you have to. Where they set the subtext subtext to be that you have to. That bothers me. I also think that we don't already treat people that are in those jobs as people anyways, if you want my honest opinion, but I don't think we do. You know, when after the pandemic happen and were like oh, you know, the government's like oh, these people are indispensable. You know, these people are not being paid enough. Okay, Well, I do see minimum wage going up here a little bit. I don't see it like anything insane. I think that the best I've seen and it's to some degree actually helps some. But you know, fifteen sixteen dollars an hour new minimum wage out here for me I know I need to be my next job, whatever might be needs to be earning a lot lot more. Because you know I'm only like five dollars more than the minimum wage right now. You know, from my other job, I mean, that doesn't seem right to me, you know, five, six, seven bucks more. I mean I do. But that being said, I mean, you know, here's the thing is, the standard of living has not. And what I'm trying to say is the cost of living and the way that. Wages. They have not kept up with each other. I mean, didn't used to be where the minimum we have to hold. Do a whole nother episode on this on the economy in general, because it's just too much to get into. But correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't there a time where you know your wage for the entire month for one person was enough to pay rent ? And now you're looking at closer to seventy five percent of everyone's income ? Everyone in the home's income goes towards rent or goes towards a mortgage. That's insane. I mean, how are we even doing it ? What's funny is the American dream is over. The American dream is not something that's attainable anymore. I don't feel like you know it's like wait, we're all struggling and I'm tired of this. Used to be it's own, it's own podcast, but I'm tired of seeing people struggling. And when I think of struggling, I think of people that work in these jobs. You know, my heart does go out to them. And I don't want viewers to think that we're seeing these people. That these people were all the same people, but people that work in food service or people that work in the service industry or not deserving of a tip they are. I agree that they're deserving, probably of that twenty five percent, But it also largely depends about whether or not the people are built off of passion or not, and whether or not they're actually passionate about their job, or if this is just a job for them and they don't give a crap about the job because all they wanna do smoke weed or something, you know I. And you might say, well, that's very judgmental because people that smoke weed are not all lazy. I'm not saying that, I'm just saying as a general stereotype of. Of a person that doesn't care about their job, that just wants to zone out and does not engage at all with all of their job. I mean, should they be allowed to their tip, or should they be more motivated, you know, But then again, that ties back. Should they be motivated enough to actually earn a standard of living wage ? No, I think everyone deserves a living wage. But do you see how complicated it gets since we know it really gets complicated and I can honestly say a number of times a handful of times we don't eat out very much anymore since the pandemic, but a number of times that we have gone out the way. Person has not been very nice, have been short and not even a smile on their face and just like, Yeah, you know, and if you flag them down, like if you ask them for irritated, sometimes irritated, that's what it is. For. One thing, it's not like you've asked them for a ton of things and then like you say, ask for something and then you're waiting. Like maybe you know you want some jam for your toast, because you'd like to have the jam on your toast and you wait ten minutes after your foods delivered and they haven't brought it. And then you're just kindly raising your hand. Say excuse me, please, I'm cut. And they. They. They want. Sometimes they won't even say anything, just walk away and it just is it that makes going out and eating more of a hassle than than pleasurable in my opinion. I agree. And so anyways, I mean, I feel like we could talk more and more about this cause. Like it's real easy to spill over into other topics like the economy and standard of living. And you know there's so many injustices. And I think both you and I, even though you know you are to come apply more of your ideology to the world. I think I still do too. I mean, and that since we're. We're a lot the same person, you know. But it's just going to say that it's during the pandemic. I didn't have a problem with tipping more since I was in a position to be able to. I was when the lucky ones. Having worked in research, you know, where my job was protected. Unfortunately, when we run out of grant dollars, though, my job is not protected. Work in an academic research so it doesn't have the job security of other jobs. What was nicer since it is off working off of academic rats. And aside from, you know, occasionally when Congress gets busy and gets caught up with the. You know, other omnibus bills and stuff. Sometimes that can type funds to, you know, for future grasp. But otherwise I was. I was set. So it was. It was my pleasure to be able to. Them is my pleasure to be able to, you know, take some money that I had some security that I had and to share that, especially if they were able to help me, you know, eat that night and whatnot and back before you move back after being away for you know, a decade or so. And California and I actually ate out a lot. I just found out for one person is a lot cheaper nowadays. I don't think that's true. I think it's going to be so expensive that, you know, I mean, what do you think the new minimum is ? I think the new minimum. Fifteen, fifteen, sixteen bucks you don't owe easily. And then the other thing that we went through just to. To recall, we remember when everything was closed up for a very long time. And that's when a lot of the smaller restaurants went out of business, which was. Really sat a lot of small businesses in general. Which was a very sad thing to say because some of these people had worked their whole lives. You now to establish their own business, but also recall that they had a really hard time getting help because they were. A lot of people were getting unemployment so they were able to earn more on unemployment than going back and working. So, as I recall, like a lot of restaurants might have had two or three way people in there to service a lot of people which is overwhelmed. I'll tell you what, it is so unfair for that white person and I felt so badly for them. But on the other hand, that affects the consumer as well. Because you're going out and sometimes you're waiting. Which obviously it's not the white person's problem. But you're waiting a long time to even get someone to come over and take your order. And then if that's happening out with the white person, you gotta know that back in the kitchen they're short on cooks because the place is totally short. So I think it affected everyone in a very big way. Because my point being is that the consumer was affected because going out needing change. Totally. No way. People were frustrated because they are working so hard for their money, because they risk their lives. Yeah, earn it well before there was an absolutely because and vaccine. Yet before the vaccine and even more so, I think grocery stores because they were always so we had to have grocery stores open. But you know, like even in the food industry, like, you know, we had closures at times and things like that. And those people are subjected much more because all you've got all kinds of people coming in, you know. But I just was going to bring that part up because it was just something I was thinking about like it's getting better, I think, but for a period of time while I remember they'd only see the restaurant so many tables, or they would have a lot of tables, but only a few white people. And so and again, making it perfectly clear that I was once a waitress being and done something. I think you are familiar, Eve at least experienced it and know how important it feels to get tips. So I just wanna say this isn't. This is more just about changes in life and how the pandemic changed is not directed at weight people in restaurants. It's just that's the first place we really taught thought or ivan go to like with tipping is because that's just generally the first. The one thing we think about it when we go out and eat is that there is tipping. But it is not a direct indicator to anyone out there who's who's awake person. Because I do genuinely really appreciate how hard you work, especially through the pandemic. I mean, some of you must have just been exhausted and probably what you earned for that was ridiculous for what you deserved, right ? And a lot of people could have gone on the government assistance and made more not working well, that's all. That's what a lot of people did. And that's why that happened is because people were earning more with unemployment. They're going Hey, I'm. You know, which. Hey, I get that too. But just how that affected that. The food industry. And then if we go a little beyond the food industry, of course, there's. You know, like things like going to get your hair done, tattoo artists, and things that. Where you go for some type of service and you know, getting my nails done. Any kind of like a service oriented place you would go. There always has been that the tip. But I will say I've never gone when I've gotten my hair done. Of course, a lot of times they just do this on their phone, but I've never seen someone punch the twenty per cent for that. You know what I'm saying, it's like I. I think that's the part that is. The bothersome part that we're trying to point out is that you probably would end up with that much if you're doing a good job anyway. Exactly that it's just there's an uncomfortable ability to it. Setting a standard and they shouldn't be setting a standard. And I think you know what. As human beings and maybe I shouldn't say generalize in this way, but I think as humans, we're going to do things willingly from our heart better than if we're told what we have to do exactly. I love what you said there, and I think that really hits the core of the issue. I mean my. From myself. I mean I worked in food service for five and a half years, almost six years between all my food service jobs. And you know, at one point you know my part of what I may come from. Tips, you know, and you know it. For me, this is probably to give you an idea. Just to say that five and a half. Six years and food services. Not long enough to really appreciate the full gravity of a person's worked in food service for a decade or several decades. For me, I just realized, and since it was a younger job for me, not really. You know, in a position where I'm having to pay the bills and stuff. I never relied on tips. I never could say, Oh, I'm expecting I'm going to be getting three dollars or five dollars or ten or thirty dollars tonight. It was never like that. It's just to me, it was like, okay, I get my base salary and then, generally speaking, I can maybe expect an extra dollar an hour with tips. But beyond that, I would never try to project out saying, Oh, I know, to get down to the fine details. I understand for the lot of people they do have to, you know, that does determine where they work. And you know the kind of dining establishment they work on. And and like, like you said, it's not a judgement call it all for those people saying that they're out of place at all to be asking for higher tips. But I think it does come down to how you ask it. If you're asking people straight up to give the better tips, that's probably the wrong way to go about it. The better ways to show people that you're worth it. As far as how to translate people that are not aware, that's what you're asking implicitly. I don't know what to tell you. You know, I think in the right context, with the right kind of regulars you could mention. Maybe some people say it's unprofessional, but with the right audience. I think you could say, you know if it's done in a tactful way, in a way that is not asking or demanding, but just saying Yeah, man, been hard with the pandemic if they're. Especially if the customer is the one to bring up. How's it been with you during the pandemic ? To be honest with them, I think is perfectly fine. Oh, totally. The other thing is, do you remember when people went to college got a four year degree. They ended up tipping are. They ended up working at these nice restaurants because they made more money serving food than they could in whatever they went to school for. So food service overall has changed dramatically because it has. I mean, honestly, you go to these nicer restaurants and some of those people can bring their three four hundred dollars a day. Yeah, really good money. And and you know, being a bartender I mean, oh, absolutely. At the right place you can make bank. It's a hard job. You can, especially if it's a good. Popular bars can be a hard job. But if you do good work and if you're a good bartender, you can, you can make bank. You absolutely can. So it's interesting how that's kind of changed because you know, he used to be like, whoa, if you can get into the food industry a really nice posh restaurant, you've got it made. And so now it's interesting how covered kind of flip flop that. Yeah. And also we're seeing how the cross - section and demographic wise of jobs in general have changed. You know, how many jobs have become virtual jobs ? Oh, so the pandemic ? I mean, you wouldn't think half the industries that they represent have jobs where people can work remotely. I thought they used to be something that's purely delegated to writers, content creators and people that work in computer troubleshooting, computer infrastructure, that sort of thing working remotely. But you're seeing all different cross - sections of all different types of disciplines and industries using. You know, Microsoft teams zoom these platforms to do their conferencing using Slack. Using, you know, these chat programs to conduct their business in having people even work out of their homes, which again, that's room removing overhead. You know, this could be it's own episode. Potentially for us to talk about us In addition, not that all of ours are going to be talking about the pandemic, but it is something that's in recent mind. I know for me and for you, we will talk about it. Where have the last three years gone ? Whereas time guys, it's so true. And when you're. When you bring that up and it's true. I mean, we probably won't talk about the pandemic very much, but it's just that just kind of comes up and with the. Sometimes sometimes sometimes that's going to be really true. But I think something that really would be a wonderful topic is to talk about how times have changed socially for people. And it just reminded me of that even more when you talked about people working remotely. Yeah, people lose connection with others because during the pandemic, just talk about how much. My God, you know what I remember when. Cause I'm this person that I like to show affection. That doesn't mean I go up and hug everybody I see, but I tend to be a person that when I see a friend woke up and give my friend a hug. And I'm not distant with people. Like when I'm talking to people, I'm, you know, generally within a reasonable amount of distance to talk to him. But I mean, I had to focus on. It was the weirdest thing when they set six feet and I. And I had to keep stopping myself and going. Oh wait, I can't go sick. I can't go any closer to this person. That whole thing was really difficult from the standpoint that I think the one that all your instincts, my instincts as as a human being, my instincts of wanting to connect with people. I felt so disconnected even with the distance I. That was between me and that other person. I just thought this is the weirdest thing because they're telling us we can't connect. So we're seeing that which. Which that could actually go into another broadcast like we're saying, but nonetheless the social aspects of this. Because if you're working at a place, man, I love talking to my coworkers. Camaraderie, Yeah, being at home. Where do you get that that that that morale and that like camaraderie. If you're not working at a place that seems to me working at home, you gotta learn. You gotta learn to structure yourself to. Some people have a hard time with that because you know, gosh, it's. It's easier in a way to. If you're used to this for years. Getting up in the morning, going to work. You have to be at a certain time. You get off certain time, so you're there doing it. You're not thinking about the day. But if you're at home, it'd be so easy to go. Oh, I planned on starting work at six o'clock. Oh, heck, I'll sleep until seven. Yeah, so you know there's. There's a lot around that. That is totally another topic. But yeah, I. I totally agree that a life has changed. And I think that's another reason. That time when we were talking earlier on in this broadcast and about connection with others, we have to be even more mindful now to have ways to connect with other people. Because you know what guys we are. We're becoming so distant from each other and it starts feeling like nobody cares about anyone and not not in total. Like I said, I don't like labels for things and I don't like to look at things being one certain way. But I really do miss the way life used to be when I was a kid growing up. And I see my mom talking to the neighbors and. And I spend, you know, just like taking cookies over to a new neighbor and welcome them to the neighborhood. And you know, not feeling like do you go out and you. It was just you'd look over and you see your neighbors say hey, how you doing today and sadly, back. A lot of people don't even know the name of the next tournament. Didn't even say hello to them. It's like I just. And that's been in my lifetime and it's scary to me because I just feel like with covet and the disconnect that even really accelerated things even more. What that's going to mean in the future. But anyway, that's not enough. Another one. So I. Yeah, I think that that what we started with for the tipping was, you know, a pretty good break in for a podcast. I mean, I know that there's going to be a lot of variety for us. There's going to be some of our podcast. Probably gonna be kind of emotional. Some that are probably going to be like opinionated and what we want to hear your opinions as well. Or when I say opinionated. I dunno for what. I dunno if I go into politics. I don't know. That can be kind of tough one. But you know, people's strong feelings. There can be some things and even tipping there can be strong, strong feelings about that. I mean this. Anything we talk about could be. But we want this to be wholehearted. We want this to be this podcast to really speak to you and really stir things inside of us. At times they may be very emotional because we're not really afraid to talk about anything. We've been through a lot and you know, sometimes when you talk about things it may seem sad, but that's life right right there. I think that what I just mentioned about connecting with others. Sometimes we fail to want to talk about things that might be hard to talk about. And we're hoping that with this podcast we can all get better about that. I've been there to talk about things that are hard to talk about so we can be supportive to one another and. And learn to connect with other people more, you know. And connection. Sometimes you know it doesn't even mean money. Money is the furthest thing from it. Sometimes it's just a Hey, how are you doing, man, I've been thinking about you. Or. Hey, you know, how's life ban. You know I heard that you got laid off your job. You. Now man, is there anything I can do to help you out ? You know I just being more humane. One another and ourselves and John Grace towards ourselves to. I was going to say to wrap up. I think that's really what we're wanting to come across. The most genuine way possible with all this. Is that a two degree. What we're going to be talking about it are the kinds of things that come up in our own lives. And you know, I think naturally that is going to be authentic and genuine and real just because the. The way in which we. This all comes into focus is going to be like I said, authentic and real. And in a lot of ways. I think as humans, we. We share more in common than we even understand. So the voices in our heads about certain things. I'm sure going to resonate with a large, you know, cross section of our audience, but may not resonate on every note. But since our podcast is also eclectic, I think there's going to be a lot for everyone there. And I think for people that are that enjoying. And I'm not saying that I'm a genius or you're a genius. But I do think that we like to talk more cognizant, lean more intelligibly about things, and some instances we might not even know what we're talking about. But that's the great part. I think we're going to be having an open conversation here, and we're going to be inviting open conversation. So you know, while we will be putting out these podcasts regularly, we're not beyond feedback. We're not beyond community engagement. And that's I think what we're actually hoping to kind of start with here. You know, while we have not decided fully on the name, but right now we're going to call, we're going to call the PCP the Polychromatic podcast. And you know, there are some other ideas that were spit balling. One was to throw it. There was possibly the Locution podcast. There were, as you said, the the multi and a focal multi you multi - hued podcast. I don't know there. There are lots of different ideas, you know, I. I thought maybe the unnamed podcast. But unfortunately, as we're living in today's world, we're finding so much of these ideas are. Have been squatted on and it's where we are living in an idea saturation era where because the internet and because search engines. All it takes is one person posting something to one website doesn't even have to be a website that they put together. They don't even have to register the domain name. They can claim it as their own because they posted once about it. And quite honest. Some of these, I don't even think are actually bend. And you know, I squatted on by people. I think that there are programs, people write and they just mix words together and then they publish them on the web. Because some of these you can see you're just complete junk websites. So in the final thing is when to say real quick here. As far as creative pursuits in the past, you know, I'd say five years for me is I have been limited and I shouldn't feel limited. But I have been limited in creative pursuits because we are. Are in this, you know, idea of squatting saturated mode that we're in right now where it's hard to find an original idea. The original ideas if they come from our own head, and we're not. But I see from our own head. Disclaimer, Art informs art, and art inspires art, and we're all influenced by art in other people and ourselves, etc. So I'm not. When I say original, I mean something that's clearly not plagiarize something that clearly we came to our own idea about. But then we'd go to Google and we say perhaps someone's already thought of that. And apparently that's where we're at with. This podcast is not the. The topics you know. I'm sure there are many other podcasts out there that discuss a you know, wide range of life topics like we do. And that since maybe we're not doing something different but we. I'm confident we can make it our own in a way that is going to be very different from anything else that's out there. And that's not be conceited. I just know from the deepest part of my heart. Now finding the name and the ideas that fully capture it's. To the degree and finding one that's not taken. That is going to be a bit of a challenge yourself for this first download. For these first couple of downloads, we apologize that we were in a bit of an identity crisis at the current moment. But and with time we are confident there were. Even. Reach our points with that. As far as where we go next from here. And you know we're doing this out of the love for it. We're not expecting fame or fortune or anything. Know this, but are we passionate. Yes, have we Do. We have a history of listening to talk radio. Yes, do we have interesting conversations ? Yes. Do we want this to be something that not only works at it about, but you guys can be excited about ? Yes, could this eventually be something that if you guys want to support us with, we'd allow your sports with an absolutely. Course. We don't expect it though. We certainly appreciate it if you do. We've already believe it or not, gone a couple donations already and we even got. Haven't even got our foot on the ground because people conceptually that sort of knows and some people that don't know us can get behind it. Yeah, that's really that. That's a lot of support. And I think it's just from our hearts of wanting things in this world to be better and the way that Ted, Zach and I both love people in general and. Most important thing. Yeah, most important thing in the world. We both really feel that way. People are the most important thing. Relationships is the most important thing, but also kind of looking forward to when we go live because I think it'll be really cool if there's a topic that someone wants to talk about. How we can incorporate that in our podcasts Because you know, there are some things that out there that even though, like Sack saying, we think outside the box were at Lactic, there's really nothing that we wouldn't be willing to discuss. And and you know, at depth and whole heartedly like that's the whole thing. I think that that's what's gonna make this really different is the hearts here, the passions here, the connections here. That's what we want. We want that with you. We want you to to to be a part of our lives and in just. And a voice. We want to hear your voice, our voices, your voice. We have a shared voice. Yeah, we have a shared voice and things. And even if we might not agree on everything, that we can connect on some level because you know the world is disconnected. Button, how do we get it reconnected was not going to happen magically. It's like what can I do or Zach do to reach out to try to help connect people. And I think that's probably one of my biggest sprout drives and passion for this is not only talking about interesting and exciting things, maybe some sad things, but all different kinds of things, but also connecting and meeting people like. I love meeting people. I love hearing about people. I love to learn about their lives and learn about their culture. Love, love and inspire one another. Yes, and I think that's what this world needs now. And I feel like I've been looking for a creative outlet. And I feel like you've been looking for a creative, expressive outlet. And I gotta tell you, I was watching some Bob Ross the other night and I'm realizing we need to restart that as well. And we did it for what was it ? I think it was in Christmas of twenty sixteen. We haven't had a Christmas, by the way, in the past three years. So that's kind of where the money for this setup came into existing. As my mom and I. We split the cost, fifty fifty, and we we we we got the green creme de la creme, la creme de la creme de la creme and the French. They say the. The. The the best of the best. I. I think I feel very pleased. And you know, it's like we're both transparent. But we feel like that at the more that we do these podcasts, she'll find out more of who we are and some of the experiences we've had and learned to get to know us even deeper. About our own, our own events in our life, and how things have influenced us. And And really, I think after you hear some of those things, you're going under. Really understand why we want to connect with you. And we want to do good things in this world because that's just kind of what we've come to, you know, like we've had to revamp our world again because of some significant changes we went through, which we'll share with you at some point. And this podcast is as just trying to give more in this world and experiencing life in a fuller way. Because you know, sometimes throughout life we change and changes come. Sometimes when we lose something that's important to us. Or change comes as we need to grow. And change is a difficult thing to go through because it takes a lot of work and sometimes it can be really hard. But when you reach it to the other side, you'll learn a lot about yourself. And it's taken a lot for us to get this podcast up. And. And I'm saying a year ago we wouldn't have been able to do this for various reasons that will get into another time. But I'm just happy to be sitting here a second and doing this today because it's something that we both have agreed upon that can be a big part of our new lives together of. And since. Significant events in our life. And sometimes you need to move forward to other things so that you can let some things go in and transform yourself into something different, right ? Yeah, I was just gonna say back to the Bob Ross stuff. It's a. For me, it's these. You've got some black justice of things I hadn't seen before. Some really beautiful things. So you know, it's for me. Sometimes seen art or seen other people. Really inspires me, you know, and helps inform the. Direction. And it's gonna be kind of. You know, for me and we can discuss it. I like I said, I don't want to be. I want to be as authentic and real as possible without how. Who I am and what I present here. But also don't know how much I. Once you provide explicit details about our lives, but I'll leave that choice to you. What you want to share, and I'll obviously do the same. But yes, we've had. We've experienced a lot of things in our lives that's probably are outside the norm, you know. And I think maybe maybe it's added value to really picking at life to understand which parts are important, which parts are not as important. And I think that's a. You know, for us, this was such a thought process to get to this point. You know of us actually doing this. It's kind of surreal that we're even doing it. But I do think that there's some value to what we can put out there and hopefully people will see that. I am not sure if everyone will get our podcast just because we do tend to think a little bit differently about things. And. And we are weird, I think in a good way, but for the right people. I. I think that's what's going to set aside is is is not going to be so much a filter on on what we say. But with that being said, we're. Also. I think I can pride myself in saying I'm not an asshole. I don't pride myself on being an ass or being a bad person. So, and I don't think you do either. So that's kind of the beauties. We can be authentic but also be cognizant of other people's feelings and in other people's point of views. And I think there's a lot of opportunity here to explore those things like. And right off the start it might be just eclectic. You know, one podcast at a time. I was even thinking with us doing tips tonight is that the end of tipping. Are we never going to have another podcast on tipping ? And I think we'll have to talk about it by thinking the answer is generally speaking yes. Once we've discussed a topic. We won't revisit it unless we want to. In which case we'll probably say the name of the podcast we visited, you know, But that will occur just all the more when we're focusing on one topic to realise that's it. We're done talking about it. I mean, it doesn't mean that we won't talk about tipping in some other form. Another podcast, but we're not going to spend a whole episode talking about tipping, right ? Oh, there's so many things to talk about. It's like endless. And I'm with you all the way because I think to be creative and to be able to experience different topics is going to be the biggest part of this is being able to really even maybe sometimes learn from what other people have to say, that maybe know more about something than we do. Which I think is really awesome because hey, I am so open for learning. It's not like when I'm doing this podcast enhanced podcast, cause I know everything. Cause that's so far from me either from what the way it is. Rather, it's just like we're putting our voice out there to be a voice, to show we care to be to be, give it impacts, yet to give it impact. But with that being said, oh my god, I'd love to hear, like God, some some different topics that we talk about that someone may know a lot about others have some experts on the show. Yeah, and that's yeah. We're looking forward to doing that too. Is maybe having some people talk about something that's really fascinating for some people and a great learning process. Because I love to learn. I love to learn. I. I. It's to me, it's never ending throughout your whole life. And. And if you're open for that and I have no problem with someone saying to me, Hey, I know more about this than you do. Hague, You probably do. I mean, I'm not saying I know it all. Yeah, tell me what you know because I want and I want to learn about it. Yeah, And so I think the format, you know, really, I think it's going to be topics that come in our. In our personal lives that'll help. Informant things that we've ruminated on both individually or talked about. You know, I can see us down the road somewhere when we're a little more experienced. Actually having people on our show, you know where we will discuss. Probably at some point, possibly investing in a phone and having a phone number that you can call to talk to us and more than important than anything. And we're not decided quite on this yet. Where the home of our podcast will be. We will probably invest in actually having their own. You know, the top level domain, you know where you can type in our name, dot com or dot net is called top level domains for those that are not aware in the tech world, but investing in one of those. Of course, no question. But the question is, is this going to become something where we can find existing software that exist and you know, podcasting hosts or podcasting software and on the web that exists that that fits our needs ? Or is this something that I'm going to encourage me to the code another website from scratch to fit the needs that we need it for ? But what I picture is I picture a website that would be easy to sign up for. It's, you know, kind of kind of shockingly easy to sign up for. And that would allow you to first be notified anytime there's new podcast out via email. And you know, maybe would put our occasional newsletter, but otherwise it would be up to you guys each time we. We drop a new podcast on the website to post your comments. And we were even talking about just early stages you're conceptualizing this. Maybe from the previous episode ? We might spend the early part of the episode of the new episode discussing some feedback or some things that we had found out from the last episode, etc. And I was even thinking I'm not sure if this will be helpful, but maybe down the road when we really know what we're talking about. Maybe we might do some post production on the current episode and add some sound bites of some real hard - hitting punchlines. Points of our podcast. So you can have a preview of what we're talking about to see if it's something you're excited about or not. But more than important in any things where one is. Make sure we're including your voice in our podcast. And to do that that would be kind of like your comments. Kind of like a mailbag, you know, letters to us and we would do. First off, welcome the feedback, but second off, that'd be a way that if you were not comfortable. Eventually down the line with us having a phone number we could call. And if you don't wanna call in we would still read your comments. Absolutely yeah, I'm. I'm back you all the way on that. And I think it'd be really cool if we come up with this. This, since this is our first podcast we're able to come up with like that. You know, our little song as the podcast comes on. And another thing that I don't want to leave out. Because you know this being our first one. And you know, I mean, I feel like I'm speaking from my heart and all of that. But I'll say you've got to get used to. I. Zach and my sense of humor. Because sometimes we get we. You may think it's extremely funny. You may think it's not so funny. Stupid. Yeah, that is stupid. That we do love humor. And you know what ? We could learn more from having more humor too. We could. Because you know what humor can help us make it through life. And that means good times, bad times, any times. And to have a sense of humor, you're going to see that on this program. Because it'll be real. It's going to be real. So yeah, wherever you see us, that's where we are today. And again, whatever comments you have, we take. Wholehearted. We want to hear. We want to. If you guys have any great ideas for us, you know, let us know. We really wanna make this something you guys really want to listen to. And we want to make you. We really wanted to make something you can participate in. Sounds fun for you. Like we wanted to make this a part of your life, Hopefully in a way that feels very natural. In a way that it's just the different brushing your teeth kind of. You know, like it's as an everyday. Like that your voice can be heard and it can become part of an ongoing conversation that we're having. And hopefully next time, next episode we'll see as things evolve, but hopefully we'll have found a home for us for the time being, even if it's a temporary one. Eventually we do build your own website and. Or, you know, like I said, all those features built up, but more than importantly, will least hopefully have an email address set up so you guys can send us your feedback and your ideas and nothing's off the table. If you're saying his AK, you know, no offense, but you know what the sound sound design portion of this. But you were too loud or your mom was too loud or you know, I don't like this. Sorta like that. Ways to improve. You know, this is a learning experience for us, and we know that goes against our instinct. We want to be perfect right out of the gecko, but we are open to that feedback. We want to be, you know, just sound as good and as authentic as possible. So even if you don't agree with certain topics, we're open to it. We're not. It's not beyond us to admit if we're wrong about something if it's brought to our attention either. I. I think generally speaking, we're all entitled to our opinion, but it's important to state something is an opinion versus a fact, right ? That's the biggest problem with. Just don't be mean to me. No, I'm just saying, you know, we're both really highly sensitive people that really take everything that you say to heart. So we can take criticism. But be gentle. Be gentle because it could break our heart for the whole week. And then we mean is, don't know what's going to happen. Guys are gonna hurt my feelings. I sorry, sorry I had to do that. That's your girl that you go. Voice, this is Jackie here has gone gas. Oh my god. Sak. Well, you know I feel like if you've got good advice, I need a man's voice. Don't worry, we'll be working on that baby. Alright, sweetheart, Alright, to all of you out there. Hey, take care. You know, when we get to know you, we like you now. But we're going to learn to begin to connect and love you even more. And that's what this is about is creating that community out there of people that really believe that they want to connect. And those are the people who probably really appreciate this. Yeah, and if you have ways that you want to contribute to the show, we. Again, it's not expected, but if you want to contribute financially, etc. Please let us know. You know we'll be putting out information on that shortly. We're not sure if we'll do a patriot thing or for. Just do like I. I'm sorry, what is it a paypal or venmo or how that will work. But beyond that. If you want to become more of a part of a community in the sense that I say you're a musician or you do sound design and you want to contribute in that way, right ? Like you've got id. I've got some ideas for intro outro music. Do you know if you're. If you're gifted in that area and you want to help shape this podcast. Oh my god, that every beautiful. And the reason why I know this is because believe it or not, I got. How long has it been ? We've got gotta wrap this up. But I think it was twenty six years ago back in the day. Iran. Have a fancy for a video game and I cannot believe in the time. Back then I was just learning how to code and stuff for the web. The amount of people that came forward to help me work on the website and I was able to learn things from them and it was. It was a great experience. I mean, you know, we're talking about people that knew how to code, that knew how to do art, etc. So you know we're. We're even open for that, you know, realize that's asking a lot. Was only for people that would be really interested in that kind of stuff. But I could see easily, you know, or they will burn down the road. Get a commission if we need to know from someone that we know or someone that we. Seems like we'll do a good job, you know, I'm not sure if we'll do a fiver or something like that, but a site that we could go on to get some freelance help with it. Or if you want to contribute. Like I said, it might be exactly what we're looking for and we'd certainly appreciate. Again, not expected. But as you picture, looks something like that happening. Because I've worked on quote unquote open source projects, you know, projects you put out there. Throw it there into the ether to see what happens. And sometimes people end up coming to the aid in unexpected ways. So, and you know what else ? I was just thinking of, Zach. This just came to my head right now. We haven't even discussed. This is another thing that Zach and I do. We have these these ideas and we just come out with them. But I think. And even be cool. If there's someone who's wanting to become a musician who had like to play a song on the radio, we really would welcome those kind of things. Because we love. We love all forms of arts. And if there's someone who is like working on like, Hey, our podcast, say, for instance, their podcast becomes quite popular and. And you're really trying to get your your your sound out there. Hey, man, we. We'd be more than happy. We'd love to hear you. So hey, this is endless. This is just like the way that we do things. We kind of put things together as we think of them, and I think that just should. Just from the first podcast, you'll see that we don't have anything set in stone. We talk about, we might have a topic, but we're also so open minded about where this could possibly go. So that's just another example of jest and an idea, you know ? Yeah, and really, I think we had earlier this. These are these do sound like lofty goals in kind of a dream sense. But really, what we're trying to say is the passions there, the passion, the heart and the soul. What we're doing in here so if it doesn't seem like a little dreamy and a little like out there, we apologize. We do have a vision for this. It sounds so like inclusive in so many different directions. That almost seems vague at this point. And it is going to be vague. It is a little bit of an experiment, but just bear with us. With time it'll become more clear and we're even open minded to not know exactly where this is going to go. But we do have some inspiration on where the where things are headed. So I guess that's it. That's it for tonight and forecast for us. Yep, what's the date today ? By the way, today is the fourth row only for another twenty minutes. The fourth of February. Two thousand and twenty three. So this is episode one officially, I guess. Unless we go back constructed from the record, I don't think so. I think we did a pretty good job. So yeah, it'll be cool to see number one two a year later. Eve. Oh God, it will have to decide how we're splitting up by season or how we're going to be doing that. I think they're all going to be numbered, you know, just iterative, but will also spread it out to seasons and stuff, I'm sure. Certain topics, certain episode arcs, if we ever get into that sort of thing as far as when to expect episodes to be put out. Currently, I don't know if this is realistic, but what we were discussing is a seven to ten day rolling window that will try to put out a podcast just so we keep momentum with this. And ideally we'd like to do it weekly. But if we can cheat and just do seven to ten days, I think we can better commit to that. So eventually we will actually commit to an actual day that we do it. And eventually we might be doing it multiple times a day. It just depends where the where the sense of going right daily broadcast. If you guys love us enough, we might be just doing this. To just talk to you all day would be totally awesome. If this becomes a love project where we can pay our bills. You know, I mean, there's the sky's the limit right ? I mean, I wouldn't be against it. I don't know if I'll keep my voice. I'll probably have to work on on my voice to make sure I don't lose it. But other than that and I'm happy to talk on that girl's face. You can change to hell. Yeah, baby. I mean, you know there are certain times I just sound really sexy. In a sense. We have to work on a guy voice for years. Just know we will have a lot of sound effects and make this more interesting too. In time. Just give us time to get things set up. This is like we wanted to get out there. We're excited and we just said let's do one and let's begin. So we've begun and we're starting our journey with your. So hang on folks, we're going to see you a lot more. We will soon and again. Polish as we haven't nailed down the name. It just goes to show that we got the cart before the horse. Well we did, but that's kind of the way that we are. That's where that's what makes us different. Is that we just hope and we are. Yep, exactly. Are at peace and love guys. Until next time he gave me. Well and be kind to yourself. Yes, and be kind to one another. Yes, alright, see ya Thea by